Paternal grandfather's obituary
Paternal grandmother's genealogy
Unknown Profile
Wrong Bynum Bynum Franklin Munn Arkansas Poss Relitive
Olivia Munn is A.J. Jacobs' aunt's ex-husband's fifth great uncle's wife's first cousin's husband's third great niece's husband's great niece!
Here is Donna Marie Dozier Munn's Find a Grave;
I can't get around
→ Maxson Greenman "Max" Irwin
your father → Mattie Elizabeth Irwin (Greenman)
his mother → Henry P. Greenman
her father → Judge John Maxson Greenman
his father → Mary Bliss Greenman (Maxson)
his mother → Caleb Maxson
her father → Tacy Lucy Maxson (Rogers)
his mother → Capt. Jonathan Rogers, Jr.
her father → Naomi Rogers
his mother → Robert Burdick, of Newport
her father → Robert or Samuel Robert Burdick/Burdett
his father → Ann Wilson
his mother → Agnes Wilson
her mother → John Winter
her father → Elizabeth Wyrrall
his mother → William Wyrrall
her father → Jane Done
his mother → Elizabeth Done
her sister → John Starky
her son → Hugh Starkey
his son → Elizabeth Brooke
his daughter → Thomas Brooke
her son → Katherine "Catherine" Brooke
his daughter → Elizabeth Horton
her daughter → Joseph Horton, of Mowsley
her son → Thomas Horton, of Mowsley & Springfield
his son → Jeremiah Horton, of Springfield
his son → Nathaniel Horton
his son → John Horton
his son → Abraham Querton Horton, Sr.
his son → Daniel Brissell Horton, Sr
his son → Hiram Horton
his son → Hiram Houston Horton
his son → Ona Ola Enos
his daughter <private> Sherrill (Enos)
her daughter → Shelby Sherrill
her husband
<private> Sherrill (Enos)
her daughter → Shelby Sherrill
her husband → Estelle Munn (Sherrill)
his sister → <private> Munn
her son → Olivia Munn
his daughter
Dear William,
A.J. Jacobs is Ona Ola Enos's 44th cousin 11 times removed.
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