Is there such a thing as a descent from King David?

Started by Randy Schoenberg on Friday, January 24, 2014
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Justin Durand Thank you for sharing this excellent blog post!

i want to answer to rashi i wrote befor i on my mothers side got the same tradithion like your wife but i dont think she got proof to it more then me or me more then her

Is there such a thing as a descent from any of this kings ?

Eochaid Buaidhaig mac Duach, is your 90th great grandfather Eochaid Buaidhaig mac Duach, {Legendary, Annals of the Four Masters}

Acrisius, King of Argos, is your 90th great grandfather Acrisius, King of Argos

周文王 King Wen of Zhou 昌 Chang is your 90th great grandfather King Wen of Zhou, 周文王, 昌, 40

Mutakkil-nusku, King of Assyria, is your 90th great grandfather Mutakkil-nusku, King of Assyria

Duach II Laghrach, is your 91st great grandfather Duach II Laghrach mac Fiachach, {Legendary, Annals of the Four Masters}
Abas, King of Argos, is your 91st great grandfather Abas, King of Argos

King Kang of Zhou 周康王 釗(-1035/-996), is your 91st great grandfather King Kang of Zhou, 周康王, Jī Zhāo, 姬釗, 43

King David / דוד המלך . is your 91st great grandfather King David of Israel

Hi Bella: My wife's relatives in Ramat Gan have a family tree detailing my wife's maternal ancestry up to Rashi and Yohanan HaSandlar. And if what your family saying is so, then you and my wife are distant cousins. By the way, where are your Rosenzweigs from?

Is there such a thing as a descent from King David? It is feasible

Is there such a thing as a descent from Zeus? No

According to Geni, Zeus is my 104th great grandfather. I suppose this is a rather fun thing to have on my tree but it can't be accurate :D

Is it possible that in a time when an unhappy king could sentence a boring story teller to death, that maybe the stories told and passed down from generation to generation at the dinner table or in the king's courtyard about great and powerful warriors and gods may have been based on actual people? Maybe the gods were real in a sense and so the genealogy of them may not be that far from real. Many scholars believe that the genealogy of the Biblical lines are rather accurate do they not? And a good minstrel knew how to spice the story up.

The Pharoahs made themselves gods so why wouldnt they have been spoken of in later mythologies? In fact, most kings declared themselves to be descended from their gods so that the people would follow them without questioning.

Heeey Jack....
I did better than King David.
About 7/8 months ago I was working on my wife's side of our GENI tree. She had joked that she was descended from a long line of famous Rabbi's. It turned out she was right. I connected her to the "Baal Shem Tov...and other famous "Tzadiks". So late one night I was on line google-ing some of these Rabbi's and I happened on to one that was on GENI. I copied him onto our site and then went to his father...I kept going backwards until about 3 in the morning. Next day I checked my tree and it said "Norm Galston has added King David, King Solomon, Noah, etc. as his wife's relatives to his tree." It was actually embarrassing...but I decided to pick it up... out of curiosity... and went back even further...Now my GENI Home Page said...."Norm Galston has added Cain, Abel, Adam & Eve as relatives". Where do you go from there???...back one more time....Eve (must have been adopted) had no parents...but Adam had a single dad..."G-d" now my Home Page says "Norm Galston has listed G-d Almighty as his wife's Great, etc. Grandfather."
My wife was descended from "G-d" personally....when Rosie found out she told me she wanted to be known henceforth as "Queen Rose"!

Now as I stared at the home page ... I noticed that "G-d Almighty" was listed as "Deceased". The GENI Tree had automatically decided He was dead....I just couldn't be held responsible for that... So I went on the tree and changed Him to "Alive".

Obviously I really wasn't aware that GENI had an existing Biblical Tree or Trees and had accidentally tapped into it.

Have Fun...

I had begun to doubt that descents from King David could actually be traced until I was able to prove that "Little Red Riding Hood" was descended from one of King Solomon's concubines.
One fairy story is as good as another.


The Tel Dan Stele.
Main articles: Tel Dan Stele, Mesha Stele, and City of David
Two archaeological finds, the Tel Dan Stele and the Mesha Stele, have direct bearing on the question of the existence of a historical David. The first of these is an Aramean victory stele (inscribed stone) discovered in 1993 at Tel Dan and dated c. 850–835 BC: it contains the phrase ביתדוד (bytdwd), which has been interpreted as "House of David".[20] The Mesha Stele from Moab, dating from approximately the same period, may also contain the name David in line 12, where the interpretation is uncertain, and in line 31, where one destroyed letter must be supplied.[21]
The evidence from surface surveys indicates that Judah at the time of David was a small tribal kingdom.[22] The Bronze and Iron Age remains of the City of David, the original urban core of Jerusalem identified with the reigns of David and Solomon, were investigated extensively in the 1970s and 1980s under the direction of Yigal Shiloh of the Hebrew University, but failed to discover significant evidence of occupation during the 10th century BC.[23] In 2005 Eilat Mazar reported the discovery of a Large Stone Structure which she claimed was David's palace,[24] but the site is contaminated and cannot be accurately dated.[25]

Norm, I hope you were joking becaus if not this is not only utter rubbish but also blessfami

Bella bracha…
I do joke a lot and love to put people on…..

…BUT please tell me.. …"joking" about what?…and what was "utter rubbish and also Blasphemy?"


Norm, according to Geni, I also found Adam as my 135th GGrandfather,This info was added by Jordan Carrell on 21 Nov 2012. I called my Nephew who is a Phd. in Theology and he was excited.Check the book of Genesis, it has a Geneology chart of shorts, it takes a while to get thought it. Try the site www:// You may try other books of the Bible. I have more and will send it later. Bella will just have to deal with it.


Ah yes, I'm a Baal Shem Tov descendant too. Looks like we're closer cousins than I thought.

So, if various Kings etc. claimed descent from various gods- and many of the elite Romans and Greeks did as well, whether royal or not (the Roman historians' works are full of these pedigrees) to what extent is it appropriate to include them in genealogies? If biblical genealogies are included are those in the Homeric works (no I am not equating them on theological terms or suggesting that one or the other has more or less validity- just asking a question as to where the line should be drawn for genealogical purposes).

Seth, you're asking the key question. We've had dozens of attempts, but so far no one has managed to organize a discussion about how to handle "traditional genealogies". As you say, there are many places in the Geni tree where modern people connect through overlapping traditions to ancient men and women. Some of those descents are highly unlikely, but many of them were accepted as true when they were written.

Heeey Gary & Jack…
Glad you liked it. I don't know what ticked off Bella????…but It was all true…so how can you be mad about that?
I really started very seriously (later it got funny)...I tapped into the biblical tree using a real connect to my wife Rosie. Two days later I was contacted by some Hassid's asking why I was copying their "Biblical Tree" onto my GENI site???? Who Knew.
The worst was when I "Killed G-d".....and then had to undo it????
We're secular... but still don't wanna take any chances!!!

Jack…"Queen Rosie" really is a great great grand daughter of the Baal Shem Tov (among others) so I guess you two are"Kissing Cousins!!!"

@Bella - blessfami?

@Norm - aha! hmmm.. Geni calculator isn't tracking her as a relative of mine.

@Jack that's odd because you connect to me at the same point that Norm does and Rosie connects to me in the same line two generations earlier. It seems like then you should be her relative too?

@Seth yeah it says we're cousins on Geni, it doesn't say the same for Norm or Rosie.

hmmm. when I use the pushpin feature I get that Norm is a distant in-law to you but his wife shows as your 7th cousin once removed. What is interesting is that based on how I am connected to each of you I would have expected it to show a different set of connections. However perhaps it is something with how te algorithm calculates consanguinity.


Hmm, maybe it's because she is a private, unclaimed profile that the algorithm isn't calculating the same for me. Her name is in green writing for mine, meaning she would be an in law of an in law.

Jack & Seth...
Hi Guys, I sent you both further info privately, hope it helps.


Since all of the Cohanim, be they Ashkenazi, Sefardi, or Mizrachi have a distinctive gene linking them to Aaron HaCohen, I'm wondering if any DNA testing has been done to link all those who descend from the Davidic Royal family. That would be a hoot, don't you think?

Rashi, in order to be able to do that, you would FIRST need to have a group of people who were a definite match. That doesn't exist. Also Cohanim have it easier, because the entire line MUST be male. So it's easier to isolate specific mutations.

Rashi Noach, exists (I'm sure you know) in GENI a project :"Jewish DNA Project at Family Tree DNA" and I am part of this project together many participants to this discussion.

I'm speaking about it because it is my conviction that an interpolation between the DNA tests in FTDNA and the GENI Profiles would be very useful and I make a practical example:

About Charlemagne's bones, I know that there is a study about the acknowledgment of the authenticity of them and perhaps of Charlemagne's DNA;

Pepin II d'Héristal, Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia is the Charlemagne's 4th great grandfather (patrilineal) and he is my 36th great grandfather {patrilineal) than we have the same Y-DNA.

The Charlemagne's genealogical line is from Charles 'Martel" and Rotrude.

My genealogical line is from Thierry I, count of Autun (2nd great grandchild of Pepin II d'Héristal} and Aude d'Austrasie (daughter of Charles "Martel":

In the opinion of the Ph.D. Arthur J. Zuckerman [Jewish Princedom in Feudal France, 768-900 (Study in Jewish History)] Thierry I, count of Autun and Natronai ben Habibi (exilarch deposed and exiled) are the same person.

In the opinion of some GENI's Curators: Thierry I, count of Autun is from the line of Pepin II d'Héristal, Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia.

Concluding, my Y-DNA test in FTDNA affirmed that my ancestors are Ashkenazi and with one of the participants of the project :"Jewish DNA Project at Family Tree DNA" we have Guillaume de Gellone, comte de Toulouse common great grandfather and the family of this GENI member is part of the Davidic

However I leave to experts to solve the discrepancy between the FTDNA results and GENI genealogy of Pepin II d'Héristal, Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia (is Charlemagne Jewish?)

Private User That is absolutely fascinating. Thank you very much for sharing.

Out of curiosity, what is your Y DNA Haplogroup? mine: J2a1b1*.

Shmuel-Aharon Kam (Kahn / שמואל-אהרן קם (קאן --- Shavua Tov. There are families around the world who do maintain an oral tradition that they descend from the Davidic line - The Katzenellenbogens; the Luries; the Gefens (my wife's maternal ancestry); the Halberstams, to name a few. Question is -- how can we approach them and get this done?

Rashi, I'm well aware that these oral traditions exist, but in order to isolate specific genetic markers, that will probably not be enough. The proverbial hay-stack would be far too large and too messy in which to be able to find an as yet never seen needle.

On the other hand, IF we had a number of known descendants, then finding a theoretical genetic tag that they share, would be far more doable.

Rashi - For nearly a decade I have managed a Jewish DNA Project at FamilyTreeDNA with over 2,100 participants including among others, numerous families with traditions of David descent, including the families that you mention. According to the ongoing results of these projects, there is no single identifiable chromosome for each of these particular families, let alone a single Y describing a Davidic lineage. In other words, identifying one is a pipe dream. As a practical matter, it is a near-certainty from a statistical standpoint that nearly everyone in the Jewish community, and all of Europe, Jewish or otherwise, is in some respect a descendant of the King David who would have lived 3,000 years ago.

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