Erica, are you related to Taylor Lautner? I noticed a woman named Sabine Martel from Nova Scotia on your family tree.
Unknown Profile
According to a tree here on geni, Taylor's maternal grandmother was Ina Martel or Martell (married name Publicover), who was from Nova Scotia (here is her genealogy).
A relation seems all but certain. The problem is, Ina Martel seems too old to me to have given birth to Taylor's mother (mid 1960s). I think the geni tree is mistaken, but, it's possible it's just a generation off, and Ina was actually Lautner's great-grandmother.
I started a thread on Lautner and a few others a while back. I was hoping to conclusively identify Lautner's maternal grandparents, but it's been difficult. Still, the Martels are a good lead.