George Allen, of Sandwich - Additional link?

Started by Private User on Friday, June 27, 2014
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Reminds me Private User I don't think you've been alerted yet to the BIG NEWS about George Allen of Sandwich.

Re: that F/G memorial for George Allen - if I remember correctly (and I could be wrong) didn't we decide he did NOT marry Katherine Stark during our earlier inquiry with Angus?

It stuck in my my mind because she was my first experience with a "former ancestor", lol!

My point being that, as Erica said, we always need to double and triple check. Even a source that is full of good information can have a mistake or two (or thirty-six). ;-)

Of course. My position is that secondary sources are only as good as the primary sources upon which these summaries are based - sometimes those sources are grave memorials, burial records, birth and baptismal records and sometimes old family stories, but this doesn't mean that you can't find valuable clues in it all. You need to sift through it is all,and go back to the primary sources to verify facts, then deduce and so forth, be ready to revise your former conclusions etc. Its a mystery to be solved.

Mostly what I like about the grave site data is that some people are posting photos of the family grave stones that list children, and some are posting primary source material up there. So its worth looking through. I wouldnt rule out Ann Wetmore as Sam Braintree's wife just yet, but Id like to see some primary source data before i buy it, given the controversy. Same with Katherine Starks for George. I did read the previous discussion on George and Katherine. But I am focused on Braintree at the moment, because he is in my line for certain, as I am a descendant of Sam III

Re: Anne, the 1st wife of Samuel of Braintree

Chase the citations from

They say: "she seems 1st mentioned here"

171. ref 1231 Whitmore,W.H. Record of the descendants of Francis Whitmore, of Cambridge, Massachusetts. Boston: John Wilson and Son, 1855. Call Number: R929.2 W616

The book should be findable on google books. Note it's 1855 so you would need to supplement with more recent research.

This comment should be added to the Samuel, son of George profile:

"Confusion abounds regarding the origins of James Allen of Tisbury, Mass. Joshua Allen's 1882 edited work "A Genealogy of the Allen Family," first compiled by William Allen, materially errors in calling James Allen's father Samuel the son of George Allen and his wife Katherine, latter early settlers of Sandwich, Mass. George Allen d. testate and was buried at Sandwich May 2, 1648. His will mentions wife Katharine, his sons Matthew, Henry, Samuel and William plus "my five least children" who are unnamed [NEHGS Register, 4:284]. Subsequent deeds indicate George Allen's son Samuel was a resident of Boston, whereas '''James Allen's father Samuel was a longstanding resident of Braintree, Mass.'''


What about this 3rd wife of Samuel Allen lll?

Angus Wood-Salomon I'm needing merging help ....

Thanks for the above link - that is my exact line, from Sam III down to Delia Fluvia Allen m. Thomas Acocks Shaw. Delia was my great great grandmother

I think you'll need to start entering new profiles

Margaret Vining

Has no children attached.

Be careful - she's given at least two wrong parents & possibly a wrong 2nd husband.

(I'm a Reade / Reed)

Anne - never mind - here she is

Jane Allen

She's actually daughter of the "other" Read wife. And the issue is merging Samuel Allen, III into Samuel Allen lll Master Profile.

But still needs to built from you up Anne, am I right?

I am a little confused - I am not seeing that my line through Sam III is related to the third wife. Are you suggesting adding the profiles in order to go wider?

I built my line from me up, through to Sam of Braintree. And once I merged with the Sam Braintree MP, I got the others linked to mine.... Then I got into the discussion about George, then all of the confusion around the first few Sams and differentiating who from who.

Originally, besides trying to build my direct line, I was trying to find out the line that led to Ethan Allen, the Revolutionary War hero, and seeing if it was linked at all to my Allens, and also if there were any links to Myles Standish. There were family stories that said we were related to them but I dont see it...That was the original source of my interest in investigating Sam Braintree and all of the other Sams of the era, teasing out who was who.

There's still merging of these tree branches and it's going to take a while for me to look at the Ethen Allen line - I would rather prioritize getting yours in top shape 1st.

The Standish connection looks pretty definite to me - Sarah Allen married Lt Josiah Standish, son of Myles & his 2nd wife Barbara. He is named in his Allen father in law's will.

And yes, I add collateral lines ! Absolutely. Basically I run with a good source & fill in what's not on Geni - it can get very interesting.

Something seems to be wrong with the tree - I had Sam of Braintree with a son called Sam of Bridgewater who was a deacon and the Sam III is HIS son

Somehow this tree seems to be missing Sam Jr the Deacon who married Partridge - His father i the Sam Braintree who married some unknown Ann.

Sam III is the Deacons son and Sam Braintree's grandson who married Rebecca Cary

Perhaps this is why my tree is showing that there are two Sarah Allens who married Josiah Standish the son, and another who married the grandson?

Anne it's probably incomplete merging. Can you post a specific link please?

Anne, I just thought I'd mention that unless they used numbers in their names during their lifetimes, it's best to avoid numbering ancestors (II, III, etc.). For what it's worth, numbers just confuse the heck out of me, lol! I really like Erica's system of appending geographical locations. It helps me keep them straight.

I just looked at this line and can't determine what you're saying is missing. It shows Samuel Allen, of Braintree (born 1597) as the progenitor who married two unknowns; his son Deacon Samuel Allen (born 1632) who married Partridge; and his grandson Samuel Allen, III (born 1660) who married Cary, Pratt, and Vining.

Not sure how another generation could be stuffed in there unless they all started at about 12! /grin

Not the family tree, the profile. Also I had found it in the WRONG branch and I'm not sure I had moved to the RIGHT branch yet. So please help with a specific link so Angus and I can help.

This guy was a deacon, is he the one you're thinking is missing? Deacon Samuel Allen

And note - I added the 3rd wife of Samuel lll 20 minutes ago, she had been off the MP line.

Thats why we try to consolidate all the dups together.

Yeah, I noticed Vining just appeared! Good on ya!

Anne - I used the pushpin tool between Samuel of Braintree and you

Geni said

Anne Elizabeth Jackson is Samuel Allen, of Braintree's 9th great granddaughter.

So something is very right.

Wow, because it was a lot of work.

Now that doesn't mean there aren't errors etc but I suspect most of them are merges to be done. If there's a wife married to 2 Samuel's for instance maybe they are dups.

So ... Post the link.

Yes, I am trying to post the links whenever possible but I I have trouble navigating through the tree itself o find them when there are several. It comes up when I do a search, though.

As for the numbering, I didnt number Sam III that way, he seems to have been numbered that way traditionally. The other numbers for Phineas and Tim came from my family tree, these were not numbers I assigned>

PS. - Jennifer - yes I see now that the Deacon Sam of Bridgwater who M Partridge is still in there. My bad.

Here is the Myles connection that comes up on a search, and seems to show a Myles Standish connection through the grandson Josiah

Timothy Allen
→ Rebeckah Allen - mother
→ Sarah Standish - her sister
→ Josiah Standish, Jr -her husband
→ Lt. Josiah Standish - his father
→ Capt Myles Standish, "Mayflower" Passenger - his father

Oh, I'm so glad it's right! I was really worried that somebody had gotten dropped out!

Standish's son Lt. Josiah Standish married Sarah Standish the daughter of our guy Samuel Allen, of Braintree...

Then the connection shows this way too:

Sam Braintree
→ Sarah Allen - daughter
→ Lt. Josiah Standish - her husband
→ Capt Myles Standish, "Mayflower" Passenger - his father

So maybe there are two connections, different generations, or something is confused. Let me now try to get the links...

Here is link 2
Sarah Standish

Here is link 1
Rebeckah Allen

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