ATTENTION Curators, please assist

Started by Mike Stangel on Tuesday, October 7, 2014
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I will. Thanks!

Jim, - to get access to resolve and edit all fields of a public profile you have to collaborate with one of the profile managers. You have only access to change fields that are under full revision control.

Sorry, Private User, but you are wrong. I am one of the managers. Geni does not allow a non-curator to resolve conflicts on the non-locked fields of a profile that has some locked fields even when one is a manager.

In that case you should report it as an error, including which fields you are talking about.

Of course, as a manager on a field locked profile you should be allowed to change the unlocked fields.

Personally I dislike any locking, but locked field is locked fields and should not affect none-locked fields, - of course unless the whole profile is locked.

I checked the first profile: The name, birth and death location is locked. What values could you not resolve?
I doubt that the data conflict did not contain any of those values....

An earlier thread by Mike Stangel on 12/5/2014 at 10:22 PM -
Attempting to resolve data conflicts on locked fields should send an update request to the curator in charge of that profile.

When I try to resolve conflicts, I am not allowed to select the locked fields (which is definitely okay). I do select the appropriate choices for the unlocked fields and save it. However, the conflict remains. If a message does get sent to the curator of record, they are non responsive. The conflict remains for months and in some cases more than a year.

I have chosen to use this discussion to make curators aware of the situation and voice my opposition to the programming decision not to allow me to change non-locked fields on a profile that has locked fields.

All I want is to keep my family tree clean of conflicts with the best known data.

I hesitated posting my earlier thread to ask a curator to resolve long running conflicts on this forum because the curator responding might be unfamiliar with the person involved. I did and I have five less (plus two from earlier) data conflicts on my tree but I do have many more.


Jim, what used to happen (I don't know if it still does) is that if a field was locked, Geni would discard conflicting information in a merge. The theory is that a curator would not lock a field unless the information was verified.

But, if the entire profile was locked, then the data conflicts would remain, and would wait for a curator (any curator) to resolve them. Similarly, if you didn't have the rights to edit the profile, whether through management, collaboration, or type of account, the conflicts would wait for someone with the right type of access to resolve them.

When you select fields and save the changes, but the conflict remains, a message will be sent to the person (curator or primary manager) who has primary responsibility for that profile.

But, here's the problem -- the curators are different people. Some of them actively maintain their MPs, checking their merge centers, doing merges and resolving conflicts. Others just MP profiles as a courtesy to the community but wait until someone calls a problem to their attention before they fix the problems. And others sometimes just get behind a bit because they're volunteers and their real lives sometimes take priority.

So, when you run into a conflict on an MP that doesn't resolve, the first thing you should do is contact the curator for that profile. If the curator doesn't respond in a reasonable amount of time, contact another curator.

Thanks Erica. I do appreciate all the assistance and the work of the volunteer curators. Without their work, Geni would be chaotic. I do believe the management and programmers of Geni could reduce the amount of secretarial type work for the curators by acting on feedback from experienced users (such as my earlier one). [If management sees my post, I must also add that the programming for tree matches needs major improvement - perhaps steal the code for SmartMatches for MyHeritage. It is significantly more accurate]. Jim

LOL. I agree but disagree Jim Wile the code may be good but entry data is NOT fool proof. People can and do make mistakes on that end. All the smart matches i've got from mh so far i have learned by trial and error to ignore because 75% of the time it seems to be off... Erica Howton Private User what's your input on that? do you guys ignore smart matches as much as i do?

I NEVER confirm smartmatches to external sites like MH. Why should I? - Confirmed matches are way too dominating on the Geni profiles, they get tagged as sources which they definitely not are (and are drowning real sources), and you need too copy any new values to the Geni profiles yourself anyhow, - confirming does not do that for you (yet?). The worse is reactions from other users when hitting the paywall when trying to see what matches you have confirmed.

On the other side of the argument -- if it's a real match and you don't confirm it, someone else will. Better to stay on top of what's happening to the profiles you care about, I think. If you don't care if it gets messed up, go ahead and ignore the matches ;)

I agree with Erica - not a "curator please assist" topic. Moreover, I am really tired, Private, of your tagging folks to try to get them to discuss a topic which is off-topic from that Discussion Thread. Please, please, please stop doing that!

Help Please !
Don’t know how but my Profile David Skidmore Private User appears to have merged with another Tree in error.
Can anyone help me REMOVE Kevin Skidmore Private and REMOVE Jan Skidmore Private User as my Parents which is incorrect.

FAO Private User - Thank you for correcting the incorrect merge of my profile Private User I have now input my correct Mother & Father's names to avoid any re-occurrence !
I see however that during the correction process you have also resetPrivate User as the Primary Manager of my profile although prior to this request I managed my own Profile having been granted this by Richard Wells in Dec 2010 - Is there a reason for this or can you reset me as the sole owner / manager of my own profile?

you can remove other manager from your profile (It should be under settings) - this is a leftover from 'undo merge' function.

FAO Private User - Thank you for your Help - All now resolved
Hope you have a good Christmas & New Year.

PS. Unanswered - Open Help Request #66295 may also be closed by the Administrators.

This profile is abandoned and when I press on the link to abandon it I will not let me. Can you look at it please. Eliza Charlotte St. Clair Vidal thanks SueG

Just cancel any matches to that tree. Only 9 profiles in a standalone tree, not logged in on for almost three years ago and no other users in that tree who can inherit the profiles.

Can you give it it to me then.. I have been working on this tree bringing it up to date with documents bdm,s.

Nope, not even curators have access to connect standalone trees, only profiles within the world tree.



I put this image on profiles I MAKE. as the TOP OF THE TREE, no other information is available, and I would like some help. Someone is removing them without my permission., I am tired of all the work I do going to waste. This image was on my own Great Grandfathers profile as a secondary image. Now it is gone. William Benjamin Irwin MD. My primary Goal with GENi was to connect my Great Grandfather with the Clan Irwin. I have had no success in that endeavor, however I have connected thru my Grandmother.

I added it to HEINRICH DIRKES HEINRICH DIRKES profile and the deleted it to see if anyone know why or how it is happening

I am at the point of moving to another paid site. And willing to abandon GENi forever. It is my hope this does not happen as I have a far better understanding of history that I have ever had.

Sincerely William Owen Irwin.

I know there's a lot of controversy about images, because tastes differ, but I really like this one. I can't think of a few thousand medieval profiles where it wouldn't be out of place ;)

That top of the tree image is classy, Bill. Glad to have seen it. I don't see anything in the "revisions" tab about images - the "photo ID" seems to refer to something else. Can you re tag & then we can see what shows, and where?

Sorry to be clearer. The photo ID action shows as an action (in your second profile example) but no further details.

In your 1st profile, revisions, I see

William Benjamin Irwin MD's profile was updated by William Owen "Bill" Irwin. photo id
Sep 23 at 3:42 PM · view

Is an icon more relevant than an actual tombstone?

I wouldn't think so, Gaye, but in this case it is very odd (a) that someone actually removed the picture instead of just changing it, and (b) whoever did it went into a user's very close family to do it.

For example I might tag a "family group" with an icon -- it's a shortcut for me to say, "yes, this is done" and also to move quickly from profile to profile by using the tagged profile -- but I would set the default view to the most visually relevant. It is a media gallery.

From what I could tell from Bill's description, the "Top of the Tree" image was not the profile picture, but an additional media image. I don't think that would be listed in the revision history, as I think only changing or removing the profile image would be in the history. It might have been another manager or someone reviewing it, as the image didn't appear to apply to William Benjamin, as he's not the top of the tree. So the image looked like it was improperly tagged to any other user.

William Benjamin Irwin MD has no parents, would that not be the "Top of the Tree" ?

I think we might be saying the revision notation of "photo id" refers to setting the default profile image - not tag / de tag to profile. And tag / de tag does not show on the profile revision. If there is only one image the uploaded one shows as photo id at tag time. If there is a change on what is set as default image from the gallery that would show as "photo id" with the name of the manager. But not tags.

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