Zombies please

Started by Mike Stangel on Tuesday, October 7, 2014
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Showing 1291-1320 of 3382 posts

Thanks You

Kimberly Louise Fraser

Mary Sarah's parents & grands are now RIP.

Took care of Margarieta & a double handful of others in that branch.

rvk done those two

Private User,
Maaike Leenheer is done

This is a zombie: Katherine Rodman

She should be merged with Katherine Rodman

Arie: I got a number of others in that clan, too ... the 'lower branches' are cleaned up a lot as well ...

Private User

Profiles have been made deceased and public around Elisabeth Marinusse Sandee

Carole (Erickson) Pomeroy,Vol. Curator

Thanks, I had withdrawn already my request.

Alfred William Kleu and children are all private profiles. Could somebody please have a look if we could lay them to rest?

Private User,

All done.

Kevin Lawrence Hanit, thank you. Now I can add sources.

Private User,


Thank you. Maria Elizabeth Magdalena Soekoe, b1c5's children please.
It looks like this whole family's marked private almost back to the late 1700's

This user Private User has blocked most of us and /or also privatized many of the profiles added. If these people are historical notables Maria Elizabeth Magdalena Soekoe, b1c5 and Johannes Paulus Soekoe, b1c1 we could make them Master profiles

It's very difficult for me to see if these are the people I have sources for if the profiles are private. I believe Jan Paulus Soekoe, b1 to be a SV/PROG. Maybe I should just create new profiles and merge the ones I can.

Private User

Yes do that, again I also suggest to get one of us to Master the ones of importance

Angus Wood-Salomon, thank you. I'll do that.

We have to be careful here, Maria Elizabeth Magdalena Soekoe is Erik Meldal-Johnsen wife's second great grandmother meaning we must allow privacy to be paramount here.

No problem. I just want to add everything I can and link the tree where need be.

Nothing stopping you from doing that

Showing 1291-1320 of 3382 posts

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