New Feature: Multilingual Profiles

Started by Mike Stangel on Monday, September 22, 2014
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yes charlemange says now charles the great.. which raises the question king charles etc etc how can we prevent beginners from making mistakes telling the two apart?

And what exactly do you two (Alex and Michael) think "Charlemagne" means?

Of course Magne is not his last name.
Charlemagne means Charles The Great, doesn't it?
He is known as Charles I, isn't he?
So I have edited his profile.
Now his name is Charles, and he has no middle or last name, and his suffix is I, because that is who he is.
And magically, all of the "problems" with "The Great" being in the name field are gone.

The very least that you should read about "Charlemagne" in order to educate yourself about this historical figure (who almost everyone is "related" to) can be found in the contents of his Wikipedia page.

the very least some one could do is not be a sarcastic smart arese about it.. i knew full well what it ment.. most people didn't and couldn't be botherd to figure it out.

The issue is not my ignorance of who this profile is, i am well aware of the historical context of the profile.
What needed to be brought to Mike's attention was that the new coding is not working in the expected way, presumably if this Bug is affect Karel's profile then it is just as likely affecting every profile with multiple language settings.
Your "fix" is absolutely useless and anyway, now each of the variant languages is showing his surname as "I". Good work genius!!

You two (Alex and Michael) are very silly. . .and also just plain wrong.

The fact of the matter is that someone had entered "The Great" in the last name field, and that is why is showed up as his last name in all the different languages.
In fact, he has no last name, and so one should not have been entered.
In fact, his suffix is "I", which now correctly shows in all the language fields as it should, for no matter the language, he is still "Charles I".
The display name tells us exactly who he is (as if there could be any doubt) and so everything is fine.
The fact that his name and suffix were instantly updated in all the different language fields shows that things are working exactly as they should.

I was trying to make sure the englsh king did not get confused with the german one and vice versa and that one should be carefull not to mess the two up.

When I enter family members of a profile, the surname no longer carries to the new one; for example, the last name and surname are blank when I start entering the fields for a child, Jim

The topic is multilingual profiles, the great new feature.

Let's keep this on topic and away from personal insults, please.


Not sure why you would think anyone would confuse Charles I, King of England, Scotland, and Ireland with Charlemagne

There are many different ways that they are obviously not the same person.

Just to restate the issue so that everyone can understand.

The current Display name when i look at this profile, Charlemagne , is "Charlemagne, Emperor of the West", the actual profile name i see is "Charles, I" immediately below this name is the following text:

"Danish: Karl "Den Store", I, German: Karl der Große, I, Latin: Carolus Magnus, I, Dutch: Karel, I, Norwegian: Karl den Store, I"

The suffix "I" has only been added to the English Tab and so should not be displaying in every language variant. The issue is less apparent with an "I" than it was previously when the English suffix was "the Great".


au debut le nom etait Charles cest ensuite que Grand as ete ajouter pour finir par ( Charles Le Grand) pour designer sa grandeur = sa taille

hes name was Charles it is after the name was change and add (Grand it refere to how tall he was)

in german magne=tall(english) =6’3
grand in french

le,the :was also later in the name

Good point, Martin.
Why is the name data from the French Tab not being displayed with the other variants?

Of course the suffix should show up in the other language fields.
Why wouldn't it?
If I had typed "one" into the English field, then "uno" should display in the Spanish field, and "unum" in the Latin field.
Why should each field have to be entered separately?
The Roman Numeral "I" doesn't translate, so it stays the same.
Am I wrong to assume that the "programming" is smart enough to do the "busy work" for us?

Private Reported. Off-topic Spam and personal insults.

Angus Wood-Salomon would you mind stepping in once again to remind Michael to stop posting off-topic comments and personal insults?

Michael's display name says that he is "on hiatus".
It is my opinion that he really should be.
Maybe he needs a little forced vacation from Geni . . .

for that question alex i really dont know

after all its the begining we are the worker and the tester of this new option multilanguage for few time we found bug

I believe has the right of it and the fields do not auto populate from language tab to language tab.

I have been watching the experiments on the profile name with amusement. Not sure if "by language" locking is in place yet.

i am afraid to enter french language in bio of Charlemagne i will wait for experienced user to do

It's a new function for all of us. Just keep it brief ...

Erica, could you clarify your post from 10:02?
"I believe has the right of it..."?
Who? What?


Again I am going to ask you if you find a bug with this feature come in here and report it.

If you don't please refrain from off topic comments, if you continue I myself will start reporting them

So again please stop

This is what I "think" without having yet tested for myself.

"If I had typed "one" into the English field, then "uno" should display in the Spanish field, and "unum" in the Latin field. "

I think there might be an assumption the software is "smarter" them it is "and also" that a direct translation is the genealogical fact.

I think neither is (necessarily) so each field in each language screen is individually entered.

In the Early Modern English tree where Latin can be used this is probably wise, as the name in English "normalized" might be different.

But - try it!

I've played with it a bit. I can save you some trouble by telling you:

1. The software does not translate anything. It allows you to enter data you have translated.

2. Field locking works. If the English (default) name is locked, you have an opportunity to add other languages (which the curator can then lock).

I can see this is going to mean adding several layers of additional information to various VIP profiles who have bi-national profiles (the most obvious example being William the Conqueror).

Yes, that's the idea, and a really awesome one.

BTW, the curators who have weighed in so far like the idea of making it a Naming Standard that the Display Name match the Wikipedia entry for that language.

If you have thoughts, let us know.


Matching to Wikipedia makes sense provided it will not be in anyway automated, just a stated preference.

PS the English "I" has been deleted from Charlemagne's Suffix field but i doubt that the underlying software fault has been fixed.

Alex (and Justin),
Just to quickly clarify . . .
The "I" was not an English capital letter i.
It was representing the Roman Numeral for the number 1.
I removed "The Great" from the last name field, and Jason Scott Wills removed the suffix "I" and then locked the name field, which was probably a good idea, because someone would surely have tried to re-ad "The Great" as a last name for Charles.

The problem now is that his name is simply "Charles" instead of "Charlemagne". Hopefully someone will correct this by changing his first name in the English field to "Charlemagne" while leaving the middle and last name fields blank.

really his name should be Karl, but we'll run with Charles for now. He was never called Charlemagne in his lifetime

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