New Feature: Multilingual Profiles

Started by Mike Stangel on Monday, September 22, 2014
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Thanks, I'll look into it. I think this must be the result of fixing the name spaces bug that a couple of the curators reported; maybe that same code is being used for About Me when it shouldn't be.

Alex Moes and Harald Tveit Alvestrand - the blank lines in multilingual About Me should be fixed now. Sorry about that!

Thanks Mike

Mike Stangel i've found "another" bug, although it seems to remind me of an earlier issue.

The display name for Grand Duke of Novgorod Rurik is currently showing "Рюрик Свеаланд Новгородский князь" on the English(UK) version of his page. There are multiple language tabs for this profile and this is the actually the Russian(?) display name. I took a chance and changed my own language setting to Russian but this did not result in the English Display Name appearing, swapping to English(US) changes the display name to "Rurik, Prince of Novgorod", so there is a disconnect between English(UK) and English(US).... still waiting for English(Oz) :)

Just got a chance to look at this, and even with English(UK) I see the English display name. Did it change with today's merge?

The display is fixed, why that might be? I'm sure your guess is better than mine.
Either way thanks for your time.

Alex - maybe fixed for OZ but I do not see the Russian name.

the russian name has been removed thats why

Jason is right, all the Russian data is missing(?)/deleted.

deleted. check revisions

ah yes , i checked but didnt look far enough back.

Should i add the Russian versions of the names and see what happens?

Do you us English(US) or English(UK) normally?

Alex - my viewing language should not matter to the profile entry. (For that record - you talk funny English outside US so I stick with what I know best ...) :).

Yes, please add back Russian name & any other language relevant for the profile that is different from English.

I added the Russian versions back on the Russian tab and everything seems to be displaying as you'd expect in which ever language setting is set by user.

Only thing i didn't pause to check was a translation of the names i entered hopefully they werent Cyrillic swear words !

We have a Russian curator we could get involved in translating

Anette Guldager Boye has been mentioning that she's having trouble with this profile too.

There is an added issue that the Curators are discussing right now - which is a preference on the Historical Lines to be able to see more than just two Anglicised anachronisms when viewing as an English user.
The thought is that it might be better history and genealogy if the Display Name shows the modernised English Version (to those viewing in English/ modernised German to those viewing in German etc)and the Data Field Name shows the original, historically accurate name.

You'd have to better define "the original, historically accurate name."

In Ruric/Rurik's specific case it's almost certain that he was illiterate and as no one even knows where he was from you can't even assign an ancient language to him.

I think the ideer is to show or at least indicate the origin of the name. In this case it could show Ruric as scandinavian of origin. In Rurics case that is problely the closest we can come to his origin.
In the danish area as fx we have Gorms words over his wife Thyra. We know how this was written in the Rune alfabeth and that could also be shown, but then have her name also stated in a more comtemporary manor everyone can understand.
But then with the obtion also showing the name in different languages.

Agree with you both

Mike Stangel a new issue which may relate to what i reported yesterday.

I have just cleared the Last Name field in the English Tab for Gostomysl, Leader of the Ilmen Slavs, now when i view in English[UK] i see the Name as Gostomysl Новгородский, which is the English first name with the Russian last name.

It's bleed through don't have blank fields where other languages have to filled

Alex Moes that one is actually intentional -- first and middle names are paired such that you will get both from some other language if neither exists in the language you've selected. Last name and birth surname are paired likewise.


I think it would help if a feature was added to make it more obvious when there are several language tabs in a profile's About section.

Yesterday some Norwegian text was added to the English About of this profile King of Uppsala Bröt-Anund "the Land-Clearer" / "the Cultivator" / "the Roadbuilder" / "the Roadmaker" Ingvarsson despite it having a separate Norwegian About, in fact it actually has an About in 4 different languages. I noticed that without using the drop down arrow in the language option there is no way to tell at a glance if there are multiple language Abouts that can be viewed.

Perhaps similar to the way the alternate language names (when they exist) are displayed in small grey text below the current language name would notify users that other languages exist?

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