ATTENTION Curators, please assist

Started by Mike Stangel on Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Problem with this page?


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Showing 151-180 of 5946 posts

Martin, I sent a request to Robert Allan Scrivens the profile manager

thank you :) actualy the photo was hes son so i have created the profile

Mike Stangel
When two profiles merge both About sections are now retained with a marker between them "-------------".

I applaud this improvement but would like to point out that another return needs to be added to the code so as to produce:

"Text A"
blank line
blank line
"Text B"

Without BOTH blank lines the desired effect that i think u have tried to achieve does not work, the current display is:

Text A
--------------Text B

Instead of:

Text A
Text B

Alex Moes, I think that has been the case for a long time (no carriage return and all merged About sections kept).

... if the "dashed line" began with a space, then the proper effect would be achieved ... but that's a programming fix by Geni. Gee, maybe a Feature Request (or a bug fix request?) should be put in the Help system.

Hi, can someone please help me remove my ex-partner from my tree (we have no children and I have even married another man and I would really like to close this chapter of my life closed), thank you

Maarja: he is disconnected.

Thank you very much!

Dale C. Rice

Dale C. Rice

evrytime i try to access hes profile i got

An unexpected error has occurred.
Please try refreshing this page in a few seconds.

Ya, odd - I get the error as well. Data still exists though:

hi Jeff thanks for looking ..maybe mr Rice cant access hes acount
..for some time hes not participate into discution..
i try to found hes personal email to ask him but i am unlucky


Dale's email address (which is publicly posted all over the internet for everyone to see) is

Merci Benjamin

here the message i receive from mr Dale C. Rice

Greetings Cousin Mart:

The folks at GENI have suspended my account and erased my name on the account changing it to Private User.

the rest i will share with the permission of mr rice but for now

give back hes acount plz as for all hes work

what hapened here on geni since few time???

its not the first one to be stop to work
Dale C. Rice

Mike Stangel Jeff Gentes


i hope a public investigation will be open as mr rice rejoin soon.
it can be a nice discution to prevent abuse and look how to resolve abuse of the systeme
as i mention hes not the only one its not coincidence

thank you madam Howton

investigation will say if its a bug of abuse of the system

but the important for now is to give back the acount and all the work that gentlemen have work and shearch
btw i have been witness of personal atack day long on geni discution.

it need proper deep look from geni i mean us.

The Geni site itself states that "your account has been temporaially suspended" as mr Rice say in my personal email and it since august he cant acess thats a SHAME :(

Martin you are being accusatory in tone. I do not appreciate it, and this kind of tone interferes with my ability and interest, as a volunteer, in offering assistance. The people who can look into it further have been notified. Now let us move on in this discussion.

its this personal atack?

I have a question, there is a profile of a great uncle of mine but in the path it doesn't show it that way, it has him connected through his wife and her son (uncle's stepson) by marriage to the daughter of said uncles brother.
Sylvester Morgan Wagers

How can I fix this without creating a new profile and having to try and merge this one?

Private User

Erica, I'm not sure what happened but Bjorn P. Brox is the manager of Sylvester's profile and none of his siblings are listed. Karen Rose James is the manager of the duplicate parents that are mistagged as living so I can't merge them.

Roger Jacobs, I've marked Sylvester's parents as deceased, so you should be able to merge it now. Let me know if you need any further assistance with it. :)

Private User

Thank you Jeff Gentes, that issue has been resolved.

Private User

I have been doing research and built quite a tree, going back to 1700s. However, I made a mistake close to where the tree branches to my own branch, and I incorrectly created my great-grandfather - and did genealogical research on the incorrect person. Now I have two great-grandfathers married to my real grandmother. I don't want to delete the tree as I collected the data from church documents, and I still hope that it will become useful one day, either to me or somebody else. But I would like to split the tree, fixing my great-grandmother marriage, which the system does not allow me to do.

A profile Teklė Sladkevičienė has two husbands; this husband is incorrect and should be detached, splitting the tree: Mykolas Sladkevičius this husband is correct: Mykolas (Mikas) Sladkevičius

Can somebody split the tree for me? Thanks.

You might want to verify that the children are attached to the correct parents.

Thanks, all correct.

Showing 151-180 of 5946 posts

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