bastad or not to be bastard thats is the question

Started by Martin RhNegativ on Friday, March 21, 2014
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we are able to use our mind.but we are keep under impartial autority .its not the fault of any one its under somthing bigger to protect .and this impartiality is domined from other source than average non professional user of a genealogical site /if i am rejected into a discussion or taged as inapropirate explain it to me to get a better understanding if i can.

mr Swanström by /

Even better than subjects of HM -- most of us are cousins ;)

it put me into a positionia that i cant debate freelly

statu quo

Margaret Butts Sir William Butts, of Fulham

Mart: Check these relationships: Once they sort out the DNA with the multiple Ellis lines I have on my FT DNA about 8 at last count...The Kings Doctor is my 9th Great Grandfather. The site is unaware of the DNA linkage and so no comparrison to my direct ancestoral linkage. Funny how that stuff is so vaunted, but distrusted. Old ways are the best I suppose. DCR 1948

knights=chevaliers = most honorable

mr Rice
about dna and scientifique i got my doubt
scientifique is not complete its not unified still in 2014 and its based on a statistic. some claim as pur 100% proof and cant debate..
yeah those are the same that test a rock and give a year for it
or carbone14 test
as you see we very related .time will show all your path mr Rice and the testimony are true

good blood not lie

Martin: Catherine Bell is Sir John Perrott's 6th great grand daughter, she's also my 13th Cousin 7times removed via the Stewarts, Gordon's, Barclay's. Your Blondell's may connect here, also see the Marche connection. Regards DCR 1948. Catherine Bell Margrave Oberto II, count of Luni

mr Rice
i know Blondeau blondel blondell blundel blondus also ........are all the same source but since i dont have the path its only suposition from genealogy .but i do beleive its family blood
thanks to remember me those name XD

Look who's in the ancestory: Richard III and unknown children. One of whom is said to be Elizabeth Harrington's daughter. That line is part of the Rice lineage in America.

Sorry I had to place this below the message above. Not good with the technology. The Radcliffe name and Rice name are sometimes sonomous.

I know that Richard III a Plantagenant DNA reconstruction is due out soon, will be very interesting to see what the numbers on Y look like. Im betting the common ancestor of 910 Rollo will be very prominent. My Harrington/ Harringdon family descends from an Elizabeth Harrington said to have been in close contact with Richard for 3 days while a castle was under siege...DCR 1948

Justin Durand thank you, however I just looked back at the profile of Edward IV of England and it looks like it did before my edits. That actually hurts my feelings, so I'm done.

Private User & Justin Durand

That infuriates me. I restored the overview to Mimi's edit. Don't ever let this happen - I know how much effort it takes to format and present properly, and thank you so much for your trouble taken to make the profile come to life.

Thanks, Erica, you are always the Patron Saint of the Distressed User ;)

I suspect it wasn't deliberate - just not checking on overview formatting after a merge. So my expectation is that we will all take more care to honor contributions.


Martin this was an off topic side conversation for which I apologize if causing confusion.
another web page from discussion related

i have found on the web “what if” writen by some one on geni

we cant go nowhere “what if” and when in a time a real proof can be made about a certain claim..well history gona have to change

so i am given away this discussion to other that want to add info or data

back to the real world

A Proposal to Martin:

This thread is fascinating, if not heated. I too want to know what is the probability that Blaybourn is Edward IV's father. It is certainly above 0 yet less than 1. It might be 1%, 10%, 50%, heck, it might be 85%. Frankly, until we run the numbers, we don't know.

This question looks like a perfect candidate for a Geni Project.

Martin, I propose that you create a new Geni project: "Start a New Project".

Suggested title: « Paternité du roi Edward IV—L'Affaire Blaybourn »

To lay it on a scientific foundation, the project needs, at a minimum:
- un préambule
- une hypothèse
- une ou plusieurs méthodes pour tester l'hypothèse
- des données
- une analyse
- présentation des résultats
- conclusion
- sources

Ton hypothèse, je pense, est « Le père biologique du roi Edward IV est Edward Blaybourne, un archer de Kent »

Pour tester cette hypothèse, il faut choisir une méthode. Une méthode qui pourrait marcher, si tu aimes ça, est :
1. collection de toutes les sources
2. appliquer une mesure de véracité à chaque source (in English: assign a weight)
3. exécuter une analyse numérique (je pense qu'une statistique bayésienne serait parfaite ici)
4. publier les résultats (avec une bayésienne, le résultat serait un pourcentage)

Au sujet des sources : dans cette discussion en ligne, les participants ont déjà produient plusieurs sources très intéressantes, comme l'ADN par exemple.

Toi-même a trouvé déjà plusieurs sources.

On demanderait aux membres Geni de présenter leurs sources.

Il faudrait include toutes les sources possible, soit publications spécialisées, vidéos YouTube, Wikipédia, même Shakespeare.

Chaque source aurait un poids correspondant à sa véracité.

Martin, si tu est intéressé, il me ferait plaisir d'être un de tes collaborateurs. Je suis certain qu'il y aura beaucoup d'autres membres Geni qui seront intéressés.

Qu'est-ce que t'en penses ?


jaimerais bien mario

mais je crois que nous ne sommes pas entourer par des opinion neutre et que certain abuse de leur emotivite personel et qui dans des context historique a qui leur croyance enpeche tout debat de peur de toucher a leur arbre
bref en resumer laisson ce IV of England a leur famille.

tu nest pas obliger de croire mes mots que jai ecrit plus haut

mais une porte as eter ouverte par le Souverain royal Mr Swanström

a la 2ieme page de la discussion

There is no reason to think the Plantagenet yDNA changed after Edward III. Edward III was a maternal grandson of Philippe IV. Their yDNA would not be the same, except by coincidence.

The Plantagenet yDNA is unknown. Some people think it might be R1b-U106 based on triangulation. Some descendants have been tested, but the results are being withheld pending test results on Richard III. William the Conqueror is also speculated as R1b-U106.

The Tudor yDNA is speculated as R1b-L21.

You can read about the yDNA of British kings here:

There is some doubt about the yDNA of French kings. A test on a handkerchief dipped in the blood of Louis XVI showed G2a, but tests on modern descendants showed R1b-Z381. Some people think the handkerchief was contaminated. Others think that Philippe I of Orleans might not have been the biological father of his children.

You can read about the DNA of European kings here:

Some people think the handkerchief was contaminated. Others think that Philippe I of Orleans might not have been the biological father of his children.

cest une porte ouverte car mr Swanström est qualifier en la matiere et naurais pas mentioner sans avoir certain doute

donc pour le futur de geni jetudie cette ligne contamine
mais je tinvite a la poursuite Mario si tu le desire la creation de ce project et dajouter cette discusion et bonne chance mon ami



Who cares?

Many of us care Norvelle Lopienski. The story has implications for the sons and daughters born outside of the Church's designations. Mr. Martin advances the investigation into the actual blood generations subsequent to Edward IV. Which includes the Tudor line which I am most ardently interested. DCR 1948

Is he also doing the DNA of the Blaybourne line?

na i will let you lead for dna test for blaybourn line
but thanks for share your opinion

I just looked across the internet and there is no Blayborn DNA project. So perhaps someone will start one. First we need a proved descendent or thought to be descendent of Edward IV....Sons killed off by Political foes and so we have no DNA but the Mt. DNA and the X chromosome contributed by Edward to his daughters. No known Y data available? I suspect that's the case.

I watch a program on Smithonian channel that stated that they recovered Richard the III's bones in 2010 {I believe} (Edward the IV's brother) and did DNA test. They found a relative by the sister's line and did a family DNA test that proved that he was related to Richard III. They did not give the results of the yDNA test.

Showing 61-88 of 88 posts

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