Zombies please

Started by Mike Stangel on Tuesday, October 7, 2014
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Mary Sanford Drexler, I think I got all of them for you.

This profile is private. So is a child and spouse of said profile.
Thank you in advance for fixing.
David Finley

Private User
David Finley and others done.

Private User,
Justus Lodewijk Zange is done

Tamás Flinn Caldwell-Gilbert,

Merge has also been done.

Eldon Lester Clark Thank you.

Richard Page wife born 1794

Got Richard Page.

I cannot be certain, because i cannot view it, but i think that the wife of this man, who lived from February 13, 1896 to 1932:

Julius Yitzhak Loeb

and who is herself here:


Is probably deceased, unless she is among the world's oldest living human beings, well over 110 years old. I would like to research her, but i cannot, for obvious reasons.

Can someone check her status, vis-a-vis life or death?


Private User,

I suspect that there is a valid match on Patrick Byrne, Convict "Rolla" 1803.

Tamás Flinn Caldwell-Gilbert,

Got her and a few others around her.

Eliphalet Parker, Sr.

Bunch of zombie wives and children

Capt. John Alden
Zombie wife and children

Rebecca Delano

Zombie husband

Could a curator please make living all the descendants of this TV character. I can then sort out the real people from the fictitious and report them Amelia Jessica "Amy" Pond, [FICT]

They should all be deleted. The real people will or are probably showing up in other, more correct trees.

Private User
All the fictitious profiles and the manager had already been reported and are cut from the tree

Thanks Bjorn and Eldon

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