A South african user, Ian Bowes, has pointed out that "According to Wikipedia, Leonardo da Vinci never married. According to Geni, he had had 2 wives & a partner! Disconcerting..."
Should we remove all 3 profiles linked to him?
Giggle. 10 points for the eye for detail, Don. That i can fix.
Juds, I think the question will be whether there is enough evidence to support the widely touted homosexual relationship with his assistant. I could be wrong, but I doubt this will have been put in your granddaughter's school project :-)
I'm removing the following unsourced profiles from being his children. Antonio de Aragón y Cardona, II Duque de Montalto; Isabella d'Aragona; Maria de Aragón y Cardona; Juana de Aragón; Francesco da Melzo(d Aragon).
The question remains as to the validity of retaining the partnership with Gian Giacomo "Salai" Caprotti da Oreno.
While I'm very supportive of acknowledging historically clear gay relationships; there still seems to me to be no real evidence for Leonardo's relationships with his two young assistants being more than that of an 'adoptive' father.
The start of the story on our Leonardo da Vinci.
"Everymans Encyclopedia" page 390
Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519. Latin painter, sculptor, engineer and architect born at Vinci near Empoli.
His father was SerPiero da Vici, a Florentine lawyer and his mother Catarina was of humble birth and unmarried. The child was brought up by his father's household and from his earlist years showed the greatest promises for the future Etc................................... His father placed him uner the tution of Andrea de Verrocchio, and in his studop Leonardo worked with Sandro Botticelli and Pietro Perugnio and other less famous.......................
1472 - He was enrolled in the painters guild at Florence.
ca 1843 He went to Milan under the protection of Ludovic Sforza.
1502 He travelled as chief engineer to Ceasar Brogia
1503 he was back in Florence.
1504 The portrait of Mona Liza was finished.
1506 he returned to Milan and later accompanied Francis I back to France.
The last two and a half years of his life were spent at the Castle of Cloux near Amboise which had been presented to him
The End.
Nothing about the allegations above.
There is very little info about Leonardo's private life. No documentation of his being ever marries or having any children (legit or not). No children were mentioned in his will.
His close relation with his young pupil-assistant for 25 years - Salai, could be regarded as "friendship" of any kind. I suggest to "accept" Saleri as his ex-partner. He was not an "adopted-son" of Leonardo.
Sorry - I was definitely not suggesting he be shown as the adopted son. Just saying that just because we have good evidence that Leonardo regarded him as a son, does not imply he was a partner at all.
I think it is historically inaccurate to show Leonardo with any sexual partners.
Much as I would support showing them, if there were any evidence, there is absolutely no evidence that he had any sexual partners, and much more evidence in his own handwriting that he was repulsed by sex altogether.
Scroll down to "Leonardo's sexuality" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_life_of_Leonardo_da_Vinci
Endel Pihlakas Hhhhmmmmm, interesting. ie.
http://kleio.org/en/history/leonardo/index.html . . . "It becomes possible for their portraits to be confused with those of their parents or even grandparents, as happened with Leonardo da Vinci and his grandfather Antonio da Vinci" . . .
He is indicated as ex-partner. To my mind ex indicates a severing of the relationship whilst alive. He remained with Leonardo until his death.
I do accept that possibly/probably it is meant to indicate something similar to widow/widower in a heterosexual environment. I would still prefer partner though.
Sharon Doubell I recommend to use some of Leonrdo's portrait from here http://kleio.org/en/history/leonardo/newportrait.html for profile photo of Leonardo da Vinci and use (tag) his current erroneous picture correctly for his grandfather Antonio da Vinci
Peter Dennis...Gone fishing!, I agree that the ex makes no sense, if we keep him as a partner. (There are two young men he is associated with as a lifelong friend & mentor: Gian Giacomo Caprotti da Oreno, who entered his household in 1490 at the age of 10 and Count Francesco Melzi, the son of a Milan aristocrat who was apprenticed to Leonardo by his father in 1506, at the age of 14, remaining with him until his death)
Perhaps someone was trying to suggest he turned from the one to the other. More likely, someone made him ex when they added the wife?)
But what I'm saying is that there is no historical evidence at all that they were anything but friends or acolytes. None! It's all the conjecture of historians hundreds of years later. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_life_of_Leonardo_da_Vinci
I'm loathe to add these two guys as partners on this absence of evidence. If we do that, we would be adding partners to contemporary movie stars on a monthly basis.
And if we don't add boyfriends and girlfriends as partners on profiles (unless they are live in life partners), what justification do we have for adding his proteges as life partners to a man who said "The act of procreation and anything that has any relation to it is so disgusting that human beings would soon die out if there were no pretty faces and sensuous dispositions."?
Personally, I think there is a chance that he might have been in a relationship with them, but as there is no evidence at all - even in his hundreds of letters - that he thought he was, it seems to me ahistorical for us to link them on geni.
Leonardo's managers & curators need to weigh in here, including on the interesting subject of the portraits. I Just raised a question that had been directed to me.
Sharon Doubell, Yigal Burstein I defer to Yigal as curator of the profile. Personally, regarding the portrait, though the findings in the article http://kleio.org/en/history/leonardo/newportrait.html are compelling enough to warrant adding a footnote link to the profile, I would not change the universally accepted profile image yet.
Yigal Burstein - now that we've stirred the pot, we're all running away to leave you with the stew :-)
Sharon Doubell BTW, thanks so much for alerting us to the problematic issues with this prominent profile---much appreciated! Hopefully Yigal Burstein will render a Solomonic decision re partners et al.
Currently in NYC for a few days.
As for the proposed possible new self-portrait of the young Leonardo, i would let the National Gallery decide on its authenticity. So far the National Gallery shows only one painting by Leonardo - that of Ginevra de' Benci. The other painting is described as "Man with a dog" and is not on display. I added it to the Leonardo "Media" section, with caution - in case. It is a nice painting.
Sharon - in NY I prefer a good stake or Italian good food - and will allow the stew to cool down.
As a rule - I would usually refrain from including "gossip" relationship with "lovers" on the global tree, for recent generations. Relatives might not approve of it. However in special cases I would support it - Leonardo being such a case. Famous "lovers" of royalties could also be accepted (only earlier generations).