Please register your Vote in this discussion, votes in other discussions will note be counted...

Started by Private User on Tuesday, July 29, 2014
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  • Private
    Geni member
  • Geni member
  • Private
    Geni member
Showing 1-30 of 85 posts

Please vote for the number of your choice.

I vote for option 5.

I vote for number 5

I vote for option 1

Number 5, for sure!

I vote for 5

I vote no Full DVP numbers in the suffix field. Ek stem no 1 volle DVP no's in die suffix veld.

I vote for option 1

Ek stem No. 1

5 - I am not a number, I am a free man. :). Name fields are form names.

I vote for 5. Include the DVP number in the 'ABOUT' field.


Peter Dennis...Gone fishing! voted for 5
when June first put the voting choice up, if I recall correctly.

Ek dink hierdie is sinneloos Mnr Penaluna - just from statistical background, the first choice should be (1) Yes or (0) No for De Villiers Parma. From there we can work onwards....

By supplying the users with 5 options (which is, btw, imho not the right options) your ?"voting process" is splitting the votes over too many sections and as result, well, GIGO.... Garbage...

Thank you for your input Private User ... The vote is purely WHERE to place the DVP....NOT whether to use them or not.

Of that there is no question, they WILL be used.

Would you care to give the your opinion on what the right options should be?

Option 5.

Option 5

Don - to get the accurate answer of the poll, the options should be

1. DVP should be in Suffix field
2. DVP should be in the AKA field

What you put in the Suffix/AKA field (e.g. full number or some form of abbreviated number), is another matter. And since you only have the full spectrum (of possible answers) under the Suffix field options, you are distorting the votes.

Jan, I completely agree with you.

We will come back to you...

Option 1

Option 1 - DVP in Suffix field

The vote is not for or against the DVP in the suffix, but how we would like to use the DVP in future, the options 2,3 and 4 are not proving to be popular choices (so far) We are happy to leave the vote as is...

Private User & Private, the 5 choices - formulated by Private User & carefully translated by Private & Private User were designed to cover all the options people have suggested in the past - mostly in order not to keep having to vote & revote.

June is away on the happy job of being mother to the bride :-), but she and we are definitely interested to know if people are supporting a compromise between the two extremes; and if so – what they think that should look like.

So, really, there are 3, not 2 positions being represented here:
For (1)
Compromise (2.3.4.)
Against (5)

And the Compromise votes cannot be said to be automatically votes taken away from 1. They could just as easily be votes taken away from 5.

What about if we count the votes for 2,3,4 together? (and if they win - we will take whichever of the 3 has the majority amongst them?)

Sorry, Don - cross-posted. Agreed.

I vote 5 with number in ABOUT top line so that it is visible with flip-node - now really away on MoB duties!



Being in transit , I was not able to contribute since the discussion started.

Formulation of alternatives

I see only two alternatives here for the initial voting:
1. Users who prefer DVN’s in the suffix in some variation in length off the full DVN
2. Users who do not prefer DVN’s in the suffix

If 2 gets absolute majority in the first vote then there is no further voting -
i) Find an alternative way to prevent mismerges on :
apparent duplicates generated by the inadequate matching algorithm of Geni
as well as identical profiles lying in different lines.
ii) Communicate to users who did not vote either because they disagree with the approach or could not care about the outcome

If 1 gets absolute majority a second voting takes place between the alternatives of 1 in which the voters who originally voted for 2 also state their preference.

The alternative(s) in the second vote with the highest votes, together getting an absolute majority, go through to the next round (unless an alternative already gets an absolute majority in this round).

Process is repeated until an alternative is selected having a majority of at least (50%_+_1) of the votes
And required communication….

Showing 1-30 of 85 posts

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