ATTENTION Curators, please assist

Started by Mike Stangel on Tuesday, October 7, 2014
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This question may be simplistic, and if so, i apologize, but i could not find an answer anywhere in the support documents.

Yesterday a friend of mine visited and asked me to place his family tree online at Geni -- but he only knows the tree back to the date that most of them immigrated to the USA from Russia circa 1900. He has about twenty names in his tree.

He is not related to me and although we tried all of the names in his tree, none were matches to the geni World Tree. (The names were found on census documents at, however.)

He does not want to join Geni, but he does want me to put up his tree online at geni as a non-private tree, with full names searchable by google, so that in the future someone may find a path to connect him to the World Tree.

I cannot find a way to start his tree. The thought occurred that i could make a fake spousal link to him, enter all his family data and then break the link to him, but that seems messy and creepy to me.

How or where (at what URL) do i start his tree and make sure that it is public, as he wishes?

Thanks for your help.

Catherine Anna Manfredi Yronwode,
Once your friend does not start his own tree, you are in the tricks ballpark.
Profiles of living people will be private by definition.
Hope it helps, Itai

Connecting someone's tree via a fake link is not a good idea at all, because you won't be able to disconnect it (without a help of a curator).

To create a new, separate tree in Geni all you need is a an email address. If you (or your friend) don't have a spare one you can easily create one from a number of free providers. Then join Geni and enter the profiles you want. Sooner or later someone will find a connection and connect that tree to the 'big tree'.

I've done exactly such a thing for a number of friends. I created new email addresses, joined Geni with them and entered the trees. Then I passed management to the friend (if they were interested) or kept it myself if they were not.

Thank for the rply, Ital, but i seek some clarification.

First, i do realize that all living people in his tree will be private by definition, but this only includes three people. The other 20 or so ancestors and their siblings are all deceased and should be public.

When you say "in the tricks ballpark," are you suggesting that i do what i thought to do?

I will do it

(1) if it does not violate a rule at geni that will get me expelled or my privileges revoked) and

(2) if i can, afterwards, absolutely and forever break any familial link to him. Not that i don't like him as a friend, but ... he is NOT my relative (yet) except insofar as all European Jews are more or less cousins.

Please, as a curator, give me the go-ahead to do this.

Thank you, Oton. This makes more sense to me. It is a different trick, and one which, although it seems sneaky, is more comfortable to me.

I will do as you recommend.

The method I use to start a not yet connected tree (celebrities, for instance) is to create a sibling to myself, disconnect from parents, and build a new tree from there.

Erica, but what Oton seems to be saying is that as a curator you could do that disconnect; however, as a mere pro, i could not make the complete disconnect.

Please advise.

Pro's can "split trees," which is the operation you would perform (profile view > edit profile > relationships > (select parents at bottom) and tick off the "remove" Box > save and close.

It's immaterial where you disconnect the new node from in fact. I more often do it from a random historic profile so my family news is not impacted.

Oh curators,

is it possible to unmerge AElflaed?


She's properly the daughter of

Ealdred, Earl of Northumbria & Bernicia

and NN

Here's a Wikipedia link for an overview of the family:

Anyway -- CAN this be done?

Private User,

Let's ask Private User to have a look at it and do the unmerge them if required.


Excellent! I will message her tomorrow.

Dear Curators: I have found a problem in our tree. Edit by Edward Salier June 7, 2015: There is a generation missing and Wulff Levin Fraenkel is showing two fathers. One of the fathers, Issachar Berman Fraenkel, is actually Wulff Levin Fraenkels grandfather.

Louis Fraenkel's chart is incorrect. Wulff Levin Fraenkel was the son of Jehuda Leib, who died July 23, 1700 in Zulz. See: Brann, M., Geschichte der Juden in Schleisien, Vol. IV, Pg. XCVII. I believe that Berman Fraenkel (Issachar Baerman Fraenkel) was the grandfather of Wulff Levin Fraenkel. Wulff Levin Fraenkel was born around 1666 and Issachar Berman Fraenkel died March 27, 1662 in Vienna. Therefore, proving that there is a generation missing in Louis Fraenkel's book.

Private User,

I suggest this will be discussed within the many managers of that branch before taking any action. The chart error you point out is obvious (if the dates are correct...), but was spread to many other places...

The resolution you suggest means:

1. Merge Yissachar Berman Ha-Levi Fränkel with Yissachar Berman Ha-Levi Fränkel

2. Merge Nechama Fraenkel with Nechama Fraenkel

3. Disconnect Wolff Levin Fränkel from one of his parent pairs

And maybe some corrections around.

Re Albrecht II, Herzog von Braunschweig
there are many private profiles surrounding him, can somebody please make them public?
Children, spouse, parents of Elizabeth van Brabant Hessen (who is NOT his mother, as Medlands says she died childless)

also among the ancestors of Albert I the Tall, duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg there are many private profiles (probably all duplicates anyway)

Arie, I think I've resolved the issues around Elizabeth of Brabant. Please check.

Terry, yes, it looks OK now. The children wrongly allocated to her now have the correct mother Andelasia / Adelheid / Alessina di Monferrato as I can see

thanks, Ard

Dear Curators,
I kindly ask your support to undo a merge that was done by mistake. My grandfather Sten Eskilsson Lundberg deceased in 29/Nov/2011. His profile still looks active although his date of death was already included, but somehow it was merged to his granddaughter Maria Izabel Lundberg.

His profile is showing like (combining information from the 2 of them):
Sten Eskilsson Lundberg

I tried to solve conflicting data but seems it has not worked.

Can you please help to undo this merge?

Private User, since the merge is very old (2012), we cannot simple undo it. I filed a request to unclaim the user, to complete its "deceased" status. Wait 1-2 days for it to happen. Then write me (here, or in personal message), and we'll resolve the rest. I guess we'll have to re-create the profile of Maria, and move the wrong connections around.

Itai Jack Meshulam, thank you so much for your quick response!!

Private User, meanwhile I created a new profile of Maria - see my management invitation - and disconnected Sten's profile from the false parents. The tree should make more sense now. We're still waiting to the unclaim of Sten's profile.

If possible can anyone help with this merge - it's been sitting on my list for a while (two years) and the other person never responded. I should be able to take care of the duplicates once this is completed.
Thanks in advance...

Mohamad - merged but please check follow ups

Mohamad - done as well

Mohamad Habrul Ulum Othman, done - but not all consequences.

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