R' Noam Elimelech Weissblum (Elbaum), [of Leżajsk] - R' Noam Elimelech Weissblum (Elbaum), [of Leżajsk]

Started by Private User on Monday, October 6, 2014
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Private User
10/6/2014 at 9:50 AM

Hi Malka

I am still in same discussion. If he is son of Son of R' Eliezer Lipman and Mirel (Mirish) Lipman, from where you write Weissblum as his surname? Instead of Lipman? the same is with his son why Rabbi Elazar Lipa Weisblum, "Orach L'Tzadik" and not Lipman?

How can a son change the surname of his father Lipman for Weissblum

10/6/2014 at 9:59 AM

Will gladly look over the facts and correct the error. Sorry lost track of this conversation.

10/6/2014 at 2:13 PM

Private User This is indeed very confusing. However, I went to the official Rebbi Elimelech website and followed their preference to not give any last name. ie. R' Elimelech of Lizensk

See: http://lizensk.com/biography-of-rabbe-elimelech-of-lizensk/

I guess the confusion comes from his wife remarrying a Weisblum if I am getting the story correct?

It would be great if someone could provide more information and sources to work with so that the ultimate facts to clear up this confusion regarding his name.

So, his children were born Lipman, but was there a name change when the mother remarried to Weissblum?

If anyone has any information to help, it would be most welcome!

10/6/2014 at 5:35 PM

Also, I see that on Ziv Barak's chart Naom Elimelech is married twice. Does anyone know which children belong to which wife?


10/6/2014 at 6:11 PM

Private User Still have not found the answer to your question regarding why the name change. Does anyone know????

Private User
10/7/2014 at 6:42 AM

Dear Malka
Thanks for your patience with me and my stubbornness. Even if Rabbi Elimelech's or Rabbi Zucha's father mary a second time still his name is Lipman and so must be the name of his children and grandchildren. To my amaze, all descendants appear as Weissblum and not Lipman..

On the other subject of my other branch(The Penei Yoshua), you were of big help. At least I got in contact with Dr. Rosenstein. Thanks a lot. you found information on one of the daughters Mitel Falk. Can you help me on the second daughter Feiga Hena. I sent some request to an administrator of her Raziel Yohai but haven't get an answer.

I need an advice. I am not an expert in Genie. My exwife's family merge their tree with mine and that is creating me a little of a headache, specially when Genie sends me notes of new matches how can I Un merge a branch?

Thanks again.


10/7/2014 at 7:00 AM

Private User Yours is indeed an excellent question. Have you considered writing to http://seforim.blogspot.com and ask them about why Weisblum and not Lipman? If you get a response, please let me know.

Regarding the family branch issue I will get back to you on Geni mail.

Warmest wishes,


10/7/2014 at 12:33 PM

Were Eliezer Lipman his first and middle name and no last name was mentioned, while the last name was indeed Weisblum and not always listed, as was customary in those days? Lipman was a frequent middle name then and rather rare (but still is) today.

10/7/2014 at 12:54 PM

Yigal Burstein You have provided an excellent possible answer for Private User re the confusing Lipman / Weisblum conundrum.
So, if you are right about Lipa being a middle and not last name back before last names were allocated, then on Elimelech's ancestral family tree should the the female members' last name "Lipa" be eliminated?
Everything then would fall into line, because especially significant is Avraham Lipman, Elimelech's grandfather---his brother is called Weisblum already at that point. Ofcourse this too could simply be simply another error and there was no last name as yet at that point.

Individual in question: The Noam Elimelech.
Rebbe Elimelech Lipman (Weisblum) of Lizhensk

Elimelech's father: R' Eliezer Lipa Lipman ("Noam Elimelech's" father)
Elimelech's mother: Mirel Mirish

Grandfather: R' Abraham of Tykocin
Grandmother: (No Name)
Grandfather's brother: Yaakov Kopel Weisblum

G. Grandfather: Avraham Avrohom Lipman Lipman
G. Grandmother: Eliya Lipman

Private User
11/4/2014 at 3:26 PM

As for the answer to Yigal Burstein, he is confusing my assessments. I never said Lipa was a Family name. Lipa is a middle name and Lipman the Family name. Elazar's complete name was Elazar LIPA(middle name) LIPMAN or LIPPMAN (family name)

Infact the name of R. Noam Elimelech's son in honor of his father is Elazar Lipa. A combine name like Simcha Bunim or Dov Ber or Arieh Leib.

As for the brother of of his Grand father, he could be the son of a different mother or Father. Koppel is family Name and so is Weisblum. Or simple an adopted child of known parents. I would like to see more accurate links to that name.

Suddenly out of no were appears these two family names unrelated to the Lipman Family.

While all; the Father, Grand Father and Great Grandfather are Lipman..

And a final reflection: If Noam Elimelech's Great Grand Father, his Granfather and his Father are Lipman, why he is not a Lipman? and his sons name also Lipman named after his Granfather Elazar Lipa Lipman.

Both Father, Grand father and Great Grand Father are Lipman.

Again there is something not accurate: If the Grand Father is Abraham Lipman of Tycosin, how come the Grandmother is not Mrs Abraham Lipman but Mrs Moshe Lipman? Who is Moshe Lipman in this Story?

Private User
11/4/2014 at 3:39 PM

As far as I know Zucha was the eldest Brother and Half Brother to Elimelech. So If both are childs of Elazar Lipa Lipman both are Lipman.

According to the Hassidic Dynasties the Name of Zucha was Zucha Lipman of Anipoli Liftchutz(maybe his mother was a LIfshutz.

And Elimelech is the son of a second Marriage of Elazar with Mirsh Lipman.

Private User
11/4/2014 at 3:49 PM

As for the theory that Lipman was a middle name, three generations have same middle name? Don't' think so.

With this logic syllogism I am proving LIPMAN is a Family name and not a Middle Name.

And there we go again the family name of the son should be the Family name of the Father and of the Grandfather as well as that of the Great Grandfather.

Joseph Rosenstock
12/19/2014 at 2:23 PM

We are related to Rabbi Eliezer Lipman (Rabbi Eliezer bar Meir) from Gomel Belarus. My G-G-Grandfather in the late 1800s. Is he from the same family? Uncle Phil OBM was named Lipa, presumabley after him.
his son, my Grandmother's father was Rabbi Shneur Zalman Bar Eliezer

8/21/2018 at 7:17 PM

I am pretty sure that Lipman is not a surname and is just a longer variation of the name Lipa. Likewise, R' Elimelech's brother R' Zusia of Anipoli signs his name sometimes as "Zusman"

8/21/2018 at 7:21 PM


How do we know that three generations used the name Lipman? Do we have any original sources proving this assertion or is it just based on their Geni profiles?

Private User
8/24/2018 at 12:59 PM

Lipman is not an extdnsiin of Lipa. Wdublum is theur mothers miden name. Chava their sister comes to be my grndmothr in 6th generation. Greate Grandmother of the Stuchiner Rebbe Baruch Szapiro companion and advisor to the 1st Gur Rebbe

Private User
8/24/2018 at 1:03 PM

Lipman is not an extdnsion of Lipa. Waisblum is theur mothers miden name. Chava their sister comes to be my grndmothr in 6th generation. Greate Grandmother of the Stuchiner Rebbe Baruch Szapiro companion and advisor to the 1st Gur Rebbe

Private User
8/24/2018 at 1:09 PM

Zusman is the contraction of Zucha and Lipman, not Weisblum

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