Marie Catharine Wibaux, SM/PROG - French Huguenot?

Started by Sharon Doubell on Wednesday, May 7, 2014
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5/7/2014 at 4:19 AM

Should we add this profile to the French Huguenot Project?

5/7/2014 at 6:37 AM

Marie Catharine is not french
Marie Catherine yess its french

acording to geni

what mean SV/PROG
b3 SM ?

5/7/2014 at 8:02 AM

Sorry, Martin - I'm not understanding you.
Do you think she is or she isn't?

SM/PROG is the South African tree shorthand for the first immigrants into the country. Stam Moeder/ Progenitor.

5/7/2014 at 8:32 AM

madam Doubell

marie catharine/ spelling writing is not a french name
its a derived name from? for the moment i am cluesless

marie catherine is the proper way of writing it
maybe some name have changes in writing from my view

i know it look dificult from my view of this

ok for SM/prog =African fist imigant thanks XD

wibaux is very frenchy name i have look for other wibaux profile here on geni few marie-catherine wibaux exist they maybe related to this profile we are talking of in relation to this family

i doubt catharine is the proper name
but if in records show marie catharine listed its not from france its a given name

5/7/2014 at 8:34 AM

i should capitalise some letter but at this point you know that i have write this message fast hehehe

5/7/2014 at 9:18 AM

Ahh, sorry Martin - I hadn't noticed the 'e' to 'a' spelling change. Now I understand. Thank you - that's interesting, and I think there's a good chance it is would have been changed by the Dutch clerks in South Africa to 'Maria Catharina'.

What is your opinion of the spelling of this couple's surnames :Hercule VERDEA and Marie-Catherine HUIBAUX as given on this French site's shipping list: (

Is 'Huibaux' more likely to be the correct French original surname, and 'Wibaux' a phonetic mistranslation?

5/7/2014 at 9:53 AM

madam Doubell this is the thing i like the most cheking proper name XD

it can be a mistranlation or made up as a urge=fast way

at those time notary or clergy was not working at hour rate hehehe

HUIBAUX Wibaut-Huibeaux-Wibeaux....we got the phonetic
but the proper writing .... we need to work more

look a few Foucher is list in the url

Anne Fouche, b3 SM
17 Mars 1682
Suèvres, Loir-et-Cher, Centre, France

env. 23 Novembre 1713 (31)
Paarl, Western Cape, South Africa
Philippe Foucher, SV/PROG

wow they are listed i am amaze madam Doubell

i gona work on Marie-cath profile

5/7/2014 at 10:02 AM

Thank you Martin. That would be a big help. Please call me Sharon.

I see we are 9th cousins twice removed through my Pinard (became Pienaar in SA) and Fouche ancestors. :-)

5/7/2014 at 10:43 AM

look at this Sharon XD

i gona chek for all wibaux on geni also if huibaux conection it can be a good clue

5/7/2014 at 11:05 AM

well its not all Sharon we must be precise and carefull
this is i found

AT = 7.16 Wibaut(Huibeaux/Wibeaux),Marie-Catherine *1675 †? 1752 :­van Champagne, Frankryk, aankoms 1702 [5411]
Logo Symbolism: Synonymous with the French, the 3 petaled Fleur de Lis or Fleur de Lys means "flowers of the lily." This stylized lily has traditionally been used to represent French royalty. It signifies perfection, light and life. In this logo, it is adapted with two extra petals, to form a fountain - personifying the translation of the name as well as the street it the development is located upon.

Marie Catherine Huibaux
1675 1752 til i got no real record at this time i still continue

5/7/2014 at 11:26 AM

That's fantastic Martin! Thank you.
I'm adding to the profile and using the names as
Hercule Verdeau
Marie Catherine Huibaux (aka Catharina Wibaut)

The Estate Agent article gives a great description of the farms that I can add to the French Huguenot Project:

And your last post is the best estimation we have of her father's name, so I'm going to use that too.

Thankyou again cousin.

5/7/2014 at 12:26 PM

be carefull Sharon cause now we are dealing with phonetic i am not sure 100% about family name this is why i try to get from france root also from other profile

Jacques, 'bachelor 20 years old and Hercule his
brother, 16 years old,' in Passenger List of China from
Kotterdam, 20th March 1688. The latter alone is
in the Distribution List 1690, and among Drakensteiu
13 urghers 1692. He married Gatharina Hucibos,
(also written Maria Catherina Huibeaux, Huoebos,
and Wibeaux.) Only two girls Hagdalena and
Susanna were born, 1703 and 1707, to this couple,
and the family became extinct. In a joint will of
Hercule Verdeau and his wife, executed 30th July
1718, his age is given as 46, and her*8 as 43.

dont change thing to fast plz Sharon its an intrigue i google alot p

5/7/2014 at 12:56 PM

very powerfull family related or not its very interesting

5/7/2014 at 1:03 PM

Yes it is, isn't it?
As long as we keep a record here for people to follow what we used to make decisions, it is all fine, because it can all be discussed and changed again.
The conversation is a record of our progress towards the best approximation of the data we can agree on. :-)

5/7/2014 at 1:29 PM

its is very confusing. one thing is sure we got Marie-Catherine
her dad Andre but her mom another Marie-catherine thats maybe why in some records they change to Katerine
somthing have to be hiden

look like a family with power i dont know if you think the same as i do from the discussion we have


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