What genealogy sites/blogs are you thankful for and what does genealogy make you thankful for?

Started by Eowyn Langholf (GFR Cousin Coordinator) on Thursday, October 23, 2014
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Hi guys!

We're working up some posts for November about genealogy sites/blogs and have a couple questions.

What blogs or sites have you been most thankful for in your genealogy endeavor?
What has your family history journey made you most thankful for?

If you want to share your answers here, we'll include them through the month of November.


10/23/2014 at 12:59 PM

It surprised and thrilled me to find American Revolutionary War ancestors, we had had no idea. And once there's one, there's more.

The Daughters of the American Revolution free database has been instrumental for us being able to develop our tree in this era. A wealth of genealogical records.


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