Gorm "den Gamle", dansk konge - Birthplace and parentage

Started by Harald Tveit Alvestrand on Thursday, April 10, 2014
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Her er også en fejl :Fróði [VI] Hardeknútsøn, King of Sjaelland, skulle være i Danmark? Hvis Gorm ikke er født i England , skulle han så være født i Danmark?

Har fået brev fra Peter Lawætz:

Peter Lawætz
10.06 (for 8 minutter siden)

til mig
Hej Ole:

Jeg kan bekræfte, at Remi har gengivet det meste af det jeg skrev til ham. Hvis der kommer mere, sender jeg gerne en kopi til dig næste gang.

Det forekommer mig uklart, hvad han mener med fakta, kilder og teori. Det er svært at skelne mellem fakta og kilder, når det gælder begivenheder for over 1000 år siden, og teori er vel det lim, man skal benytte for at få det til at hænge samme. Teori er ikke det samme som gætteri, men det er det tilsyneladende ikke lykkedes mig at overbevise ham om.

I think it's time to draw a conclusion.

Ole Kristian is defending one opinion: That Hardeknut is Godfred, and that therefore, Gorm the Old was born in York.

Anette, Jette, Marion and all the non-Danish participants in this debate have said that this is one theory, which does not enjoy widespread support in any community, and should therefore not be touted on the profile as if it was a fact.

Ole is clearly the odd man out here. Geni is a cooperative venture; when, after thorough debate, there is one person having one opinion and a lot of persons having another opinion, the one person does not get his way.

The profile will not list York as Gorm's birthplace.

Thank you, could you at the same time remove Jelling in his Birth Surname field. He probably isn't born there either and therefore shouldn't have Jelling as his Birth surname.

Remi brings up a good point. Jelling is the usual academic designation for this family, but no one thinks it was actually part of his name. It seems that curators are split on this point. Some of them routinely add the dynastic name to the Birth Name field, while others prefer a real name.

We should probably get some agreement on this point before changing existing profiles.

Günther mentioned in an earlier discussion that Jelling was used on his descendants, but as the fight I have on people putting a noble name on the generations before the knighting it would be wrong to put it on Gorm We only know that he died there.

I've changed his birth name to Knutsøn. Leaving the field empty means that it gets filled in on the next merge; Knutsøn will make it not display.

Maybee Harald the contend of the mail from Aarhus university, that I send you, should be displayed on the About me!!
It sums up what is fact about Gorm.

Nu er det da gået helt Facebook i denne diskussion - man kan ikke stemme om historien - og så lang tid denne diskussion er kørende, skal man ikke vedtage en teori, fordi den har flest tilhængere - det er uvederhæftigt og i klar modstrid med regler man anvender på Geni og curatorerne afgør ikke ikke hvad de skal stå - det er så ynkeligt !

I agree with Ole Kristian Moustgaard - We can't vote on what is right in the history.

On most everything else - I can't base my opinion on some guesswork and I am always open to discussion and new concrete facts and proof.

The only fact that I am certain of about my ancestor Gorm is that he did certainly exist - he was a king of Denmark - was married to Tyra - and they had children - He died in Jelling, Denmark - and I have precisely the same arthritis in my spine as he is reported to have had (it has existed in my family for generations).

Well, you just summarized what we know and should stick to that and not fabricate facts based on theories.

Ego Assentior / I agree ;)

Anne you mean Osteo Arthritus? That runs on my dad's side of the family as well. As well as Sciatica

Ditto here. Also in my famely. WE can hope they can oneday DNA test the man found in the grave in the church. That might more light over the whole matter.

Det er godt, at Peter Lawætz teori fremgår på profilen af Gorm - hvem kan modbevise dem?

Private User
Så vidt jeg kan se, har du ikke fremkommet med noget beviseligt indtil nu?
- Det er jo også meget nemmere at være "Likes" ligesom Facebook!

Her imodsiger Harald sig selv:
Harald Tveit Alvestrand C
2014/10/04 kl. 06:56
Remi, de fleste af de forhold, vi har, er teorier; det er kun, at nogle af dem har meget bedre opbakning end andre ....
Vi kender (godt, er det blevet rapporteret af samtidige kilder), at der er en grav, og et skelet, og disse har bestemte egenskaber; på den teori, at disse hører til kongen, at sagaerne nævne Gorm, vi bygger teorien om, at han var født og døde på bestemte datoer. Remi, har du en henvisning til grundlaget, hvorpå dette blev identificeret med Gorm den Gamle?

Og lige præcis her går der Facebook i Gorm (Likes)
- jeg må præciserer: Man kan ikke lave afstemninger om historiens gang.
Derfor - se at få Gorms fødested i York op igen!!

I know this is off topic, but, does anyone have access to the graves in Hakvik by Narvik?

The majority of users likes the majority of experts. That is very good news for the future of Geni!

og for slægtsforskning generelt.

This is the very point. Well done Justin. You got a "likes" from me. The discussion has reach finale act and is over and out for the time beeing.

Til Ole

fordi man ikke kan få sin vilje ,


man ikke at blive uforskammet

, din omtale / og nedgørelse af personer det er under lavmål,
hvad har det egentlig med emnet at gøre ??

Statement of facts: The Faxe Brewery Group has no commercially relalaitinship to Gorm Den Gamle and Jelling.
You can like it or not. I don't care.



når jeg føler efter så mærker det som jeg er levende

Jason, for me it's fine, I can translate on google. But it would be nice if it was half in English.

Interessant diskussion, og kan da godt se at vikingeskibene er i bølgegang her.

Hvis Sigurd-Orm-I øje, er farfader til Gorm, er der grund til at tro at Gorm reelt set er født i Danmark, da Sigurd siges at Arve Danmark, der er dog tvivl om hvorvidt Sigurd er Fader til HardeKnud.

Hvis Hardeknud ikke er søn af Sigurd Orm I øje, er Sigurd ikke Farfader til Gorm, derfor er der vel god grund til at Sigurd Orm ikke vil kendes ved Gorm, fordi han ikke havde familemæssig relation til knægten.

Så teroretiske kan Hardeknud være søn af en anden. Hardeknud kan ligevel være af Norsk, Svensk eller Dansk afstamning.


Remeber the date ranges we're considering:
- Ragnar Lodbrok: Born approx 765
- Sigurd Orm-i-Øjet: Born approx 786
- Hardeknut: Currently marked as born 814 (but that seems unreasonable given that he arrived as ursuper in Denmark around 880)
- Gorm the Old: Born approx 890

I usually caution people strongly against relying on these dates for arguments, given how weakly they're sourced - but It seems pretty likely that Sigurd was safely dead by the time Hardeknut made a grab for the throne of Denmark.

(Hardeknut is currently listed on Geni as the son of a Sveyn who was the son of Sigurd. That creates a somewhat reasonable spacing of generations, but I don't think it's well sourced.)

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