Adding Jeanne de Clisson

Started by Justin Durand on Saturday, August 23, 2014

I'm adding Jeanne de Belleville, dame de Montaigu, widow of Olivier IV, seigneur de Clisson to the Pirates in Petticoats project.

She's already listed in the project overview. Here is an article about "The Lioness of Brittany and her Black Fleet of Pirates":

"In the midst of the Hundred Years War between England and France, an enraged French woman named Jeanne de Clisson took to the sea with a fleet of warships, where she mercilessly hunted down ships of King Philip VI to avenge her husband’s death. For her ferocity, she eventually acquired the name The Lioness of Brittany. Jeanne and her crew would slaughter the crew of the King’s ships, leaving two or three sailors alive, so that the message would get back to the King that the Lioness of Brittany had struck once again...."

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