Connect Nelson Mandela?

Started by Eowyn Langholf (GFR Cousin Coordinator) on Thursday, November 6, 2014
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Anyone want to tackle connecting AJ and Nelson Mandela? Thanks!

Unknown Profile


Unknown Profile do we think this might be possible? I know of no Europeans in his tree?

Yup gals, I think you're stretching on this one. Nelson came from Xhosa royalty who did not leave Africa. As far as I know none of his descendants have married into European lines last I looked.

There is a marriage connection here that I put in a while ago that gives many white South Africans (including myself) a distant but plottable path to Nelson: Where Unknown Profile married Unknown Profile, an ancestor of Nelson's;
But if it hasn't already connected Nelson to AJ, I wouldn't hold out a lot of hope.

If Nelson is connected to Coenraad,

Coenraad to you
Unknown Profile
I have path to both you and AJ

the rest is easy

You're a step ahead of me there, Jadra. I was just about to put that
AJ is my 52nd cousin 12 x removed
Coenraad is my 6th great aunt's brother
Nelson is my your 6th great aunt's brother's wife's husband's first cousin thrice removed's husband's first cousin once removed

But surely the programme should already be able to plot the connection between AJ and Nelson in that case? Unknown Profile

No, Sharon, you need to walk that part yourself, it is too complicated for Geni
I am almost there

Waiting in awe :-)

long and twisted - goes across the savanna through small village in Croatia etc...

Woweeee! :-)

That is just ... Strange.

Wonder what he would have thought of this connection

Unknown Profile

Thank you, Jadra.

Actually I never thought to plot Nelson's connection to some of the infamous architects of apartheid.. That would be even more strange.
Right now my push pin link between two profiles where one of them isn't me doesn't seem to be working: but that's a fun afternoon's activity to try and plot :-)

Erica, how is John Baker related to Mandela?

Sharon, push pin is quite temperamental, you have to try it few times from different profiles, I have never figured out what actually I do to get it working (when it does not work especially reseting back to me)

Agreed Jadra. Have been trying to 'remind' it that it can do it for the past hour :-)

Finally got it, and now we have Unknown Profile

Hello gateways ...

So chuffed - I spent weeks adding and researching and adding to Nelson's family tree to get it right before he died, so it's really gratifying to see that it has given you guys a connection to him too. :-)


I am related to Unknown Profile Mandela and Unknown Profile II of England and AJ too.

Hope it helps.

Sharon, yes, it would have not been there witout you
the only people this recognisible i can offer is
probably Nikola Tesla or Tito
Actualy, my link to Tito goes through Jewish connection
so that one might be quite interesting

:-) Now I wonder if my connection to you gives me a connection to them?

Thanks Lizette

Hi Sharon, You are my 8th cousin too!! and Eowyn is my 20th cousin once removed. :-)

I am working it backwards from you also

Unknown Profile
Willem van Wijk, SV/PROG 2 is my 10th cousin 11 times removed.

Unknown Profile

Reallygood website for Gravestone Picture Library

BOTHA Gerrard Ewoud Overbeek 1839-1930 & Jacoba Maria Christena PIENAAR 1845-1913

Welcome to eGSSA - the virtual branch of the Genealogical Society of South Africa.

I did it, Nelson Mandela is William Owen "Bill" Irwin's 13th cousin 8 times removed's wife's brother's wife's husband's first cousin thrice removed's husband's first cousin once removed!

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