Sheindel Margolios-Stengen נפטרה ב ניסן שפ"ד - Birth Date for Scheindel Margolios-Schtengen

Started by Seth Morgulas (Geni Curator) on Tuesday, March 4, 2014
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Showing 31-44 of 44 posts

to hatte:
what cache are you referring to? the cache in your computer?
also, what is the formula for the +++++ as in

Instead of redoing the computation for a relationship, Geni might store one path that was computed and only re-run the computation every few weeks. I'm sure someone more technical can provide a better explanation.

I'll take a look at the +++++ in a minute and see if I can answer.


If you mean what is the algorithm (recipe) for computing relationships, that's not something I can answer. And to some extent, it's probably a trade secret of Geni, although in general you would study this kind of problem in a computer science course, so such algorithms are written about a lot.

I am still unable to enter page 1 of this discussion.

hatte-you didn't answer my question. what i would like to duplicate is what you wrote:
for example, if i wished to find my relationship to someone other than shmuel shmelke, what is the procedure?
thanks in advance

bella- the solution i think is on page 1 (i also had the problem):
change encoder from UTF-8 to WESTERN EUROPEAN (WINDOWS).
enter page->encoding->click western european (windows) AND
AUTO-SELECT. this setting may not stick and the default may go back to UTF-8. i am still trying to get my computer to change the default to WESTERN EUROPEAN. if i succeed i'll publicize it.

Dear Shlomo - thanks for the suggestion.
I think it should be GENI fixing the bug in this discussion, not us.

Shlomo - if you want to see a relationship from someone to you, just click on their name in blue (go to their profile) and up in the center top is the button to click on to show relationship.

There's a pushpin up at the upper right that if you click on it, it will compute relationships vis a vis THAT profile, whereas normally the "default" is relationships vis a vis you.

Go click on my name and try it.

hatte-you mention a center top button. i don't have this, perhaps as a curator geni gives you this. when i turn on a profile i automatically get the list of relationship without having to click anything more. i also have the other option mentioned in your note.

What do you see in the middle top of this profile, Shlomo?

Bob Dylan

like i wrote previously, i don't have the center button. when i looked at bob dylan's profile at first there was no listing of his relationship to me. when i pressed the "find the relationship" i received it in the form that you have: + + +
. like i say, there are those with the button and those without. i am without.

The button says How are You Related? It is a rectangle.

Some relationships are cached (have already been run and were saved) and some are not. The ones that come up are the ones that have been cached and are still stored.

Any other comments? I'm not that technical but I think this is what is happening. Curators do have an extra capability with relationships, but this is not it.

Showing 31-44 of 44 posts

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