Zombies please

Started by Mike Stangel on Tuesday, October 7, 2014
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Showing 2911-2940 of 3382 posts

Please help.
Daniel Francois Kokot
was conected to the incorrect parents, I removed him and wanted to merge him with his duplicate profile with correct parents. Now I can't because his profile is private.
This is the one where he should be merged.
Daniel Francois Kokot

Please also complete this merge, a 3rd profile for Daniel Francois Kokot. (see my previous message. This profile is in an abandoned tree.

This profile, Daniel Francois Kokot just incase the merge link won't work after the previous merge.

Private User
They are all merged. You will have data conflicts to resolve.

Eldon Lester Clark Thank you, no problem. Will have a look at the conflicts now.

Private User I killed all thirteen in your dozen zombies

Thanks Arie

children of James Chaseling

Private parents and spouses

Private User,
Elsie Emily Vidler - Smith (Chaseling)'s parents are now public. Since both husbands wer born after 1850 you'll have to ask manager Private User about making them public.

Right now the husbands are private profiles and not zombies

Private User,
I did find quite a few zombies in James X CHASELING's family but his children were already public when I checked.

Thanks Ann

A quick question - why is 1850 the benchmark for deceased? - the oldest living person in the world was born in 1899 which would make it that anyone born pre 1899 would no longer be alive. I know there has to be a cutoff but 49 years seems a big buffer.

Another quick question - is there a way for me to tell if someone is private rather than a zombie (I am a basic user). That way I won't ask a curator for the deliberately private ones unless they are abandoned.


Private User,
I could make a long story about it but right now 1850 is the agreed upon cut-off date for privacy on Geni. This came into affect shortly after Curators received their 'super powers'. People may of course choose to add all of their deceased relatives as public.

We are allowed to click the deceased button for zombies.

Private User,
Private and zombies look the same so there isn't any way for you to know if they're zombies or private. We'll just keep checking like we've always done :-)

And the "ghost profiles" look the same TOO, except they have no managers.

mine aren't "ghost profiles" - just profiles that for the most part the manager left as private (either by mistake or design) and then abandoned GENI. Slowly working my way through them.

Private User asked "is there a way for me to tell if someone is private rather than a zombie"

One way to tell is usable if you can work out which the profile is in the search engine results. Then filter on living or deceased, and see if the profile still shows in the search results or not. That way you will know which it is.


Private User
Pierre Hanchard

Thanks Angus - I keep finding zombie infestations.

Ann Osborne
John Miners

Private User

Private User

Showing 2911-2940 of 3382 posts

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