hello Curators
i will ask a merge from this 2 profiles finaly resolve in hapyness the childrens togheter
Chrétien Maximillian duBois de Fiennes, Marquis de Fiennes
Chrétien DuBois
this merge will make those profile the family of dubois in USA finaly reunited :)
Louis "The Walloon" DuBois
Jacques Du Bois
but its not time for party yet this merge will create a BIg mess not to mention
like explained in this simple to understand discusion
Peter Alan Dutton, Jr.
Kevin Lawrence Hanit
or other curators plz make the merge!! after its very simple disconect the children from this fakery line do some one have records? THE ANSWER IS NO
in this discution =
29/11/2015 às 9:07 PM
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Isaac Dubois / Du bois was disconected from chretien dubois. and dont have a brother name Louis dubois
no records i had to do it!
here you can read
VAN METEREN FamilyThe ancestry of Sara DuBOIS the wife of Joost Van Meteren c1656/9-1695/8
as appearing inThe American Descendants of Wicres, France, Part One New Paltz, NY by William Heidgerd. pub. by the DuBois Family Association ,1968, contains the forged line created by Gustave Anjou and repeated in this volume.....AFF Note. Be aware that Mr. Heidgerd was not aware of the forgery of Anjou material when his book
was written.
now all of this you can read in english Madam Pomeroy
its very easy ,,to figure out ,,,
Jeanne Masic Brunel
Fille de Jean Brunel et Jean Jariot
Épouse de Chrétien Maximillian duBois de Fiennes, Marquis de Fiennes et Chrétien DuBois
we need to merge those husban after disconect all the childrens from parents
louis francoise jacques =PARENT UNKNOW
i take all responsibility of this merge+disconection
its not for cultural or the language that the assosiation of those family in usa use the ancestor its only for a benifit of A(Noble) just to get a name from a claim but its all lie prouved from the info that evry one must read !
Note du conservateur Peter Alan Dutton, Jr. (28/11/2012):
Do not merge with Marquis de Fiennes - see research below about by DuBois Family Assoication!
i wil not be held in hostage! NO WAY