Alice Peck (Heath) - Detached Alice (Heath) Burwell Peck from erroneous parents

Начала Hatte Blejer понедельник, 16 июня 2014
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16.6.2014 в 8:07 до полудня

In completing a merge for William Heath, married to Agnes Cheney (d. 1593), I noticed that they had two daughters named Alice and that this one was born ca. 1612. Agnes Cheney, died 1593, cannot be the mother of Alice (Heath) Burwell Peck. There appears to be no evidence for her parentage. Find A Grave does not list parents. I checked in Susan Woodruff Abbott's Families of Early Milford, Connecticut who is meticulous at using all available Milford records and source. No parents listed. Therefore, I have detached her from William Heath and Agnes Cheney.

I suspect that we will never know her parents. I did give her unknown parents to prevent her being re-attached to the wrong parents. If anyone has better sources for her, that would be great.

16.6.2014 в 8:14 до полудня
16.6.2014 в 8:24 до полудня


16.6.2014 в 8:33 до полудня

In checking the children, there are some discrepancies. For instance, there are two sons named Thomas born in 1603 and 1604, although the same site (Miner Descent) says Agnes Cheney died in 1593. Some sites list George as a son born in 1588.

But no one has Alice (Heath) Burwell Peck as a child of William Heath and Agnes Cheney. Also, I believe the geography is wrong too, since it seems that they known where Alice and Mr. Burwell were married.

16.6.2014 в 9:03 до полудня

Sent a message to the Find a grave memorial manager asking if she has anything in her records regarding the parents of Alice Heath, and included that some people claim William Heath and Agnes Cheney might be parents but they are impossible; Agnes having died in 1592....

Perhaps Nareen (manager) has some additional info in her records.

16.6.2014 в 11:25 до полудня

Either Agnes Cheney died later or the dates of the last two children (Thomas and Thomas) are incorrect since they were born 1603 and 1604.

Agnes was born in ~ 1552 I believe, which is another reason that she could not have given birth to Alice (Heath) Burwell Peck. Her first child was born in 1574, so she was born no later than 1558. That would have her having children into her mid 40s but not late 50s!

16.6.2014 в 12:18 после полудня

Good reasoning.

31.3.2018 в 5:54 после полудня

Is there any connection between Heath and Massey? shows a connection of some sort.

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