Curators: My profile is good enough to be a Master Profile!

Started by Mike Stangel on Friday, November 7, 2014
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Showing 61-90 of 1359 posts

thanks mr Wodyński

Dear Curators,

You just never know who you're going to run into while hanging around with dead people! Here is a doctor who helped with the surgery on President McKinley after he was shot. McKinley did not survive, but Dr. John Parmenter, M.D. should be recognized for his efforts to save a president.
Jessie German

Thanks, Kevin!

An American Actor profile, for MP consideration
Leonard King Lesser

Private User,


Thank You Kevin!

Dear Curators,

Here are Hon. Ernest Harold Cluett, U.S. Representative and his wife, Margaret Robertson Cluett . I think he might be my first unique US Rep. Doesn't look like he stood out or anything, though. ;)
Jessie German

@Jessica Marie German, it's done. :)

Best wishes,


Thanks, Karol!

Dear Curators,

Here is the founder of Children's Memorial Hospital, Chicago, IL, Julia Porter , and her granddaughter's husband, Michael Wolf Straus , United States Commissioner of Reclamation in the Truman administration.


Jessie German

Angus Wood-Salomon, thanks!
I also have, from the same immediate family, Eliot Furness Porter , a noted photographer. He has a brother who was a painter, who I'll get to shortly.

Jessie German

Angus, et al,

Here is noted American painter, Fairfield Wadsworth Porter , and his wife, a noted poet, Anne Elizabeth Porter . Very talented family!

Jessie German

@Jessica Marie German, done. :)

Please consider this profile, for an MP
"Ronnie the Bren Gun Girl"

Thanks, Karol!

Thank You Erica!

Dear Curators,
Here is an important person from the American Revolution: Major Joseph Hawley .
Jessie German

Could these 6 profiles be made MPs please, , ancestors of THE Humphrey Bogart.

Thanks, Eldon!

Nice 'About' descriptions for the Bogaert's, Alex (e.g.: Gijsbert in den Boogaertman family)

Jehanne Allardin

Born in 15th century France. She is the wife of Pierard Caufoureau (MP), Mayeur de Fourmies et de Wiggnehies.

Erica Howton

See my request above for Jehanne Allardin

So everyone understands, I added her and her family and requested Erica to be the primary manager.

Make her an MP Erica!!!! Pretty Please :) :)

Thanks Dan but credit where credit is due (actually i have no idea where it's due, i just tidied up the mess).

please make Dean Charles O'Banion a master profile

Dion O'Banion is a 'character'! (Some light improvements made to the about and details of locations.)

please make Cornelius Cornelisz Bogaert a mp

please make Johannes Bogaert a mp

Showing 61-90 of 1359 posts

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