ATTENTION Curators, please assist

Started by Mike Stangel on Tuesday, October 7, 2014
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All now marked deceased. I expanded some of their profiles, but still more work to do,

Private User please calm down
I noted that you are NOT a manager of Jens Marvardsen Hvas, af Ormstrup while Anette Guldager Boye is, together with two other users. And as curator of this MP she has not only the right, but even the responsibility, to review any changes made to it by others (such as yourself)

Private According to FaG, Franklin Oliver Madsen has the wrong parents.

Calm down?
I am calm.
Here's another example of what I consider to be a misuse, she blocked this profile. Unknown father Earlier she had nothing against that the led was set to a man explicitly said to be without any known children, I. Led - [Rani]

The line looked extremely stupid, so I change it and made a comment, but I had no intention of locking the profile down, so am I being stalked or what? I have found countless examples of grave mistakes in the line of my forefathers and some of them are controlled by or curated by her and I really think that there should be someone else that take over the role as curator, someone who at least are to be taken as a serious person.

I should not have to be afraid or fear the risk of being blocked yet again on lose grounds just because I find it important that the profiles are set up in line according to the sources and that children, with or without offspring, are counted in as well because that actually strengthens the credibility of the tree, especially if some of the other siblings partial lack fully or good own sources.

Repeating another request. Anyone of you who want to help?

Mette Hansdatter Myndel only had two husbands, and her father or brother? was NOT one of them, please assist in removing relationship with Hans Hansen Myndel

no need for a public discution Sharon for disconecting from the false atributed parents
Françoise Rousseau

i using ATTENTION Curators, please assist because i am sur at 100% of the line (from french canadian and european records)

Private User
Hans Hansen Myndel has been removed as husband!

thank you Dan Cornett

Thank you very much Simon ( Goodman !

Ard van Bergen
Anyone, pro or basic member are able to fill in information in the about me section regardless if they are the curator or manager of the profile as long as the information are relevant and correct and the profile are not locked.

If this is not the case, please point out where that is stated so I can correct my behavior accordingly.
(I know that some user seem to prefer empty profiles, but that's not mine problem).

Eldon Lester Clark I did a little research and it turns out that the parents listed on FAG are wrong.

Private User
of course, everybody can add (or delete) information to public profiles, that is not the issue under discussion here.
However, you explicitly said that the MANAGER of a profile has NO right to change what another user has added, which is utter nonsense. Basically you are saying that the manager of a profile has less rights on that profile than you as a non-manager, which is obviously untenable.
Anyway, if you really think that Anette Guldager Boye is acting unfairly with respect to you, you should report it to Customer Service

curators are not get involved in this discution
participant are not willing to read and coments

so i think i will be using a new way of geni tree
its gona be called The Bonzai geni tree

i take a branch make a double of it we will call this a clone so in the futur it will show alternate geneaogy tree including the real one and the fictional one(btw the bonzai is allready grow )

i had a reminder to make chretien dubois marquis is only a poster add for the family assosiation nothing more i invite all curious participant to look at this discution ortherwise it will make me the ONLY PARTICIPANT in this line and proceed to disconection of few profiles

could I please get some help removing this profile and mergering all her ancestors to the right profile of her she is now her own wife LOL Saep Meyerts van Haersma

I put her as the wife of the wrong brother back in 2014 , it's been bugging me ever since.

I should clarify that Saep Meyertsdr Jellama was never the wife of Sybe Melles Jellama
... she was the wife of Wybe Melles Jellema

if someone can fix this I really would appreciate it

I should clarify that Saep Meyertsdr Jellama was never the wife of Sybe Melles Jellama
... she was the wife of Wybe Melles Jellema

if someone can fix this I really would appreciate it

Also can someone make all the brothers have the same parents... they are not half brother Nitte Louwerens

Romcke Louwerens; Gerryt Lauwerens; Nitte Louwerens and Nees Lauwerens Louwerens they have the same mother and father.

and in this profile Gerryt Laurens Lauwerens
his mother was N.N. Jacobsdr.
not Griet Jansdr

Martin - re

Thank you for calling attention to it. There are indeed deliberate (or naive) fraudulent pedigrees constructed for the 17th century US Huguenot emigrants, I've seen a couple of doozies.

It can be a little slow to unravel when pieces show up on Geni, but perhaps working together we can. I for one appreciate the help, but do ask patience. :)

Dorothy Smid please check all the issues mentioned in the last four postings
I assume you were talking about the wife of Gerryt, not his mother in the last post?

Martin RhNegativ, there is a need to let the managers of Françoise Rousseau know that you want her parents removed because you believe they are wrong, and to give them the reasons.

You have no reason to believe that they put it there to deliberately lay a wrong trail: it looks like someone copied it over from a MH match.

The reason to let them know is because it's polite and collaborative, and allows for the outside chance that someone has information they can give us to show how the profile got there. That helps to prevent the profile just being put back - in the event that you are correct (which I have no reason to doubt that you are.)

@Ard van Bergen

You are right ..Sorry it should be Laurens Gerryts
is the son of N.N. Jacobsdr.
she is the other wife of Gerryt Laurens Lauwerens

Dorothy Smid
OK changed that as well now

can you make Tyets Sybes Jansdr the daughter of Sybe Melles Jellama
and wife NN. NN.

I cant merge these 2 profiles as the same person ... can someone help?

Folckert Wybes Jellema

Folkert Wybes

sorry Please disregarded the top post

it should be Folckert Wybes Jellema and Folckert Wybes Jellema as the same person

@Ard van Bergen

I messaged you privately.. please read before merging the Folckert Wybes profiles

...(side bar) ... one can delete their one post if it has errors which you catch right away. That's often less confusing than a second "correction" posting.

Leslie Ann
they are private profile

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