God Almighty is not "Deceased" as claimed by geni.com

Started by Private User on Friday, December 12, 2014
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Sorry Erica My typing let me down. I meant "I trust the lineage is reliable"

Do you know the count of connected profiles on Geni? It is 81.5 million. Do you really expect one little genealogy hobbyist to affirm the accuracy of 81.5 million profiles?

Geni does collaborative genealogy. If you have something to contribute - go ahead. Raise a discussion from the profile. Use the contact manager link. Cite the source for your proposed correction.

Do not expect any other person to do it "for" you. I have verifying my own family lines to attend to.

Coenraad, I think you are very wrong that the information on Geni "been allowed to deteriorate". On the contrary, overall the tree is getting better. Dramatically better in the few years I've been here.

If you go back before about 1500 there are thousands of profiles, who are the common ancestors of a high percentage of Geni users. It takes an extraordinary amount of time to make all the necessary corrections, and it's harder because there is often strong disagreement in areas where "reasonable people can differ".

But that doesn't mean it isn't happening. A

s Erica says, if you want to help the best thing you can do is concentrate on a specific area, and start working the sources. It does no one any good to have a bunch of people complaining about generalities and trivialities. It does no good to say, "oh look, the dates are wrong". What helps is when someone does the gut work to find better information, then put it out for discussion.

Being a right brain person the numbers don't really interest me...more the people.
GENI (not Norm) says Rosie's 86th Great Grandfather is G-d Almighty via her "Hager" roots.
On the contrary all our info is available on GENI ...but limited to family members...in fact I have 6 years on you ...we were born in the 1940's. and we have 4 grandchildren. Yonati "Paloma" bat Gedaliah is not listed in the Hager line so all the tzadiks in the Hager line are connected in another way...which I obviously stumbled on.

HOWEVER...I did find out some interesting facts...

In checking YOU out GENI is claiming that :

Coenraad Marneweck is Norm Galston's second cousin's wife's second cousin's wife's first cousin once removed's wife's great uncle's wife's great nephew.
How's it feel to be connected to a long line of Ashkenazi Jews (Raz/Ross/Goldstein) out of a Shtetl called Darbenai in Lithuania...all the way back to the 1600's?

Erica Isabel Howton:
....is Norm Galston's wife's first cousin once removed's second cousin's husband's first cousin once removed's husband's first cousin once removed's husband's niece!
Erica you seem to be connected to Rosie's mothers side .."The Diamonds" out of Russia.

The beauty of Genealogy...WE ALL SEEM TO BE COUSINS..."Hello Cuz's"!!!

Ulf Ingvar Göte Martinsson:
"Where in this line would you put in Darth Vader Norm?"

Well Ulf...as I remember... Darth Vader is the Father Luke Skywalker or George Lucas NEVER wanted...I could see Darth Vader being G-d Almighty's ancestor from a Galaxy Far, Far, Away...
... possibly named "GENI"...


Norm Galston I never looked at our connection before - so cool. Of course we'll have to check it out more carefully to verify it. It's going through, on my side, "Dept Store Steinberg's" of Louisiana but I've forgotten their origin -- I think Austro Hungarian empire (whatever that was in early / mid 1800s; the family were somewhat early arrivers).

I have Goldstein's also of Alsace Lorraine.

Now, everybody has lost the main item:
is God Almighty living or deceased?

God is the conception of life, when all life is dead, God is dead.

Hello GENI Family & Hoo Boy!!!
What a discussion thread! Religion, politics and money is exactly, the three things one should avoid talking about, when one wishes to remain friends... at least that's what I've heard... ;-)

The topic is truly one of the overly discussed sort, of its kind. (And can become extremely, tedious with some discussion partners, I've experienced personally. (Outside and inside of Geni)

Check under the link> Discussions under God's profile. This is not the first.

And since religious/spiritual views are seemingly as diverse as, most of us humans... can be... I find it quite dangerous, as well. In meaning, when tepid waters are to remain tepid waters.

But it looks like, you all have managed to keep things clean, civil and friendly. (Which is highly commendable) :-)

My opinion... (And only that, just my opinion, sans judgement, intolerance or force) my opinion... God, THE Great "IT", as I have named "IT"... is eternal and immortal and shall continue to create and exist beyond all of us or anything, depending on just how THE Great "IT", wishes to have it.

xoxoxoxoTheresa Renée

Turn over a rock and I'll be there, says the lord. Doesn't anyone know about the GOD PARTICLE! The god particle is a brilliant energy in every one of us. It has been proven that energy never totally disperses. It only takes on another form. The God particle is that energy. In Christianity, God created the world in six days and on the seventh he rested. If God only had a 24 hour in a day! One day for a deity could be hundreds or thousands of hours, days, months or years. When you accomplish the purpose God intended for you, you're time on this plane of existence ends. The energy in each of us, " for lack of a better term" is recycled.
While on earth, we must complete our purpose that God created us for. Once we achieve that purpose, we can move on to our next assignment. This is the reason we were given life. No one knows what their purpose is except the Lord God. I am speaking from experience. I have flatlined and was returned to my physical being because my purpose for living was not completed. Everyone thinks God uses a 24 hour day. How could you be so sure of that? All religions are based on the similar rights. I know there is life without having a body. Have faith. Accomplish what you believe your purpose is so you can return to your real home. Whether you are Christian, Jewish or Satanist doesn't really matter. A supreme positive is in everything and everyone. There is also a supreme negative in everything and everyone. We were given free will. The bible or Koran or any religious text was written long after we were given life and is meant to be instructional. The religions of early man are not the same today. ie: Druids No one religion has persecuted or was more deadly than that of Christianity. Thou shalt not kill. Think about the Spanish Inquisitions. Free will. Be good and relish in the light. Be bad, and relish in the darkness. Why do we argue or debate the when or the where, when we should think about the why we were given life.
Minutes after my mother died, I went to the elevator to go have a cigarette. While in the elevator, there was a very distraught elderly man. I told him that his wife has completed her purpose for life and that as soon as he finishes his purpose, his wife will be waiting for him. That his wife has no more pain. Only the people who loved her are in pain because of the loss of her. That is selfish. His wife's loved ones should be celebrating the life she had and the time they had with her. Would they rather she continue dying in pain in the hospital? The next day, I held the elevator for a woman so she didn't have to wait on the next elevator. She was his daughter that stepped into the elevator. She grabbed me and hugged me for what seemed to be forever. She backed away and told me her father was the one I talked with the day before. She was relieved knowing her father felt so much better after I talked to him. Her whole family was overtaken by the words her father repeated to them. She said her father's well being was a concern until that elevator ride. She recognized me from the physical attributes her father described of me,
In a series on TV called South Park, people were told the proper religion on earth was the Mormons and if not Mormon, down you go. I still laugh at that.

God is not deceased! There is no ancestry path to follow before God. A diety such as God or Buddah or God's most perfect angel, Lucifer have no timeline. Time stands still for them. If humans could travel faster than the speed of light would we get older? (Einstein) Only physical beings have a beginning. I am certain that if you don't believe in God (or whomever your religions creator), it doesn't matter. He/she still believes in you and will be awaiting your return home. The same spark that created you will be there to receive you when you leave this dimension. This life on earth is a test. Live well, help others, be kind and supportive to those who are in need. These are the foundations of every religion. Study for your test. Do not walk blindly past the misfortune of others. Get involved and you will have instant joy, given to you by your creator. You can call it Karma, if you wish. Karma is a word defined by the people of earth. God's grace is more correct.

If G-d existed/exists it would NOT be in the human sense therefore how could G-d be dead in the human sense?
Although "the G-d Particle" if as portrayed by you does in fact exist...THAT really makes perfect sense to me. However while the physicists really claim the existence of a "Particle" (the original name was G-d Damn Particle) they DO NOT connect it to a deity!!!
Assuming there is one ruling deity...then man made religions are non-sensical because everyone is talking about the same thing...only the names were changed to protect the guilty!

Soooo nooow why did you add a wife for G-d Almighty??????

Dear Norm,

Read my post again. I never said there was a female lover to God. I only referred to a he/she deity. Not a man or a woman. Everyone is talking about the same deity. Call it what you want. I was raised Roman Catholic. I was baptised and celebrated holy communion. I also attended a Jewish temple. I broke bread with the Hari Kirshna. I went to a snake handlers mass. The human race started before the continents separated. We all were created in Gods' image, to me, that means the G-d Particle.
About the physicists, there has to be scientific proof. I just need faith. You can't prove faith. Scientists believed a certain fish had died off millions of years ago. When a coelacanth fish was found, scientists did a lot of back tracking.

You can find proof, if you have faith.



81.5 million profiles a than 2% of the entire current population and considering the number of people who have been born on Earth in the past 1000+ years that's a very small amount of people that can prove any direct connection with each other.

I'm sure that the true authentic blood relation is less than 1% (.3% would be my guess) and around .03%, maybe .003% that can even trace their bloodline back connecting to the Derkesthai.

What do you call a God that dies and raises from the dead ... Undead. Zombies are relatively stupid, base and mundane, lacking awareness of their disposition but a Vampire- Oupire, possess hereditary transcendent awareness, proving their genetic roots in derkesthai heritage.

As the vampire does not have a reflection in a mirror is symbolic of the gnosis that I am not the body, I AM. In context a vampire can morph into many forms, one being a mist, thus a the vampire understands that I AM a spirit.

Sorry Theresa...
I didn't say anything about "Female Lovers"....I said: "Soooo nooow why did you add a wife for G-d Almighty??????"
Somewhere I saw a spouse connected to G-d on His tree and it said YOU added it!??? Now I can't find it...?
I was just having fun with you. I do have a strange imagination and sense of humor but I try to keep it in check.

Have a Happy Holidays...

I have been having problems in my tree. My grandmother is my 8th cousin!
Probably a glitch. Maybe God is a she?
Merry Christmas!


I usually say when I'm writing about G-d..." He/She"...why not?

Suppose G-d was a she and suppose She made Eve first and Eve became pregnant with Adam instead of the rib story....How would that have changed history if any???
I honestly believe that women really run the world not men anyway.....we just screw it up with all our macho BS!!!

Would she still give Adam an apple?


Would she still give Adam an apple?


Apple Pie...Apple Tarte...Apple Blintzes....Apple Cheesecake......I think She would just start things out with a Big Bang!!!

apparently i have no path to him. of course if i had a fuller family tree it might work.

Hope Bahr
I did not find any connection to you, but your forefathers seems to be
of dutch origins so if you make one breakthrough you would most likely
get connected to the big tree aswell.

my 4th great grandfather came from germany and my 5th great comes up germany too or rather prussia as it was back then i believe.

If you can connect your Bahr, to this line, your in.


Stralsund was at that time a Swedish town in Germany, that later become a part of Preussen. bahr, should mean Bear, just lijke Bieber means, Beaver, funny when I think of Justin Bieber...

I found all I can searching bahr with the surname option on here. All the bahrs that I found were dutch and married distant cousins or my cousins husband someway. Most everyone including royalty is related to my cousins husband

No path to the person you linked me. / I've run into a wall on ancestry as well


Search all the spelling variations.

Behr, Barr, Bar, Beer, etc... Depending on the language and/or dialects, names can have many variants even though, phonetically, they still sound relatively the same.

There's a lot of Bahr's on Geni, considering altered spellings, there's
even more, Baar, Baer Bähr, etc. But then of course, I really don't know
exactly where your hit the wall.


(Yes, I know, this is of topic.)

Ok Mary

I'll check that link

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