Vergentlin Chana Shapira (Treves) - son Peretz

Started by Moshe Efraim Ebner on Thursday, November 27, 2014
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11/27/2014 at 12:40 PM

Hi - I've been following this family with great interest seeing as how I just discovered the amazing work done on it and now am on a surer footing as being descended from these people and I just wanted to note that Chana's son Peretz would have been by these numbers 1) born after his mother turned 50 (unusual for that time) and born roughly 3 years after her death (unusual for any time :-))

11/27/2014 at 8:52 PM

Hello cousin--we should be able to look this up in a couple reference books and get the correct information. Most of my cousins descend from her daughter--so I hadnt thought to look at Peretz. Will get back with you soon

11/27/2014 at 10:03 PM

if i look at the shapira-image on geni perez was her grandson/
i have more questions about vergentlyn. Who was her father? Abraham Menachemi Treves or the first Matytyahu or the second Mathityahu?
Who was her husband? Shmuel Shapira or Solomon Shapira orShimshon Shapira?
Or are there more than one Vergentlyn Chana Treves Shapira?

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