Is there such a thing as a descent from King David?

Started by Randy Schoenberg on Friday, January 24, 2014
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Thank you Justin. Some of my ancestors were Puritans and were in the Mass. Bay Colony. They had distant royal lines. I did not know any of that until I started researching. So, there are Jewish lines that connect to British and French royalty?

Yes and no.

British and French royalty have connections to Spanish royalty. There were probably many Jewish and Muslim connections in medieval Spain but only one of them is even close to being proven -- Paloma ha-Leví Benveniste.

If you find a line on Geni that goes back to King David, and it doesn't go through her, it's a fake. If it does go through her, it might be true but no one is sure.

Geni says Yonati "Paloma" bat Gedaliah is my 11th cousin, 18 times removed.

I'm with Gábor Balogh on this one. I've asked 3 different statisticians (two of them not Jewish) about relatedness of current Jews to Rashi. They all said the same thing: that after 1000 years (Rashi lived in the 12 century) it's impossible for any European Jew or non-Jew not to be related to Rashi. How much more so with King David who presumably lived more than 2000 years ago.

The same is true for Europeans with any person who lived in Europe 1000 years ago. If that person has any living descendants then we are all descendants. If that person has no living descendants, they will still be a close ancestral relative.

Justin Durand My lines to King David go through Sancha Paloma in any of them. So, are you saying these are not valid? And, if so, where do they break down?

The line on Geni from Sancha to King David is such a jumble of fact, fantlasy, and theory it's hard to know where to begin. There are 10 or 12 places the line should be cut.

The problems in the lines from Sancha to Severianus are mostly problems of invention and forgery. From Severianus to Mariamne (wife of king Herod, mostly problems of using undocumented academic speculation. Then, the Davidic ancestry of Mariamne is itself very problematic.

The medieval Spanish lines are a mess. They have not had the same sustained attention the English and French royal lines have received on Geni. They're largely just stuff people have found on the Internet and decided to enter.

I spent some time tonight cleaning up Severianus of Cartagena.

With his parents cut, the line to King David through medieval Spain now takes a different path.

There are dozens of profiles that need to be cleaned up before the line to King David shows correctly.

There are problems with the claimed descent of the Maharal of Prague. See Chaim Freedman. The Maharal of Prague's Descent from King David (March 2006).

For a good overview of the subject of rabbinical descents from King David, see David Einsiedler, Are You a Descendant of King David? A Look at Rabbinic Sources at

Einsiedler begins his article with a very good summary --

"What are the chances that you are a descendant of King David? Is it certain? No, not until we find all the links, and enough historically-true evidence that can be accepted as proof."

In other words, it remains true that there are no lines to the present that meet modern standards of genealogical proof. There could be lines, and they could be proved someday, but they haven't been proved. Not yet.

Sorry if I am repeating what has already been said but there is a 20 generation gap in any proven line to King David. My husbands' family through Saul Katzenellenbogen(king for a day)/ Rashi etc do in family lore/myth go right back to David Hamelech as seen on Geni but as a 21st century genealogist this is not really 100% proof. If only he had left some DNA!
If we trust in Torah shebealpeh (oral law) then maybe we can believe in this too. I am sure you all have far more expertise than I do! Either way I will treat you all as royalty!

Where is her parents?
Mother Aviana?

If this is at all credible he would be my 100th or 101st grandfather.....King Solomon.

I believe your calculation of 100 to 110 great grandfathers is not correct. King David's reign was approximately 1,000 B.C.E. (Before the Common Era). If one allocates 20 to 25 years for the normal generation, then 3200 years ago calculates to somewhere from 128 to 160 generations. So if there is anyone that is that sure of their linage - I say GO FOR IT !!!!

Thanks Rick. I like knowing my husbands' family are from the tribe of Yehuda. Most of us have no idea what tribe we come from so we are going for it!!!!

My 124th Great Grandfather. I am thinking about something ; according to this, «all humans are descendants of Seth». Because the rest died in the floods. But I cannot make the mathematic calculation....Eden is not that long ago, and if we give it a rational outlook, rest of humans has been calculated several thousands of years older. What if Adam and Eve created an own part of humanity, and other races was around ? And survived ? Also, from what I may see, we are all a blend of everything. Jews, Arabic, European. Etc. What do you think about this ? Kind regards, Tone.

Probably. To answer the initial question. For example, the Cohen DNA hasn"t moved in thousands of years, and I suspect the Levi DNA is similar. So, unless there was cheating, of course, there are numerous descents. I was talking to egyptologist Zahi Hawass about Tutankhamon and he knows there are descents that side too. Akhenathon's daughter was married to an irish prince, so there is a descent through Ireland. I mean, also, most these lineages had red hair. And it's a gene mutation. It pops through again and again, because they married within the " circle" usually. I don't see what's incredible about it. They had kids who had kids and so on. Sumerians and egyptians left clear royal lineages on tablets, walls, etcetc..There are archeological evidences of lineages.

How will I know if I'm descended from him or not?

King David of Israel is your 98th great grandfather.
→ Fritz Gustav Henrik Lars Mörling
your father → Märta Comtesse af Reventlow, Stiftsjungfru från Preetz i Holstein
his mother → Frederik Ferdinand Eduard (Fritz) Greve af Reventlow
her father → Einar Carl Ditlev Greve af Reventlow
his father → Sophie Frederikke Louise Charlotte von Beulwitz
his mother → Sophia Hedvig von Warnstedt
her mother → Louise Hedvig Diede Zum Fürstenstein, Friherreinde
her mother → Eitel Diede Zum Fürstenstein
her father → Christoph Wilhelm Diede zum Fürstenstein
his father → Margarethe von Meysenburg
his mother → Jost Wilhelm von Meysenbug
her father → Johann von Meysenbug
his father → Ermgard von Meysenbug, verw. von der Malsburg
his mother → Burghard von Papenheim
her father → Herbord von Papenheim
his father → Ermgardis von der Asseburg
his mother → Agnes von Büren
her mother → Ermgard von Broich
her mother → Agnes Stecke von Broich
her mother → Prinzessin Sophia van Limburg
her mother → Cunégonde de Haute-Lorraine
her mother → Ludmilla of Poland
her mother → Elisabeth, Princess of Hungary
her mother → Jelena Urošević, Queen consort of Hungary
her mother → Anna Diogenissa
her mother → Constantine Diogenes
her father → Anna of Bulgaria
his mother → Alusian of Bulgaria
her father → Ivan Vladislav, Tsar of Bulgaria
his father → Aron Komitopulos
his father → Ripsime Kometopouloi / Cometopuli
his mother → Ashot II "the Iron"
her father → Smbat I "the Martyr" King of Armenia
his father → Ashot I "the Great", King of Armenia
his father → Prince Smbat VIII "the Confessor" of Armenia
his father → Prince Ashot IV "Msaker" of Armenia
his father → Prince Smbat VII of Armenia
his father → Prince Ashot III "the Blind" of Armenia
his father → Prince Vasak of Armenia
his father → Arshakuni
his mother → Manuel Arshakuni
her father → N.N., son of Johannes Moustakon Arscruni
his father → Placidia
his mother → Flavius Anastasius
her father → Anastasius, Roman Consul
his father → Flavius Probus, Consul of Byzantium
his father → Flavia Magna
his mother → Maria
her mother → Petronius Maximus, Roman Emperor
her father → Anicius Probinus
his father → Sextus Claudius Petronius Probus
his father → Petronius Probinus
his father → Anicia Demetrias
his mother → Amnius Anicius Julianus
her father → Sextus Anicius Faustus Paulinianus
his father → Asinia Juliana Nicomacha
his mother → Gaius Asinius Nicomachus Julianus
her father → Gaius Asinius Quadratus Protimus
his father → Julia Quadratilla
his mother → Aulus Julius Claudius Charax
her father → Julia Quadratilla Bassa
his mother → Julia Iotapa
her mother → Gaius Julius Alexander ., King of Cetis
her father → Tigranes VI, King of Armenia
his father → Caius Julius Alexander ., II, of Judaea
his father → Alexander, III, Prince of Judaea
his father → Queen Mariamne (Hasmonean), I, King Herod 2nd wife
his mother → Alexander II Hasmonean, High Priest
her father → (King) Aristobulus II Hasmonean, King and High Priest
his father → Salome Alexandra, Queen of Judaea
his mother → Rabbi Setah Bar Yossei
her father → Rabbi Yossei ben Yohanan
his father → Rabbi Yohanan ben Joazar
his father → Rabbi Joazar ben Zeredah
his father → Zeredah ben Antigone
his father → Antigone Soko ben Simeon
his father → Simeon I Saddiq ben Elias
his father → Elias ben Tobit, Governor of Judea 365-360 BCE
his father → Tobit ben Hananiah (twin)
his father → Hananiah?
his father → Hananya, 5th Exilarch
his father → Zerubbabel 3rd Exilarch / זרובבל
his father → Salathial 2nd Exilarch Ben Jechaniah, 2nd Exilarch
his father → Jechaniah - יהויכין מלך יהודה 18
his father → Jehoiakim Elyakim, 17th King of Judah
his father → Zebidah .
his mother → Pediah of Rumah
her father → Menasseh ., 13th King of Judah
his father → Hephzi-bah .
his mother → Isaiah The Prophet
her father → Amoz .
his father → Jehoash ., 7th King of Judah
his father → King Ahaziah ., 6th King of Judah
his father → Jehoram, 5th King of Judah
his father → Jehosaphat, 4th King of Judah
his father → Asa ., 3rd King of Judah
his father → Abijah son of Rehobam, 2nd King of Judea Kingdom
his father → Rehoboam son of Solomon, 1st King of Judea Kingdom
his father → King Solomon
his father → King David of Israel
his father

I'm not sure if you could know every generation. But if, you descend from Rashi, you've proven descent from King David.

Anything further back than 1200 AD when doing your personal family tree is mainly for entertainment. And even some countries the entertainment point is even closer due to lack of good record keeping.

The odds for someone with European DNA being related to King David is good, as families went back and forth a lot across the Mediterranean during antiquity and prior. Records don't show this, but archaeological evidence shows pottery from the Middle East as far as the Western Europe.

Even Africans and Asians could possibly trace roots to King David, as people ventured East and back into Africa.

Only people with true pure DNA of a particular continent are pure indigenous and some African tribes. The rest have mixtures to some degree.

King David of Israel is your 93rd great grandfather.

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