Roddy Family Connection

Started by Abby Glann on Tuesday, December 16, 2014
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Hey crew,

Does anyone have a moment to find a connection for this family: Unknown Profile ?

Thanks so much!

Hey Abby, I assume we have permission to build on this tree from the manager? It's currently a private tree.

No, I haven't asked. The person who requested the connection is not the same who built it up a bit here. If I get a moment I will shoot them a message. The link here is to a grandparent someone else has put up on Geni.

It looks like an abandoned tree - user has not been on since 2008. So we may need to create another one to work from.

I will send the info I have or try to put it in later, Jeff. Thanks for looking into it!

Ok, here is a new profile to work from that's in the WFT.
* Unknown Profile

Dewitt Talmage Roddy, Sr. is A.J. Jacobs' aunt's ex-husband's second cousin 6 times removed's husband's granddaughter's husband's great nephew!

Awesome, thank you, Jeff!

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