Presidents of the United States

Started by Jerome F. Weber on Sunday, July 20, 2014
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Theresa - not sure if I am answering your request, but here is the link that led me to believe there is a controversy regarding the John Tyler lines of ancestry that we should figure out -

"Update on John Tyler President - it looks like there is a controversy as to the correct ancestral line and geni may have it wrong:"

That´s the one! Thank you, Anne! <3

but the link, leads me to:

"Home: Error
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The page, forum, or message that you have requested could not be found on our server. If the problem persists, or if you feel that you received this error message by mistake, please report it through the Email tab of the Help section."

found it in the earlier thread! Now that I knew, what it looked like, for your re-posting! Thanx again! <3

This is the line, that BridgeAnne has utilized in her chart and I think, we should change it, to this... as, she has reassured me, that her Grandfather has exclusive databases to the Presidential lines, that very few have.

"There is an alternate tree to Pres. John Tyler being that his father John Tyler w. Mary Marot Armistead parents were Henry Tyler(1725-1777) w. Alice Strother. made a generic notation that this 2nd tree is most likely to be accurate."

And it´s through Alice then, through William Strother VI 1697 to William Strother V 1665 then, to Dorothy Savage 1636
Anthony Savage, Captain 1605 etc, up to Bad King John. ;-)

I will add this up to John, so we can all get our Geni paths to President Tyler, for the record. ;-)

Find a Grave, has the "wrong" parents for John Tyler President´s Father´s Folks, too...;GRid=19793543&...

Would someone care to separate, the line? or should I look into, where e could connect the "loose branches of John Tyler the supposed grandfather with the true grandfather Henry...? (Surely, they were cousins at the very least...)

I´ve also, located this biit, to follow off of.

Here´s the line exactly as it is on the Chart from BridgeAnne... albeit... there´s always room for typos and missing a line... even, in professional genealogy... we are only human. (I´m not saying who´s right and who´s wrong. Most importantly, is to try and solve the mysery. :-) )

John Tyler 1790
John Tyler Gov. of Virginia 1747
Alice Strother 1719
William Strother VI 1697
William STrother V 1665
Dorothy Savage 1636
Anthony Savage, Captain 1605
Anthony Savage 1556
Francis Savage 1528
Christopher Savage II, Lord 1508
Anne Stanley 1469
Joan Goushill 1401
Elizabeth FitzAlan, Duchess 1366
Richard FitzAlan III, Earl 1346
Eleanor Plantagenet, Countess 1311
Henry Plantagenet, King 1281
Edmund Plantagenet, Prince 1244
Henry III Plantagenet, King 1206
John Plantagenet, King of England 1166

I haven't done any original research (I hope curators will resolve these issues), but for what it's worth, I've checked each name against geni. The following revised list with one added generation at 1425 has my geni observations in [brackets]:

John Tyler 1790 
John Tyler Gov. of Virginia 1747 
Alice Strother 1719  [not in geni]
William Strother VI 1697  [IV in geni]
William Strother V 1665  [III in geni 1674]
Dorothy Savage 1636  [OK geni 1633]
Anthony Savage, Captain 1605  [OK but lists no father]
Anthony Savage 1556  [not in geni]
Francis Savage 1528  [OK but lists no son Anthony]
Christopher Savage II, Lord 1508  [OK 1504]
Anne Stanley 1469  [OK ca. 1480]
[not in list: geni has Sir John Stanley 1425]
Joan Goushill 1401 [OK]
Elizabeth FitzAlan, Duchess [of Norfolk] 1366  [OK]
Richard FitzAlan III, Earl [of Arundel] 1346  [OK]
Eleanor Plantagenet, Countess [of Arundel] 1311  [OK ca. 1312]
Henry Plantagenet, King 1281  [OK but not king; Earl of Leicester and Lancaster]
Edmund [“Crouchback”] Plantagenet, Prince 1244  [OK but Jan. 16, 1245]
Henry III Plantagenet, King 1206  [OK but Oct. 1, 1207]
John Plantagenet, King of England 1166 [OK]

Since some focus their ascent on King John Lackland, while this discussion began by linking to Hugh Capet and Charlemagne, the following ascent may be noted:

John Lackland
Henry II of England
Henry I of England
Matilda of Flandes
Adele of France
Robert II "the Pious"
Hugh Capet

Very nice! Touché, Jerome! ;-)
Not focusing, on King John... but, those are the "lines known to me"... to orient from, so, that´s really cool!
Thank you!

If links to profiles that need curatorial attention could be used it would be much appreciated. Otherwise I for one can't help.

Here come´s Alice! lol!

She is on Geni

Alice Tyler

Though, something seems to be miscalculated, with the IV, III, II and I´s in the listing... I believe, there may be a few "worms" in these branches... simply, due to the numerous and closely aged and located "William Strother"(s) of this line... same applies, when trying to suss out, which John Tyler belongs to which... and Henry(s) abound, as well. And can get eye- crossingly- complicated... to weave together, in the right places. Then there are their WIVES, to boot! Ahhhahaha!


p.s. Yes, I too, am hoping for a Curator, who is familiar with the Presidential lines and optimally, possibly, even those of John Tyler! ;-)

Ok now that I can see it - it's a big job. Suggested method:

1) new discussion started within the presidents project with an appropriate title
2) link to two guides: the traditional pedigree as defined by Gary Boyd & the proposed revision
3) explanation for why the published pedigree needs updating
4) re tagging the problem area profiles

BTW curators are more custodians for the research of others. Another reason to be using links to the profiles is that profile managers are notified.

Sounds good! I´ll be fully back "on the case" on Sunday or Monday, as I have to work this weekend.
I soooo appreciate, the assistance, Michael. The email, idea, is cool... then, we don´t have to bug everyone about some speculation or possible leads, who may not be interested in every little nuance of this repairing, of this line.


I have finally established a line for John Adams. (Geni kept insisting on telling me he was the husband of Abigail at the end of every lineage.) He is the 18th ggs of Henry II, king of England through the bastard William Longespee, down through Dorothy Squire, Edith Adams, Joseph Adams, Sr., Joseph Adams, Jr. and Deacon John Adams, Sr.

Dwight D. Eisenhower is descended from two sons of Henry II: John Lackland and the same William Longespee.

James Monroe and Barack Obama share descent with Washington, Lincoln and Clinton (as noted above) from Edward I, king of England though another daughter, Joan of Acre.

Now waiting for Tyler to get straightened out ;-)

Geni tells me that John Adams is my 10th cousin, 4x removed. I haven't checked to see if I'm related to Abigail.

The original post to this discussion attempted to show the descent of U.S. presidents from Hugh Capet. Using the pushpin for Henry III, king of England (son of John Lackland > Henry II > Matilda > Henry I > Matilda of Flanders > Adele > Robert II > Hugh Capet), I have established a much neater line of descent for all the 19 presidents beyond the first 14 in that original list. Note that the father of Henry I is William the Conqueror.

Thirteen presidents—Zachary Taylor, Lyndon Johnson, Ronald Reagan, James Monroe, Teddy Roosevelt, Barack Obama, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, U. S. Grant, G. H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Herbert Hoover—are descended from Edward I (> Henry III > John Lackland).

Three presidents—Thomas Jefferson, John Tyler and Grover Cleveland— are descended from Edmund “Crouchback” (> Henry III > John Lackland).

Martin Van Buren is descended from Beatrice, countess of Richmond (> Henry III > John Lackland).

Dwight Eisenhower is descended from both Richard Fitzroy (> John Lackland) and William Longespée, the brother of John Lackland (> Henry II). John Adams is also descended from William Longespée.

Help me with the Tyler controversy - who was his grandmother for real?

Hi Linda - I am related to John Adams and his wife Abigail through my 8th great grandmother Sarah Allen. I am related to John through her father and Abigail through her mother.

Abigail is my 11th cousin 7 times removed and John is my 11th cousin 6 times removed.

I can do the same for George Washington and Martha, as well as FDR and Eleanor. I imagine it isn't that hard for us all to find independent relationships to most of the spouses as well as the presidents once your tree gets filled in.

Yay, Jerome!!!!! We're getting there, all together, circling this "thing" in!!!!

Hello Cousins! And new cousin, Linda, too!!! <3

The original discussion of presidents led me to another geni discussion, “United States Presidents and Vice-Presidents,” which made it very simple to search each of the vice-presidents. There are 47 on the list, but 14 of them became president.

Using the pushpin method, which I learned after posting the original message on this discussion, I found 30 of the other 33 vice-presidents descended from Henry III, king of England (son of John Lackland).

Of these thirty, 11 are descended through Edward I, his daughter Elizabeth and her daughter Margaret. Another six are descended through Edward I, Edward II, Edward III, John of Gaunt and John Beaufort. Two more are descended through Edward I and his son Thomas. Two more are descended though Edward I and another son Edmund of Woodstock. Three more are descended through Edward I and his daughter Joan of Acre.

Five more are descended through Henry III’s son Edmund Crouchback and his son Henry. One is descended through Henry III’s daughter Beatrice, countess of Richmond.

Of the remaining three, that leaves Walter Mondale, who can be traced back to Richard II, duke of Normandy (William the Conqueror’s grandson); Elbridge Gerry, who has links similar to the first 31 presidents in the original posting, ascending to Louis VI of France; and Thomas Hendricks, whose lineage produces no royal connections so far found in geni.

Father Jerome,

When you have a chance maybe you would be kind enough to write the findings up into one document we can then "protect" as a PDF file and upload to the project (I can do that piece for you, of course).

Don't want this great work to be lost ....

Walter Mondale is a Norwegian, and like (just about) all Norwegians, he claims descent from Norwegian royalty.

Walter F. Mondale, 42nd Vice President of the USA is related to Harald I Halvdansson «Fairhair» Hårfagre:

No guarantees about the quality of documentation along the path...

And for a slightly more recent Norwegian king:

Walter F. Mondale, 42nd Vice President of the USA is related to Håkon IV Håkonsson: (22nd grandfather).

I knew someone would have better information ;-)

That is really great investigative collaborating!!! Wonderful job, on all sides!

I reiterate Anne Elizabeth's request to PDF the information, with FULL paths, ("hot link"ed, so one can click to these profiles in the relationship paths), to upload, to their respective profiles and to tagged to their related projects.
She is right, this effort should not be lost in endless (non- searchable) discussion listings.


Oh again, read too fast! It was Ms. Erica's idea, but it is a great idea!!!! Please, do. Do the PDF thing.


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