Thanks Jim Wile tried all that, been speaking to Geni rep on twitter about it they weren't any help either. So for the time being I'll just stay away from Geni until it decides to play nice.
For the record guys I'm not a pc novice, been working on computers since before desktops/laptops and before windows, so I know when its me and when its a program thing, in this instant I feel I'm blocked, whether its just a program glitch or someone changed a setting I dont know. But I do know its not my end.
I have been going hard at it the last couple of months and thats because I feel I'm living on borrowed time and been trying to get as much into the tree as I can and verify it for my nieces and grand nephews to have in the future.
Anyway enough I'll piss off and come back in a month or so to see if its going to let me in.