Maurice FitzRobert FitzHarding de Berkeley - Name

Начала Judith "Judi" Elaine (McKee) Burns понедельник, 22 сентября 2014
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22.9.2014 в 9:28 после полудня

Maurice "Make Peace" de Berkeley (fitzRobert fitzHarding)

should it not be

First/middle: Maurice "Make Peace" fitzRobert
Surname: fitzHarding

Private User
23.9.2014 в 4:19 после полудня

Maurice I, "the make peace" fitz Robert, Lord of Berkeley, was seldom written of as lord of Berkeley. He was also called Maurice de Berkeley.

Maurice married Alice de Berkeley, daughter of Roger de Berkeley, in 1153 at or 1154, Bristol, Gloucestershire.

Maurice received, on the same date as his father, confirmation of the grant of Berkeley from King Henry II in 1155. He enlarged the Castle of Berkeley, which thence became the chief seat of, and gave the name to, the family. He received again confirmation of the grant of Berkeley, this time from Queen Eleanor, regent to her son Richard I, on 30 October 1189.

Maurice was justice Itinerant in Gloucestershire, England, in 1190.

See "My Lines"

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from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA

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ID: I30704
Name: Maurice "Make Peace" Fitz Robert Fitz Harding [Lord Berkeley]

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