New Feature: Multilingual Profiles

Started by Mike Stangel on Monday, September 22, 2014
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Thanks for noticing that, Alex. That text should probably be in a different font (I suspect that if there were multiple language nicknames, that would be a little menu selection item, but I haven't looked for an example yet...)

FYI: MIke reports data conflict resolution should be fixed now.

ok good thanks.. and I've solved my issue i think with Judith "Judi" Elaine (McKee) Burns;'s help but it won't let me remove the message...

Previously i have listed "translated" versions of names in the NickName Field, so names in that field most definitely won't be variable based on a Users language setting.

For example i recently added the German form of a name to a Russian profile which had been created using Cyrillic alphabet.

Also Dan, did you notice my post at the bottom of the last page?

it seems even odder. Is everyone getting that same Overige Namen in the middle field or is it just me?

Alex: Yes, I saw your note about the 'Overige Namen'; I haven't checked it out, but Mike is following this Discussion so it should get 'on the list'. I haven't yet noticed that myself.

re: Nicknames (a.k.a. field): As you have a chance (i.e. come across them), Alex, you (and everyone with the knowledge to do so!) should be moving such multi-language-versions-in-one-field into "true" multiple language versions.

a.k.a. is an interesting case, though ... I'm not sure how that will evolve. With the current implementation of this release, the a.k.a field gets locked along with the rest of the name fields ... but that is a bug which should get fixed.

by an interesting case (for a.k.a.): if the other name fields are locked, but the a.k.a. is not, will anyone with Edit access be able to add another translation? That can/will lead to situations where the a.k.a. field may have translations in a language where the rest of the name fields do not. Just an observation...

I've been rearranging children in the Hoover tree for the past hour or so.
No problems at all with anything even though I've had to edit almost every profile.

That's good to know, Lloyd.

Unknown Profile good to hear there's no problem. i believe i merged a record 8-9 duplicates of the same couple.

Private User

My "cousin collaborator" connected the Hoovers you were working on to "our" Hoovers, and then we spent some time cleaning up the mess made by all the merging. Lots of children were assigned to the wrong Mothers. But all's well that ends well, and things are looking pretty good now.

Dan Cornett
I just added a profile from the Add Family tab on a profile and again got a mixture of languages. 97% English and a few Dutch?? Somehow Geni is either picking up on this family being Dutch or else it's "learnt" that i work with a lot of Dutch profiles. Either way it is a little odd.
I'd report it officially as a bug but that's above my pay grade - but i won't ask you to lodge one because i don't want to give Bjorn an excuse to sack you ;)

Alex Moes
Everyone can Report A Bug.
Click Help at the bottom of the page.
Scroll down and on the right side of the screen click Report A Bug.
The appropriate screen pops up and asks you, "What's Your Idea?"
No big whoop. It's not "above your pay grade".

Well then i learnt something today so not a total waste.

now why would bjorn want to sack dan?

There seems to be another associated bug that is piling up the Tree Matches like crazy on some profiles, even when they start out saying no matches or "1" match. Click on the blue square, and suddenly you may find you have "99+" matches, almost all of them way off in place, time, associated names, etc.

This started about the time the Multi-Language feature was rolled out, which is why I think it's associated. I reported it already, but "squeaky wheel gets the grease", hint hint.

Maven can you post or PM me a link to one it a few profiles that have too many matches?

Mike Stangel
Here are a couple of my crazy matched profiles:
Anders Andersson
Anders Nilsson
Brita Andersdotter

David Thomas, of Middleboro as example of too many matches

These all had zero before the update:
Mary Stewart, Countess of Arran
Elizabeth Kennedy of Dunure
James Stewart, 1st Earl of Buchan
James II, King of Scots
All are "99+", except the last, which 'only' has 85.

I did have another one which only had 3 matches, two of which are reasonable possibles, so it is not entirely 'broken'.

I am getting a ton of matches sent to my e-mail one example is John "of Rehoboth" Read, Jr.
9th great grandfather
Birth: 8/29/1640 - Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts Death: 3/26/1676 - Camp Swamp, Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts, United States I get a match to a man that is born in 1795.. somthing is def screwed up.. how do i go in and say nope not a match can you ignore this from furture trying to match up?

The "tree matches gone wild" should be fixed now.

Thank you, Mike. David Thomas, of Middleboro shows normally now.

Alex Moes 'Overige Namen' was caused by someone submitting that as an English-UK translation of "Middle Name". I've removed it.

The extra-wide profiles should now be fixed.

Things are getting better! ... Many thanks!

(Now to get the A.K.A. field out of the Name lock ...)

Mike Stangel
Mixed Language, Middle Name is back :)

When adding a Family member from a profile page field title for Cause of Death appears as "Doodsoorzaak" and at the bottom Add another family member displays as "Voeg nog een familielied toe aan"

PS is all this green and red underlining intentional? Does anyone else see it? It is putting me off my breakfast, please go back to the old format asap



There are numerous languages already but every other language is displaying "the Great".

I think the issue is that in the edit screen when you flip thru the different language tabs the only one that has the Last Name field filled in is the English one and that for some reason is getting picked up in the display by everyone else.

PS the underlining really is horrible, i've put up with it for 12 minutes now!! :(

Showing 31-60 of 174 posts

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