'Elder' John White of Hartford
Notice that Mary White (Phillips) is born in Norfolk, MA and died in Kittery, ME where Elder John White was in Hartford.
Enrique Treat Gleason (Gleeson), Esq. Erica Howton need to weigh in. There was no indication on the About of Elder White that he was married twice.
Here's Philip White's family
Here's his wife & children
I think we're almost sorted but there's more to do.
There's an intriguing note about this Philip:
>"The record of the interrogation of Dr. Roger Toothaker of Billerica and Beverly has not survived, but a deposition drawn up two days later revealed why he must have become a suspect. Toothaker, the only male medical practitioner to be accused of witchcraft in seventeenth-century New England, had practiced countermagic. A year earlier, Roger had boasted that 'his Daughter had kild a witch' through a method he had taught her---filling an 'Earthen pot' with an afflicted person's urine and placing it 'stopt...very Close' in 'a hott oven' overnight. At about the same time, Toothaker had also diagnosed 'strangly sick' children, one from Salem and one from Beverly, as being 'under an Evill hand.' The second of those afflicted youngsters,''' an unnamed child of Philip White of Beverly''', was the niece or nephew of Sir William Phips." (In the Devil's Snare by Mary Beth Norton)"