ATTENTION Curators, please assist

Started by Mike Stangel on Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Problem with this page?


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Showing 3661-3690 of 5946 posts

Jonathan Scott Krengel request for unmerge made.

Private User
Thanks , I have a way to propose
The enter of a Profile can be the same that is is in Myheritage
You no have problem with born surnames and married surname
This clarify the World tree
Just a examplle
John Smith son of William Smith son of Douglas Smith
John Smith Barry son of william Smith Courtouis son of Douglas Smith Barrymote


<private> Pigola
Cónyuge de <private> Artola Tosar
Padres de <private> Pigola; <private> Pigola y <private> Pigola
Fernando San Miguel
Ver perfil

<private> Pigola
hijo/a de <private> Pigola y <private> Artola Tosar
Hermano/a de <private> Pigola y <private> Pigola
Fernando San Miguel
Ver perfi
Estimado Enrique (Henri V) Raúl,

Fernando San Miguel ha borrado el perfil de Alberto Pigola. Si es necesario, puedes utilizar el enlace de abajo para añadirlo de nuevo:

Ver una lista de todos los perfiles borrados que gestionas:

Reciba un cordial saludo,
- El equipo Geni

The samw thing. the sons must be
<private>Pigola Artola

Alberto Juan Pigola Berninzone
Género: Masculino
Nacimiento: 11 de Abr de 1921
Buenos Aires
Estado marital: Casado
Inmigración: 1960
Rio De Janeiro, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Nacionalidad: Uruguay
Padre: Silvio Pigola
Madre: Victoria Berninzone

Is the same person ?

The same
Maria Indart Denis
Nacimiento: estimado antes de 1981
Hija de Pedro Indart Denis y <private> Etchemendigaray
Esposa de Ildefonso Reyes Gonzalez
Madre de Maria del Carmen Reyes Denis; Paulina Reyes Denis; Walter Ildefonso Reyes Denis; Berta Reyes Denis y 1 otro

How the sons d'ont have mothers surname

Sarah 'Sally' Boucher

She has two Fathers

Norway: Kan noen hjelpe: "<privat> sørdal slettet profilene på Bernt Sivertsen Seljeflot, Laurense Olsdatter Seljeflot, Sivert Andreas Berntsen Moltu, Ingeborg Kristofa Paulsdatter Moltu, Lisa Sivertsdatter Moltu, Andreas Sivertsen Moltu, Oluffa Sivertsdatter Moltu, Torsten Baardsen Lunde, Pauline Sivertsdatter Moltu, Anna Bergitte Moltu og Ingeborg Ivarsdatter Follestad" Hun sier hun gjorde det for å bli kvitt eksens tre, og at hun trodde det var hennes private Geni-tre :) Jeg har fått alle på plass igjen, men familierelasjonene får jeg ikke gjenopprettet. Får kun isolerte enkeltprofiler. Kan noen hjelpe?

Her er en av dem: Sivert Andreas Berntson Moltu

[54] it seems that something is wrong here. I and other curators have attempted to reestablish some of these relationships, but it doesn't seem to "take". What's happening?

Mike Stangel retrying tagging - this is in relation to @egeland's troubles

You might have to undelete all profiles that manager deleted before she closed her account.
An undelete always ends in a timeout, at least for me, and thet might corrupt the restore as well.

Yaakov Yehuda Wohl (Yaakov Yehuda Wohl - son)
Yisroel Wohl (Yisroel Wohl - correct father)
Tobias (Tobias) Wohl (Tobias Wohl - wrong father)

I've merged the above 2 profiles Yisroel Wohl & Tobias Wohl on my family tree, believing it's the same person, since all information around these profiles were the same.

After some research, we have figured out (with the agreement of all managers of these profiles) that they were 2 different people, (although related but the relationship is yet to be determined).

Yaakov Yehuda Wohl was the son of Yisroel Wohl, while all listed siblings are children of Tobias Wohl.

I was trying to remove the relationship in Yaakov Yehuda Wohl's profile by: Edit profile > Relationships, "Remove" is disabled with the message "Warning: Removing these connections will split the tree." appearing.

I was trying to assign parents to Yaakov Yehuda Wohl in the tree, and I got a message: "Cannot set parents. Sorry, choosing those parents will split the tree."

Splitting the tree is ecactly what I'm trying to do, since Yaakov Yehuda Wohl was not the son of Tobias Wohl but of Yisroel Wohl, and his listed siblings are not his siblings, they're the children of Tobias Wohl.

Please remove the relationship between Yaakov Yehuda Wohl and Tobias Wohl and his family.

@Yitschok Margareten

Relationship between Yaakov Yehuda Wohl and Tobias Wohl is disconnected

Edward Dunmall
No longer a manager for this account, is there a project for that?

re: Edward Dunmall
No project, it's not really a problem to be solved.
The first merge (or the first to request management) will provide a new manager.

A recent merge on this profile must be incorrect. Can somebody please undo the merge. Thank you. Rassie Maré

Private User,
I've undone the merge.

Private User and Harald Tveit Alvestrand - Sivert Andreas Berntson Moltu is fixed. Sorry for the trouble!

I need assistance here, In an attempt to correct a faulty profile ,i made another profile, after several attempts to get the person to fix the settings on the profile, it should read rosemary phelps, ,However when i asked the said profile to join, they did something to the profile in settings so that i couldnt do anything to it, Please could a Curator fix this problem for me, ? i have two profiles for the same person, It should be rosemary phelps Not Meure :) I live in hope

Also i am wondering how you can undo a collaboration acceptance? thanking you Angelina :)

Rosemary Meure is an active profile and her birth Surname is Phelps.

As regards to stop collaborating, open your profile then ACTIVITY tab, Collaborators VIEW ALL tab. Then select STOP COLLABORATING against the required profile.

Rosemary Meure is a claimed profile

I made that profile !! and so the person i invited claimed it and mucked up my whole line of family?

Private User The revisions tabs on that profile show that YOU changed almost everyone to No Name which caused the problems.

Would you please remove me from the "ATTENTION Curators please assist" thread.
Susan Leigh Graham

Private User only you can do this.

Go to the top of the discussion and click "unfollow."

Showing 3661-3690 of 5946 posts

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