ATTENTION Curators, please assist

Started by Mike Stangel on Tuesday, October 7, 2014
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This really is getting old Private User

The first mail I ever got from you you actually called all Danes idiots. I might actually be able to dig this mail out again. Still I tried to work with you. So you seem to have an extreme selective memory.
When you say something offensive to someone, your excuse it is just because you have been provoked. If someone says something back to you we are after you and have personal negativ feelings towards you.

Honestly? I dont know who you are or were you come from, but were I come from people react badly when stept on.

I did not delite your profiles. I disconnected them because you continously tried to add extra child to Gorm the old for instance.
According to you it seems that all danish historians need to quit our day job. Empty the museums and the universities because according to you we do not know anything about history.

So it seems to

Have you asked yourself this question Ulf. Why do people act to you like this.? I tried to work with you and to be honest the first time we disagreed on anything you became offensive.

So maybe if you stopt the constant attacht people would be willing to work with you.

I am pretty cure that you will react badly to this message or just try to ignore it.

So I will just to save you some time report my answer to CS right away and tell them how I see this. Along with yours as well ofcause. Otherwise this message will not make sence.

To clear up a possible mis-conception:
"... co manager of ... especially the ones that more or less usually often do get mixed up."

If I quoted the intent correctly ... that is not your 'job' (to be a co-manager to "maintain" such profiles).

It IS the job of everyone to point out the issues and provide the evidence supporting the 'correct' data & relationships. And then to request (in the appropriate other Public sticky thread) that such oft-confused profiles be made into Master Profiles -- which, among other things, means they can't be merged.

It is the Curators' job to protect such key profiles.

Sorry but, This is the first mail you got from me.

"Hej Anette.

Jag slättade en profil som var helt fel, eftersom personerna som satte dit den inte hade kontrollerat källorna utan bara utgått från förnamnet på maken, samt satt dit en kvinna som dennes hustru som inte föddes förrän långt efter det att han själv var död. Hustrun var alltså gift med en namne ett par generationer senare, så hon finns kvar där med korrekt man.

Hade hon fått stå kvar hade ju hon förekommit på två platser,

N.N. Pedersdatter Eberstein

Hon var gift med en Jens Grubbe, inte Johannes Grubbe, hans förfader.

Johannes Gundesen Grubbe "

I searched hard to find anything at all where I called all Danes idiots, but I couldn't find anything, but I did find this question addressed to Anette.

"Jag har börjar tröttna på rena idiotier, vad är det du sysslar med?"
(I have started to get tired of idiotic behavior, what are you doing?)

Apparently Anette translated the word "idiotier" to "Idiots" and obviously also into the meaning that all Danes are idiots.

In the following up mail I admitted that it was a bad choice of word and apologized for that. I could have used the term "nonsense actions" instead, (just another semantic lesson) I could have chosen not to react, but I should not pay for something I did not order so when Anette continue to tussle with me, and throw out threats, "So I will just to save you some time report my answer to CS right away and tell them how I see this." I do understand that I am fighting not against the truth, but against ideas, where she, as a curator has the upper hand no matter what may emerge, but to be clear and summering it all up, when I correct the mistakes of others, I get charged for it.

Private User

"Ulf, my experience with most of your requests is that you usually fix one tree by destroying another, - for example by cutting parents and spouses. It has even happened that you first have changed the names and dates to fit your request. They is why I have started to warn others to just jump on your requests."

Who says your experience are right? Usually I let everyone belonging to a certain family follow with them and regarding fake profiles, let them pass away into nothingness, they didn't belong there anyway.
By the way, I just noticed that you are a collaborative partner to my brother, maybe he can explain what We are doing.

Need help in merging them, as one, they should be one common profile, not two, and secondly, not married to each other. And no, Her name wasn't
N.N. Pedersdatter Eberstein, just if any one wonder.
Above are a link that justify my request, her name wasn't (yet again) not
N.N. Pedersdatter Eberstein, this was just an error made by a curator,
the real N.N. Pedersdatter Eberstein was married to another one, and are still existing in the right place. N.N. Pedersdatter Eberstein

And yes Björn, "It has even happened that you first have changed the names and dates to fit your request." I yet again had to change this ones name from N.N. Pedersdatter Eberstein into just N.N. to fit my request.

There are nothing to discuss, the one who named her made an error, I corrected that, if they continue to make errors, I correct that. When it comes to structural damage, they are often made by other bad merging, to fix it means work, this work must be dealt with sooner or later anyway, I make it rather sooner than later and the amount of problems are not more because of me, rather in the end less.

And as for Anette Guldager Boye threats, you have already once blocked me for the same reason, nothing new has arrived, yet you are trying to make new consequences from the same thing, that is very undemocratic, because no one in any free land, would accept people being convicted twice for the same crime. When I claim that I still being obstructed in different ways because of that, your actions, I'm right.

This site are not a land, but the values of the people governing Geni should at least be derived from some good guidelines and principles known as common sense. Hopefully they can at least distinguish between what is good and bad in the long run for this site, people who are correcting mistakes, or people making them.

Again this is a result of a bad merge, and undo merge is the correct solution

Since you use finnholbek as your source, here is the other profile.

... the lesson being, as explained before, that genealogical issues should be FIRST brought up via (new) discussions under that profile's Discussions tab.

Such a discussion, upon its creation, will automatically notify all the active co-managers (and a curator, if it is a Master Profile).

If a curator is needed to resolve the issue ... such as investigation of mis-merge vs. incorrect parents in an otherwise accurate duplicate branch ... and a curator is not already involved with that discussion, then a quick note here, pointing to that discussion, should get the correct people involved.

Too often, asking for a specific "solution" (e.g.: remove these wrong parents of XYZ) is only a symptom of a deeper issue to be resolved. And that is where profile-specific discussions are quite proper.

We seem to have no other option than to undo merges and renames and start locking down these lines.

About N.N. Pedersdatter Eberstein you are all wrong, Bjørn is wrong, Ulf is wrong, DAA is wrong and Finn Holbek is wrong. Daa is a terrible source to use when it comes to the danish parts of the families von Eberstein and von Everstein. They have been mixed up al because the letters "v" and "b" look alot alike in the gothic writings and because they used alot of the same firstnames. And DAA have given alot of the members of the von Everstein family, the name von Eberstein, including this daughter of Peder Ludvigsen von Everstein.

Her lastname should be von Everstein like her father's, and this also goes for her sister Margrethe.

When it comes these two families using DAA and (since his sources are only DAA) is bad genealogy. All of us that have been working on the von Everstein family in Denmark for awhile know about this and are not using DAA or as a source without keeping in kind the mixups in DAA between these two families. Please tread carefully when using DAA and/or when working with the von Everstein family. Or better yet, ask one of us that have worked alot with this family.

You are right, - this is not the first time von Eberstein and von Everstein is mixed, just correct the names and lock the profiles with a curator note.

Another job here is however to clean up the bad merges and renames and get rid of duplicates.

Hello- I am entering all my known relatives before I upgrade to the pro subscription. I am already seeing matches with known relatives, and some "newly known." I have tried to contact the profile managers in order to merge, but get the prompt to upgrade my subscription. Does this mean the other profile managers are not professional subscribers? Could I ask curators to do the merges?

@richard louis davis - my own profile, see the several matches in my immediate family to profiles added by Charles M Brown.

Probably butting in here, but I don't see any matches. If you upgrade its like the world opens up for you. How much will you save by waiting? False economy I think. If you get lots of duplicates, could be a real mess when your tree "Lights up". Just my experience, having been free/pro. Shaz

Private User

1. You are still complaining about you being reported the first time. So that I have to react to. Eventhough you very well no why. It seems to me that you are clearly holding it against me that I told you no.
And Ulf it was accussations that caused you to be reported. It was facts and your actions to them.

2. You misunderstand the concept of what I was saying. I do not waist my breath on Threats. I merely told you what I was about to do. Telling you up front.
On top of that I also reported my self, because I did not keep my professional distance here in this threat with my reaction to your constant accusations. I should have.
Had it the first time around when I reported you.

3. Obstructing you. Actually I am trying very hard to ignore you. You just that extreme diffecult and you should not take this as a complement.

I will lieve CS to sort your accussations and complaint out. I think they are the right one to do so.

Rick Davis you added 214 profiles sofar, 86 of them are marked as deceased. Within those 86 I see only one suggested duplicate, but that refers to two sisters Gallagher, both added by yourself.
If there are others that I overlooked, please provide a link to those profiles

Remi Trygve Pedersen
Private User
Private User

About the Everstein/Eberstein. profiles
DAA actually state that they think the Eberstein part mentioned in the Everstein bloodline is a misrepresentation.
They are all Eversteins. The Ebersteins around in the tree should be changed to that.
I have recently send a mail to the man on Aarhus university that made that remark. Hope to here from him soon to see if he has some input on that.

The Eberstein is an entire different family. Mut maybeee this should be taken up in a discussion around the Everstein family.

Remi Trygve Pedersen
Private User

This about the history of Tybjerggaard says exactly what shows in

Tybjerggaard, Ejerhistorie

Tybjerggaard er en af landets ældste herregårde. Gården kendes tilbage til 1200-tallet, hvor den var ejet af Jens Sjællandsfar. I 1325 gik gården til hans datter Margrete, der var enke efter Henrik Eberstein. Deres datter, Cecilie Eberstein, blev gift med en anden Eberstein, som senere overlod Tybjerggaard til Peder Basse.


( -1325) Jens Sjællandsfar
(1325) Margrete Jensdatter, gift Eberstein
(1372) Gertrud
(1374) Peder Ludvigsen Eberstein
(1382-1388) Peder Basse

I try again.

Remi Trygve Pedersen
Bjørn P. Brox.
Ulf Ingvar Göte Martinsson

About the Everstein/Eberstein. profiles
DAA actually state that they think the Eberstein part mentioned in the Everstein bloodline is a misrepresentation.

Here the mistake is most likely repeated

It's the same person, regardless if it say Eberstein with a b or v.
Dritte Linie
Ludwig I., Graf von Everstein (1224–1284), ∞ Adele von Gleichen (1254–1258), Tochter von Lambert II. ∞ Sophie von Orlamünde
Albert VI., Graf von Everstein (1254–1284) ∞ Marianne (1283), Viborg
Albert IX. (1299) ∞ Ingerd Jensdatter
Albert XI. (1336–1349) ∞ Ingeborg
Waldemar (1404)
Heinrich IV. (1349)
Hermann IV. (1349)
Ludwig VI. (1343–1347) ∞ Tochter von Vendelbo, Petersdatter
Peder I. (1344)
Ludwig VII.
Ludwig V. (1315–1328), Marschall und Kammermeister, Ritter in Hammershus ∞ Else (1333)
Peder II. (1345) ∞ Cäcilia von Everstein
Maragarete (1401) ∞ 1. Mads, ∞ 2. Johann Moltke

No regardsless of Bor V. That is what makes the mess of this line. Another profile of Everstein all of a sudden was connected to the Eberstein in Germany. Here is no relation what so ever.
So for this bloodline to in order. It is need to start from the beginning and check all the data.

Could somebody please take a look at the children on this profile. After a merge 3 public and 4 private profiles.
Hilda Marie Farabaugh

All the children of Hilda Marie Farabaugh have unique names so all is in order.

could some please disconnect this profile Metske Metskes as the son of his father Metske Ubles

I made a mistake and missed Metske Metskes born 1590 real father. Metske N. is really his grand father.

Dorothy Smid please check if it is now as it should be
What I did was very simple and you could have done it yourself, don't need curator (or even Pro) privileges for that.
I first added a son for the grandfather, gave him a wife, and then switched the parents for Metske Metskes (in the relations tab, which you as manager of his profile also can see)

Please remove John Raymond Jeudwine, DSO, OBE, DFC, Royal Air Force (Group Captain) from the Order of Bath project. I accepted a request to add him to the project, and asked the requester to add the details in the 'about' section, but he then apologised and said that the request had been made in error! I have not been able to find any information on removing profiles from projects. Thank you.

Sheila Gordon,


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