ATTENTION Curators, please assist

Started by Mike Stangel on Tuesday, October 7, 2014
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Showing 241-270 of 5946 posts

is Saint Helier (died 555) on GENi, I can't find him. According to hagiography, Hellerius or Helier was born to pagan parents in Tongeren (now in Belgium).[1] His father was Sigebert, a nobleman from Tongres and his mother was Lusigard.

@Iwrin enter his tree as far as you know it, and someday someone will attach him to the Big Tree. Either that, or Geni will show you the duplicate.

I can't find him either.


A repeat of my question:

1. Is it a bug that when I resolve conflicts with profiles with some locked fields, it continues to have conflicts?
Here is one example

2. Kevin Lawrence Hanit C
11/7/2014 at 9:10 PM
I don't have a clue.
Mike Stangel,
Is it or do curators have to resolve the data conflicts?

3. Jim Wile PRO
11/7/2014 at 9:27 PM
Here is another one (but I have dozens of them):


Attempting to resolve data conflicts on locked fields should send an update request to the curator in charge of that profile.

Now this makes sense, I kept wondering why I got those update requests so frequently. In most cases the updates were not different than what the profile was showing so I always thought it was a waste of time but now I see the importance to do them immediately.

We should tag Private User to look out for the ones that Jim is trying to update.

I use the “Actions” tab of “ View Nearby Merge Issues” and then “Resolve Conflicting Information”, it sends a request to the manager of the profile to approve or not approve changes.

and I think I made a bad merge here.

re: resolving data conflicts on locked fields. Although the automatic request is sent to the 'curator of record', any curator can resolve the data conflict (without changing the 'curator of record').

Justin Durand your the expert is that cool with you? i don't know enough about richard's line to make a guess and i don't want to screw up that line and i don't quite trust his intent here... I smell somthing fishy.

Martin RhNegativ Justin Durand hold off NOT the same person

Can someone help me to assign the parents of Charlotte von Nassau 1703-1740
Charlotte Eleonore Wilhelmine Amalie Alexandrina Prinzessin von Nassau Hadamar, princesse de

The correct parents are Franz Alexander and Elisabeth Catherine.,_Prince_of_Nassau-Ha...

The other father, Moritz Heinrich, died 24 years before Charlotte's birth.

There's a brute-force way to do this which works if the profiles haven't been totally locked against everything. Select the profile you want to change the parents of, select the "move" option, and drag and drop it onto the parent you want them to have. Select parent-child relationship of the appropriate gender. Repeat for the other parent, if necessary.

Charlotte should be properly placed now.

I responded to the Helena question here:

ok thanks

And thank you Michael for bringing to the top of my list.

Martin, in the future could I ask that you not post the same question over and over again in different threads?

You had already brought this problem to the attention of everyone working on that part of the tree.

This Curator thread is supposed to be for people who need technical help from the curators, not people who want to get quicker action on research questions.

i was looking into asking a question here about somthing else entirely Justin Durand and I happened to see his plea wasn't sure if you had allready delt with it. but it looks like you have.

i think you wrong on this one mr Swanström
let ppl work for the pleasure of geni
surly you see somthing that i dont. and it comprise somthing. but the information is all over internet let merge them.

you said in the discution those are fake...comon

you have created alot of fictious profile you telling me that you have working for nothing....and fake profile are accepted then refute as only fake after deep analysis

and btw ppl working on this area of the tree tend to work only a pleasing side and like to insulting the other branch

i am asking more shearch and aprobation of this merge to become

Martin, please take the debate to the proper thread.

i not not debate i ask merge ATTENTION Curators, please assist

Thanks for the discussion and explanation of resolving conflicts which include locked fields. I do request that Geni rethinks their current policy that a curator must intervene since it is not working well. I have resolved conflicts for the same people with locked fields several times each with no curator fixing them. I end my work on Geni every evening with resolving conflicts that involve profiles that I follow/manage/added. I try to keep my portion of the tree as "clean" as possible. Locked fields should not be a cause for conflicts to go unresolved for months (and in some cases a year or more).
Thanks for listening,

To clarify - We should be able to resolve conflicts for the unlocked fields!

Jim Wile - have you written the curator who is responsible for the profile that has locked fields an email?

When I get a request in Requests to resolve a conflict, I see it and respond to it quickly.

I don't agree about being able to resolve conflicts for locked fields in principle since the idea of locked fields is that they are the best available evidence. Now, you might say that not everyone uses locked fields that way, but that is a separate issue. In principle, locked fields are there to protect the profiles since it's very very common for merges to introduce bad information and with the volume of work on Geni, bad information can slip in and not be noticed.

Hatte Rubenstein Blejer, I am NOT referring to the locked fields. Why shouldn't I be able to resolve conflicts for the fields that are NOT locked???

Ah, sorry for misunderstanding your comment.

I don't know the answer to that, unless the profile itself is locked, which is leftover from before there was field locking.

Please disconnect Jan Willemse Schutt from "wife" Grietje Volckersszen Schut

Alex Moes

One wife Sarah Barents Flaesbeck was born in 1666 is that right?

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