Charles Marais, b2 - Children of Charles Marais and Anne de Ruelles

Started by Private User on Wednesday, February 5, 2014
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Private User
2/5/2014 at 2:53 AM

SAG Volume 5 has 2 more children that listed in Old Cape Families and other available sources. Do we accept the SAG "extra children"? Can we find sources for the information as presented in SAG?

SAG - ("extras" marked **)
**c1 Anne 1693-1706
c2 Charles 1695
**c3 Catherine 1696-1708
c4 Daniel 1698
c5 Jean 1700
c6 Esther 1701
c7 Estienne 1703
c8 Debora 1705
c9 Anne 1707
c10 Jacques 1709
c11 Izaak 1711

Private User
2/5/2014 at 4:35 AM

I have only seen the extra children recorded in SAG Volume 4.
I consulted Richard Ball and his comments are as follows-


There certainly seems to be room for some [extra children] at the start of the list - the first solid date I have found is the 1698 baptism of Daniel.

But it would need a source other than baptism registers to find them,
since they do not appear in the surviving registers.

So far as I can see I have only found baptism for 6 of them.

Below is a copy of an email I sent to the Huguenot Museum some years
ago. You are welcome to publish the fact that I receive neither
acknowledgment nor reply to that email.

I now know that there is no such bible as I enquired about in the
Huguenot Museum, though it may exist elsewhere, since Alta
photographed all the bibles [ for eGGSA] they have and I have the photographs.

As you know I don't accept statements without sources.

I have the collected Huguenot Bulletin (from that Museum) up to 2004.
1994 as an issue dedicated to the Marais family but there is nothing
about the family you are interested in.

I believe the Huguenot Museum issues booklets on individual families
but I have never seen one so don't know the quality of the research
involved. They don't list them among their publications:

email sent to
The Huguenot Museum <>
25 August 2009

Dear Huguenot Museum Staff,

I have been doing research on my Cape ancestors for some years now and
I am wondering if you know if there are any bibles with family
information which survive from the original settlers?

I wonder this because I see, on various web sites, for Charles Marais
and his wife Anne de Ruel, a number of children listed for whom I have
so far myself found no evidence,

For instance, I have found evidence for 9 children:

but here we have 12 listed, all with dates of birth:

and my only thought is that there may be a bible surviving listing
their children. Located in the UK as I am it is difficult sometimes to
find out what documents do actually exist!

Do you know if such does exist? If so have transcripts been published,
or is it possible to obtain a transcript or a photograph of this

And secondly, do any other such early bibles survive for that or any
other families? Is there a listing of them anywhere, or even better,
transcripts of the information they contain?

With many thanks for any help you can offer.

Yours sincerely,

Richard Ball
Norfolk, England

Private User
2/5/2014 at 4:38 AM

My proposal is that we have the "missing" children recorded on GENI but have them as locked profiles with a note saying that they appear nowhere else with no sources. We can keep the numbering in line with the Old Cape Families?

If at a later time we come across a source for their existence we can re-think?

2/5/2014 at 4:48 AM

Yes - but let's keep an eye on FFY:

2/5/2014 at 4:59 AM

Wanted to add that I agree with your proposal!

Private User
2/5/2014 at 6:34 AM

Thank you Johann - there is quite a bit of conflicting material around! I also think we must remember that FFYP is ongoing and lists of children are not yet complete in all profiles.

Richard Ball says -

c2 Charles 1695 existed but I have found no baptism for him.
I have also found a Maria (no dates but married in 1734
If she is not one of their children whose child is she?

I have found no evidence for these [from the SAG LIst]

**c1 Anne 1693-1706
**c3 Catherine 1696-1708
c6 Esther 1701
c9 Anne 1707

2/5/2014 at 6:41 AM

Interesting - so it seems there might be THREE extra children. c1 and c3 from the SAG list plus Richard's Maria.
From a genealogical point of view, only Maria would be significant, as the others did probably not produce any children.
Let's hope that we can one day prove that Maria was the daughter of Charles and Anne...

2/5/2014 at 6:54 AM

I have emailed Almare Marias who, in a 1999 message on Rootsweb (, quite credibly listed TWELVE children - with Maria being an apparent twin sister of c9 Anne.
Lets keep our fingers crossed for a possible Family Bible listing.
Will keep you posted.

2/5/2014 at 6:55 AM

Oops - email address bounced. Will try other avenues.

Private User
2/5/2014 at 9:41 AM

Some feed back from Richard after my document

Maria c8 c. 1713
Hester c9 c 1715
Anna c10 c 1717

(from your list) - birth dates unlikely since Charles Marais, their
supposed father, was already dead when Isaac was baptised 1711.

The version of SAG I have (the original Heese and Lombard) states that
b3, Isaac, b. 1667 - died unmarried - no source, of course.

Looking through my muster roll transcripts the only ones I can find up
to 1724, apart from those we have definite proof of, are:

1715 p,331

Jan Jansz Veurne & Catharina Marais
(from other sources this seems to be MARE, Catharina


p. 531
Charl Marrais & Maria Rossoux
Gabriel Rossouw & Anna Marais
(the above one after the other)

Private User
2/5/2014 at 10:10 AM

Revised document -

Missed the information on Maria's profile which I think Private will have added.

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