Portuguese Cousins?

Started by A.J. Jacobs on Thursday, December 11, 2014
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12/11/2014 at 6:49 PM

Hey Troops,

I have another one for you. I am doing an interview tomorrow with a kind fellow from Portugal, trying to stir up some interest for our Big Family Tree and Reunion over there. I was hoping to get connected to him, so if any of you have some spare minutes and know a bit about Portuguese heritage, I'd love to see what you can come up with!

Unknown Profile

12/11/2014 at 7:23 PM

→ No path found to <private> Candeias. → <private> Candeias
your relative?

12/11/2014 at 8:00 PM

Here's a line connecting you with King Afonso of Portugal (one of my GGFs):

12/11/2014 at 8:15 PM

yes, there should be portugal connections

12/12/2014 at 11:47 AM

Afonso II o Gordo, rei de Portugal is my 24th great grandfather

Unknown Profile

12/12/2014 at 5:18 PM

Afonso II o Gordo, rei de Portugal is my 23rd great grandfather, but it is wrong name… almost like all the kings of Portugal ... assign someone, The Fat, is to insult the person ...Afonso II (Portuguese pronunciation: [ɐˈfõsu]; English: Alphonzo), or Affonso (Archaic Portuguese), Alfonso or Alphonso (Portuguese-Galician) or Alphonsus (Latin version), nicknamed (?) "the Fat" (Portuguese o Gordo), King of Portugal, was born in Coimbra on 23 April 1185 and died on 25 March 1223 in the same city. He was the second but eldest surviving son of Sancho I of Portugal by his wife, Dulce, Infanta of Aragon. Afonso succeeded his father in 1212.
As a king, Afonso II set a different approach of government. Hitherto, his father Sancho I and his grandfather Afonso I were mostly concerned with military issues either against the neighbouring Kingdom of Castile or against the Moorish lands in the south. Afonso did not pursue territory enlargement policies and managed to insure peace with Castile during his reign. Despite this, some towns, like Alcácer do Sal in 1217, were conquered from the Moors by the private initiative of noblemen. This does not mean that he was a weak or somehow cowardly man. The first years of his reign were marked instead by internal disturbances between Afonso and his brothers and sisters. The king managed to keep security within Portuguese borders only by outlawing and exiling his kin.
Since military issues were not a government priority, Afonso established the state's administration and centralized power on himself. He designed the first set of Portuguese written laws. These were mainly concerned with private property, civil justice, and minting. Afonso also sent ambassadors to European kingdoms outside the Iberian Peninsula and began amicable commercial relations with most of them.
Other reforms included the always delicate matters with the pope. In order to get the independence of Portugal recognized by Rome, his grandfather, Afonso I, had to legislate an enormous number of privileges to the Church. These eventually created a state within the state. With Portugal's position as a country firmly established, Afonso II endeavoured to weaken the power of the clergy and to apply a portion of the enormous revenues of the Roman Catholic Church to purposes of national utility. These actions led to a serious diplomatic conflict between the pope and Portugal. After being excommunicated for his audacities by Pope Honorius III, Afonso II promised to make amends to the church, but he died in 1223 before making any serious attempts to do so.

is father is Sancho I o Povoador, rei de Portugal is my 24th great grandfather. Also 2,º king of Portugal

is father, Afonso I o Conquistador, rei de Portugal is my 25th great grandfather…but is also wrong, is name is D. Afonso Henriques de Borgonha 1.º rei de Portugal:

Afonso I[1] (25 June 1109, Coimbra, Guimarães or Viseua[›] – 6 December 1185, Coimbra), more commonly known as D. Afonso Henriques (Portuguese pronunciation: [ɐˈfõsu ẽˈʁikɨʃ]), nicknamed "the Conqueror" (Portuguese: o Conquistador), "the Founder" (o Fundador) or "the Great" (o Grande) by the Portuguese, and El-Bortukali ("the Portuguese") and Ibn-Arrik ("son of Henry", "Henriques") by the Moors whom he fought, was the first King of Portugal. He achieved the independence of the southern part of the Kingdom of Galicia, the County of Portugal, from Galicia's overlord, the King of León, in 1139, establishing a new kingdom and doubling its area with the Reconquista, an objective that he pursued until his death, in 1185, after forty-six years of wars against the Moors.

…in my idea is to respect people, is at least give them their own names, not stupid nik-names…It seems that it is time to remake this whole story ... and end up with nicknames, without any historical sense ...:)

12/14/2014 at 5:03 AM

Unknown Profile, Unknown Profile, can you help?

12/14/2014 at 12:29 PM

It is an MP and I can't change it for you Lúcia Pilla looks like she is on it, let me know how I can help

12/15/2014 at 1:09 AM

William, Carina and Fernando are Portuguese users and perhaps they can help Jacobs to connect Candeias at the Big Tree. Eduardo's post is out of the subject.

12/16/2014 at 1:31 AM

Hi, how can I help?

12/16/2014 at 3:45 AM

Hi Unknown Profile, please see the first message on this post. It's an isolated tree. A public profile to the father of that person is Unknown Profile. Podes tentar encontrar alguma extensão da árvore dele que o conecte à big tree? Pela família Candeias ou outra das que já constam naquela árvore? Ela tem 15 perfis até agora. Thanks!

12/16/2014 at 3:50 AM

Other public profiles are grandfather Unknown Profile and grandmother Unknown Profile.

12/16/2014 at 4:35 AM

OK. I'll have a look.

12/16/2014 at 4:45 AM

Where are they all from? There is no birthplace listed.

12/16/2014 at 5:00 AM

Unknown Profile

12/16/2014 at 11:06 AM

They are from Portugal and Brazil, from what I was able to find when AJ first put me on this case. I just don't have much time spent researching in that region. We didn't get a lot to work with. Let me look at the emails we originally got from Bernardo, as he mentioned Virginia, I think, is connected to Portuguese aristocracy.

12/16/2014 at 3:02 PM

Unknown Profile talvez você possa ajudar a partir da informação de que "Virginia" is conected to Portuguese aristocracy.

12/16/2014 at 6:47 PM

…perfis fechados, não chego lá…aliás é recorrente acontecer isto…o carácter de um perfil fechado, é de não ter relações com ninguém, salvo a própria família fechada de quem eu o meteu…eu tenho-me deparado com outros casos, em que fiz arvores paralelas, para poder prosseguir a linhagem…este tipo de trabalho é absolutamente insano, pois perdem-se horas e horas e tentar fazer uma arvore que já existe, mesmo quando se procura no find, não aparece nada…no final, desaparece todo o trabalho, pois é, digamos assim, auto mergido, numa outra arvore da qual não se encontra, à partida, informação…assim, medram aqui, duplicados e mais duplicados, por vezes errados, que é um desespero, corrigir estas arvores…outras vezes ao tentar mergir uma pessoa, aparecem 2 ou 3 perfiz idênticos de 3 administradores…uma confusão absoluta, que só faz perder tempo e paciência e dos quais um merge pode sair errado…main profile…???…nem sei quem é a Virginia…:)…eu não tenho acesso a maior parte da informação existente no geni…:(

12/16/2014 at 6:59 PM

…confirmo…arvores privadas não tem relação com ninguém…Arnold Stephen Jacobs, Jr., nada…Feliciana Maria Ninhos Pinto, nada etc…

12/17/2014 at 3:45 AM

Eduardo, there are no blocked profiles, just 2 of them are private because they are alive. We are just looking for the relationship between Unknown Profile and her family. May be her family name was "Ninhos". Your help could be research Portuguese archives, not doing anything that you can't here.

12/17/2014 at 10:17 AM


12/17/2014 at 10:32 AM

Em Beja, Exumação de Cadáveres, Óbitos, Ocorridos entre Abril e Setembro de 2007, datada de 2011, consta lá Feliciana Maria Ninhos Pinto, in Diário do Alentejo 2011, in, ISSUU - Edição nº 1544 by Diário do Alentejo , in, https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&amp;rct=j&amp;q=&amp;esrc=s&amp;sou...

12/17/2014 at 10:44 AM

"Brasil, Cartões de Imigração, 1900-1965," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-1-12844-54477-46?cc=1932363 : accessed 17 December 2014), Group 2 > 004578790 > image 70 of 203; Arquivo Nacional, Rio de Janeiro [National Archives, Rio de Janeiro].

Georgina da Encarnação Pinto, Natural de Caniço, Ilha da Madeira, nascida a 4.de Março de 1901, Emigra em 1939…:) com foto…

12/17/2014 at 10:49 AM

Virgínia da Encarnação
Santa Cruz, Camacha 1901
José Ferreira

Não refere pais. Há outra com nome parecido, Maria Virgínia da Encarnação

Ficha Pessoal
Casamento I:
José Nunes Calaça

12/17/2014 at 10:54 AM

Talvez explorar o site onde retirei estas Virginias, http://www.arquivo-madeira.org/pesquisa/casamento/index.php?marido=...

João Figueira Virgínia da Encarnação Gomes Santa Luzia 1876 1516 22
João Gomes Brasão Virgínia da Encarnação Ponta do Sol 1892 4184 5 v.º
João Marques Júnior Virgínia da Encarnação Santo António 1903 6713 A 5 v.º
João da Silva Virgínia da Encarnação São Roque 1908 6772 A 17
João de Freitas Virgínia da Encarnação Santa Cruz 1905 8983 A 22
João António Sequeira Virgínia da Encarnação C.R.C. Calheta 24-09-1927 861 84-84 v.º
João Ferreira dos Santos Virgínia da Conceição Nunes Santa Maria Maior 1869 2121

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