ATTENTION Curators, please assist

Started by Mike Stangel on Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Problem with this page?


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They are father and son

See the online tree refs I have put in the About of Schalk Willem van Heerden and his father.


My question is how I can change a manager. My sister is the manager of @Susan Graham (Benjamin)
Several people in our family, but she has terminal cancer and would like me to take over her role. Similarly I have recently been contacted by a long lost cousin and would like to enable her to manage her father and his descendants. How do I go about this?
Geni does not allow me to log a request - it boots me back after I decline Geni Pro.

Susan Graham

Private User

I sent you a private message

(No Name)

This is another failed 'undelete'. The profile appeared to restore, but ended up in a tree of it's own, yet somehow states that it is connected to the Big Tree.

Please restore this correctly to the Big Tree.

She is the daughter of Thomas Watson Ferry

re: " how I can change a manager" - probably others wondering as well, so thought I would mention - if you are Primary Manager of a Profile - click "Actions", then click "Manager Actions" -- then click "Add a Manager" - it is at this point, IF you are the Primary Manager - that you can choose to make them the Primary Manager. Even if they are already a Manager - you have to do this (ie ask to add them as a Manager) to then be able to say Make them the Primary Manager. AND - then they must accept the request. (Possibly Curators have a more direct way to help -- but this way is worth knowing.)

Private User

My "tricks" to correct aren't working. I've set up a dup under Thomas Watson Ferry to hold the correct position and am escalating to Geni support. So sorry for the trouble!

Private User

Another curator was able to complete the merge. We're now restored and I believe fully & correctly -- please check.

Looks good - thanks for the help.

Lois - you knew more than I did! I believe you're entirely correct, and well worth mentioning. Thank you.

Can you help me move an email address ( from one profile to another?

The profile with the incorrect email address is on Louis Becker Sr:
Private and should be on the profile for his son - Louis Becker III

Louis Becker Sr. is deceased. Thank you .

Need some help with a merge please
i was able to do most of his family but for some reason (i'm still new to merging) I can not get him to merge. Could it be the other profile is listed as living?
Alden B Severy
Thank you for anyhelp

Private User,
You're right Mel, Alden's duplicate profile wasn't marked deceased. He is now so you can go back and complete the merge :-)

Private User
There is definitely something wrong with the profile you created, When I tried adding as a child to Philip it crashed. When I tried merging your profile with the one I added it crashed,

I added her to the parents and gave you management. I strongly recommend deleting the profile you created

Private User

Thank you so much Ann

thanks Angus Wood-Salomon

wish people wouldn't delete profiles without consulting a manager first or for no reason,

Hi, Mohamad Habrul Ulum Othman.
The first and third ones are done. The middle one involves a recently active manager. He should be contacted since the person in the profile could be living.

My dear cousin, Karin and I built up our family tree in Geni a few years ago. Sadly Karin got a disease and passed away very quickly. At the time she managed 172 relatives.

How do I get access to Karins profile and can enter her death date?
How do I become the manager of all relatives she entered?
This must be a rather common situation and I can not find a resolution anywhere in the wiki files.

Please help!

/Bjorn Hedlund
Björn Olof Hedlund (Johansson)

Björn Olof Hedlund (Johansson)

To report Karin as being deceased go to her profile
Karin Hartung

Unfortunately if one of us reports her tree as abandoned..... management of the profiles may go to someone else but that ok


Hej Björn Olof Hedlund (Johansson). Jag är ledsen för din förlust. Gå till Karins profilsida, klicka på knappen Actions längst upp till höger, och välj Report. Ett av de alternativa du kan välja i dialogrutan som öppnas är Deceased. Förklara vad som hänt och Geni-teamet kommer att släppa profilerna som Karin hanterad till dig, eller till närmaste aktiva användare.

Björn Olof Hedlund (Johansson)
I Karins profil uppe till höger finns en klickruta för 'Åtgärder'.
Under den finns ett alternativ för rapportering. Där rapporterar du dödsfallet. Customer Service kommer då inom ett par dagar att bekräfta att kontot avaktiverats och du har då möjlighet att komplettera profilen med dödsdatum och -plats.

Stort Tack! För snabbt svar.

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