Whoopi, Rosie P., and Rosie O., and Nicolle
Whoopi Goldberg is my first cousin 8 times removed's wife's second cousin 9 times removed's ex-partner.
Whoopi Goldberg is Rosie Perez's ex-husband's second cousin's husband's first cousin's wife's 7th great aunt's husband's first cousin 9 times removed's ex-partner.
Whoopi Goldberg is Bob Marley's partner's husband's aunt's husband's half sister's husband's first cousin's husband's first cousin four times removed's husband's second great niece's husband's first cousin's husband's wife's grandson's ex-wife's son's ex-wife.
Barack H. Obama, 44th President of the USA is Whoopi Goldberg's ex-partner's 6th great uncle's wife's third cousin 8 times removed.
Queen Elizabeth II is Whoopi Goldberg's ex-partner's 7th great aunt's husband's second cousin 8 times removed.
Maya Angelou is Whoopi Goldberg's ex-partner's first cousin four times removed's husband's fourth cousin once removed's wife's second cousin thrice removed's wife's first cousin twice removed.
Rosie Perez is my 9th great uncle's second great niece's husband's great nephew's wife's fifth great niece's husband's first cousin's wife's second cousin's ex-wife.
Pío de Jesús Pico (the last governor of Alta California under Mexican rule) is Rosie Perez's ex-husband's second cousin's husband's first cousin's wife's fifth great uncle's wife's second cousin once removed's wife's second great nephew's wife's brother's wife's first cousin once removed.
Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the USA is Rosie Perez's ex-husband's second cousin's husband's first cousin's wife's first cousin 8 times removed's husband's first cousin four times removed.
Lenny Kravitz is Rosie Perez's ex-husband's second cousin's husband's first cousin's husband's great uncle's wife's sister's husband's wife's nephew's wife's first cousin's wife's sister's husband's third great niece's ex-husband.
Bob Marley is Rosie Perez's ex-husband's second cousin's husband's first cousin's wife's first cousin 6 times removed's wife's first cousin once removed's husband's fifth great granddaughter's husband's uncle's wife's nephew's wife's half brother's wife's nephew's wife's partner.
Barack H. Obama, 44th President of the USA is Rosie O'Donnell's second cousin once removed's husband's second cousin once removed's husband's uncle's wife's second cousin four times removed's husband's first cousin 7 times removed.
George W. Bush, 43rd President of the United States is Rosie O'Donnell's second cousin once removed's husband's second cousin once removed's husband's uncle's wife's first cousin four times removed's husband's first cousin's husband's fifth great nephew.
Edward I "Longshanks", King of England is Rosie O'Donnell's second cousin once removed's husband's second cousin once removed's husband's uncle's wife's 19th great grandfather.
Nicolle Wallace is my first cousin 8 times removed's wife's great granddaughter's husband's sister's husband's first cousin five times removed's husband's second cousin's wife.
Nicolle Wallace is Rosie O'Donnell's second cousin once removed's husband's second cousin once removed's husband's third great aunt's husband's first cousin once removed's wife's great niece's ex-husband's first cousin four times removed's husband's second cousin's wife.
Nicolle Wallace is Rosie Perez's ex-husband's second cousin's husband's first cousin's wife's 7th great uncle's wife's husband's first cousin 8 times removed's husband's second cousin's wife.
Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the USA is Nicolle Wallace's husband's second cousin's wife's 7th cousin five times removed.
Margaret Thatcher (The Iron Lady) is Nicolle Wallace's husband's second cousin's wife's fourth cousin once removed's husband's aunt's husband's brother's wife's nephew's wife's husband's mother.
Brad Pitt is Nicolle Wallace's husband's second cousin's wife's fourth great uncle's wife's fourth great nephew's first cousin's husband's first cousin twice removed's ex-partner's husband.
Jennifer Aniston is Nicolle Wallace's husband's second cousin's wife's fourth great uncle's wife's fourth great nephew's first cousin's husband's first cousin twice removed's ex-partner's husband's ex-wife.