Curators: My profile is good enough to be a Master Profile!

Started by Mike Stangel on Friday, November 7, 2014
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Showing 241-270 of 1359 posts

Famous Dutch Painter Jules Chapon.

Private User

Done. How beautiful! I added to one project but there are perhaps others?

Thank you. I feel there could be others as well :)

Petrus Johannes Willibrordus Meure

Hero and Medal Honour of Netherlands for bravery

Private User

Done. Very nice.

:) Thank you

Took curatorship of Petrus Meure

do you mean Petrus Johannes Willibrordus Meure ?

Yes I do Private User

Sorry you have lost me, I don't understand what you are meaning .

Thank you, I understand now :)

Can we MP my great grandfather?

Robert Greene Elliott


Done Anne.

Thank you!

Always a pleasure. Judi

Thomas Tew please mp

"Avast, matey: The Rhode Island Pirate is truly a Master of the trade."

I searched for Bernadette Peters and it led me to this profile:

Bernadette Peters

From what I can see it seems to match the info on Bernadette Peters on Wikipedia at

I glanced through this discussion and the master profile guidelines... Whats the process for this? I can't easily tell if it's a family member that added them or if it's just a regular person that added what they could find online. Can it be turned into a MP?



Thanks for asking, John.

For notable living persons, the Non-claimed profile can be requested to be made into a MP; one of the co-managers has to approve it. I've made the request.

re: "For notable living persons, the Non-claimed profile can be requested to be made into a MP; one of the co-managers has to approve it." --

Sounds like - if you have a living non-claimed Family Member who might be considered "notable" and whose profile is currently offically only managed by non-family - and the Family prefers privacy - you better make sure to duplicate and merge so a family member will be a manager, and kick off the non-family manager(s).

ds. Klaas Schilder and ds. Herman Johannes Schilder

prominent figures in recent Dutch church history

Aan: George J. Homs

Hebben we inmiddels geen behoefte aan een Nederlands-talige gespreks-lijn om te vragen om een MP-sticker op profielen van de LAGE LANDEN? Misschien geen verkeerd idee om belangrijke predikers & / of predikanten, notarissen, burgemeesters, etcetera te beschermen tegen teveel samenvoegingen en managers... Misschien wil jij zo'n discussie-lijn beginnen op het Portaal voor Nederlandstaligen? Dan zal ik eens rondkijken welke van de door mij beheerde e/o aangemaakte profielen ik 'in de aanbieding' heb. OK?

Bedankt alvast!

Just created June Brown, MBE
Could someone please make her an MP or do what you do when celebrities are still living.


Private User,

MP created and you need to finish adding in her family.


Private User, dat lijikt me een goed idee. We hebben inmiddels ruim 360 volgers op die Facebook groep - en het merendeel daarvan zijn trouwens geen gebruikers van Geni - maar de Geni profielen die we posten stimuleren natuurlijk de interesse. Start je er een gesprek over op? Wellicht in het Portaal? Misschien met "Genealogie in de Lage Landen" in de titel - want dan is het meteen duidelijker?

Could someone please make Dixie Browning an MP and do your thing for living people :-)


Showing 241-270 of 1359 posts

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