Thank you from me (and Dr. Oz)

Started by A.J. Jacobs on Wednesday, October 29, 2014
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THANK YOU all! Just got back from taping Dr. Oz and it went really well. He was excited to find out he was related to George Clooney. Plus we talked about the importance of getting your family medical history. Genealogy can save lives!

It won't air till November, but I'll send a link.

Once again, thank you for your amazing hard work on the segment. Also, the entire staff is psyched that they are on the Big Tree, so we got a bunch more people to come to the reunion. 

I couldn't thank all the researchers by name, but I did give credit on air to the amazing Global Family Reunion research team.
Thank you again. Posting a photo in the GFR photo section.

You're looking a little like your 7th cousin's ex husband

Unknown Profile

In this photo. :):)

Glad it went so well. Funny that Dr. Oz is enjoying the Unknown Profile connection.

Ha! Good point Erica. Live long and prosper.

You're welcome, AJ. :)

That's cool, about a couple weeks ago, I also found out that I'm also related to George Clooney too. I'm sure you don't know me I'm also enthusiastic in genealogy too.

Dustin Schrull

Did you all realize that Leonard Nimoy's ex-wife is a direct descendant of the Vilna Gaon? Very cool. See my relationship to LN and go up from his ex-wife to the Vilner closest to me. He's the son of the Vilna Gaon. I know this because of the possible relationship by marriage that I have to the VG.

"Anne Zorber is your 51st cousin 12 times removed."
That makes one of Nimoys child also a cousin to me!
Thank Hatte for showing your tread.

We all want to be related to Spock!

We all want to be related to Spock! By the way, his parents are from the town next to my great grandparents' town in Ukraine (Zaslav).

I agree, he's a real idol for me and I usually do not idolize people.

I didn't know that Hatte -- so cool. I did know that the Vulcan salute is related to the Kohane hand symbol. But did not know about the Vilna Gaon!

Unknown Profile

Your relationship to the Vilna Gaon prompted checking if there was a path to me......

Eliyahu Zalman, Gaon of Vilna is Pam Karp's sister-in-law's husband's nephew's wife's great uncle's wife's great niece's husband's 6th great grandfather.

Unknown Profile

Your relationship to the Vilna Gaon prompted checking if there was a path to me......

Eliyahu Zalman, Gaon of Vilna is Pam Karp's sister-in-law's husband's nephew's wife's great uncle's wife's great niece's husband's 6th great grandfather.

Very cool Unknown Profile.

Unknown Profile -- I'm hoping that it turns out that I am closely related to Spock since we are from neighboring towns!

Unknown Profile and
Unknown Profile

Not so close for me..

BTW, growing up in South Africa we did not have TV at all until after the 70's. I had no idea about Spock until this thread.

Leonard Simon Nimoy is my husband's first cousin once removed's wife's brother's wife's 8th cousin's ex-husband.

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