J2a1a Mt. DNA

Started by Dale C. Rice on Monday, January 6, 2014
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1/6/2014 at 12:52 PM

My sisters test is back: We have the same mother so I too am J2a1a Maternal side (one of the 7 daughters of EVE) and I-1 On Patrilinial side which is Germanic/Scandanavian ancestory but Centered in Northern FRANCE. The J2a1a assignment explains some skin tones which derive from a connection in Sub-Sarahan Africa along with the ANCIENT lines of the IBERIAN pennesula. The Berkley line which an apparant 8th great grandmother derives from such a connection ca 1400 from Castile Spain married into Maurice de Berkley or Thomas Berkley line. This family was infamously involved with Henry Tudor VIII at Mary Berkley-Pughe who gave birth to Sir John Perrott ca1527. We are still tracking or back-tracking the name Perrott ap RICE 1600 born to Margaret Berkley? MERCER and the person to whom she was married was not is not I-1 Haplogroup or likely to be of that group. His family is the ANCIENT Ap Thomas LIne of Sir RHYS ap THOMAS ap Gruffed ap Nickolas WELCH line and they are recorded back to King Cole Hen lineage. The combined test results may have a bareing on the Tudor Male Line which so far has yielded a Majority of I-1 Haplogroups as DeVellville (son of HENRY VII) Thomas Stuckley, Edwardes, and now Perrott II along with the DAVIS line of 1650 subsequent to vistits to South CAROLINA by trader JOhn Perrott or Parrat II. I am the 8th great grandson of John Parratt II son of Sir John Perrott son of Henry Tudor VIII. but that is not 100% certain, as the Aural History is enough to place my Paternity with the Perrott II line as of yet. DCR 1948

1/6/2014 at 2:16 PM

Careful, careful.

1. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) has nothing to do with skin pigmentation.

2. Your mtDNA doesn't tell you anything about the Rices or any of your paternal ancestors.

3. When you look at the origins of an mtDNA group, you're looking at where your distant ancestor lived thousands or tens of thousands of years ago. All of the the J2a is about 19,000 years old. All of the J2a groups are spread more or less homogeneously throughout modern Europe, so it doesn't tell you anything about your origins on a map of modern Europe. Could be Britain, France, Germany, almost anything.

1/6/2014 at 2:39 PM

Sorry I left out a big modifier above: "As the Aural History is NOT enough to place my Paternity with " etc. Sub-Sharan Africa would explain a lot of our skin tone issues....The BLACK PRINCE or STEWART KING comes from the Scandanavian side? His dark coloring was an embarssment to Henrietta Maria as i read about him. Iberian Pennesula is influanced by MOORISH and AFRICAN persons....you think that's too far a stretch? WHER is pigmentation carried? DCR

1/6/2014 at 3:29 PM

I lift up for your examination the following relationships tracing the the daughters and sons of JOHN RICE 1624, indicating that the proximity of the ap RICE's to the TUDOR descendents at CAREW CASTLE is more than coincidental: John "the Quaker" Perrot Margaret Mercer Captain Thomas Stucley Rev. Richard Edwardes Catherine Carey, Chief Lady of the Bedchamber Jasper Tudor Lord Edward Seymour, 1st Earl of Hertford Catherine Locke Lady Katherine Daubeney, Countess of Bridgewater

1/6/2014 at 5:11 PM

Dale I can't comment about J2a1a genetics except to note it was my grandmother's group, she was quite fair, and you're talking about thousands of years ago for any (possible) sub Saharan contribution, and melatonin doesn't endure more than a few generations.

I do need to say there's a problem with this profile

Robert Royce, of New London

He currently shows multiple parents.

I will research and fix it as best I can but that may alter the relationships you are tracing.

OR I can just leave it incorrect & broken ....

1/6/2014 at 6:19 PM

Ms. ERICA: If there is a problem we owe it to the rest of the seekers to try and fix it....I am not the only person relying upon the data, so by all means correct what needs correcting. I do recall that Robery Royce was a possible listed brother to a twin related to Henry Rice married to a Baker Woman...but as far as I know, that line is disconnected to Edmund or my line....Neimeiah Royce as I recall married a Morgan descendent. The J2a1a link is just information at this point...perhaps there is no link on the X for pigmentation...I wouldn't know.

The relational Geneaology I refer to is the Perrott ap RICE connection to Sir JOHN PERROTT and the only other is RICHARD RICE from East ANGLIA which Justin has referred to....I did not find any Tudor connection however...so that's unlikely to be in my story or family....No Tudors not my family. DCR

Private User
1/14/2014 at 12:16 AM

My brother is a direct descendant of the Edwards line his Y dna is a R1b1a2-M269. My mtdna is a T2b

1/14/2014 at 8:26 AM

Hello Ms Angela: Is your brother's last name EDWARDS? And who would his father be? His descendency would be very important to the quest I am on so please share what you are comfortable about....THANKS DAle C. RICE

Private User
1/15/2014 at 12:35 AM

My biological surname is Charnes. Our line goes from Susan Edwards up to Rev Richard Edwards. Our Edwards married into our Toliver line. my Dads name was Thomas Lee Charnes (Carnes)

1/15/2014 at 8:34 AM

I do thank you Angela: THE Y chromosome carries the direct Tudor haplogroup which is unknown. The Y chromosome your brother carries is his father's.....If your mother is still living we would be most grateful to have information regarding the X Mt. DNA she received from him.....The other X she received is from her mother or your grandmother. Please let me know if there are any living EDWARDES Males like Susan's brother or Edwards NEPHEW that might be interested in participating.

Again I do thank you for the contact: the information I am seeking has to come from a Male descendent with the EDWARDS name....KInd Regards DALE C. RICE

Private User
1/16/2014 at 6:39 AM

Im not sure. Susan was born in 1700's so im not sure if there would be any great great nephews. I just found out about my grandfather. My mom is a Mills descended from the Culpepper/Colepepper line

1/16/2014 at 10:14 AM

Rebecca Mills Married my 6th great grandfather Samuel RICE of Con. and I recognise the Culpepper family too.....Perhaps you could give me the name of the last known Edwardes Male in your family as we are cousins it seems. DCR

Private User
1/16/2014 at 9:14 PM

This is what I know of my Edwards. These are my 5th Great Aunts and Uncles along with their parents

David Edwards
1745 – 1782

Elizabeth Morris
1745 – 1827

Vince Edwards
1765 –

Archibald Edwards
1767 –

Starling Edwards
1768 – 1818

Mary Polly Edwards
1768 – 1820

Nathaniel Edwards
1768 –

John Edwards
1769 – 1855

David Edwards
1774 – 1828

William Edwards
1776 – 1869

Elizabeth Edwards
1778 – 1860

Sarah Sally Edwards
1780 – 1860

Rachel Edwards
1792 – 1884

Berry Edwards
1799 – 1870

Susan Edwards
My 5th great grandmother
Birth 1766 in Orange, North Carolina, United States
Death 1832 in Lawrence, Indiana, United States

Private User
1/16/2014 at 9:16 PM

i need to expand on them. My mom also has Edwards that were from SC.

1/16/2014 at 11:23 PM

Thanks for that very nice and complete list of family Ms. Angela. I'll see if the Indiana Edwards that Im following back to HENRY TUDOR is listed as a brother or Cousin....Kind REGARDS DCR

Gedaliah Ben Yohanan
1/17/2014 at 2:02 AM

Edward Seymour 1st Earl of Hertford is my 7th cousin 15 times removed. The whole way to the Faroe Islands , maybe via Magnus Earl of Orkney.

1/17/2014 at 9:07 AM

Greetings G.B.Y: I believe once upon a time we had a cousin connection through the John CHURCHILL line but that line is not proved and so has been taken down. I thankyou for the information of Edward Seymour he is only about 6 or 8 steps away from the 6th great AUNT so in time a bit of distance yet very close in terms of relational connections. The family of PERROTT ap RICE is at the heart of my research and I am looking for the very special 12th son of a son of HENRY tUDOR....to see if their Haplogroup is I-1 or something other than I-1....Regards DCRice 1948

Private User
1/20/2014 at 11:10 PM

The Tudor and Stuarts haplo is a R1b.

1/20/2014 at 11:28 PM

Stewarts are PROVED R1b: The Tudor's are still under debate. There is evidence on both sides for R1b....I m making the case for a French take over of the TUDOR CLAN about 1070 and I1 is what I have found for deVellville, Stuckley, John Perrott II The ap RICE seems to also follow the later arrivers. So according to JUSTIN, the DNA Brain TRUST...not yet settled. DCR

Private User
1/20/2014 at 11:47 PM

I have found this about R1b
http://www.talkingscot.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=16788 Haplogroup R1b1b2a1a1

Today R1b1b2a1a1 is found mostly on the fringes of the North Sea in England, Germany and the Netherlands, where it reaches levels of one-third. That distribution suggests that some of the first men to bear the haplogroup in their Y-chromosomes were residents of Doggerland, a real-life Atlantis that was swallowed up by rising seas in the millennia following the Ice Age.

Doggerland was a low-lying region of forests and wetlands that must have been rich in game; today, fishing trawlers in the North Sea occasionally dredge up the bones and tusks of the mastodons that roamed there. Doggerland had its heyday between about 12,000 years ago, when the Ice Age climate began to ameliorate, and 9,000 years ago, when the meltwaters of the gradually retreating glaciers caused sea levels to rise, drowning the hunter's paradise. Doggerland's inhabitants retreated to the higher ground that is now the North Sea coast.

1/20/2014 at 11:58 PM

Way Cool Ian: I had heard of Doggerland previously, but was not aware of the R1b1b2a1 association....It's makes sense. My assumption is that I1 is the senior or elder brother so to speak with the BEAKER and Corded ware peoples of Gernman/Scandanavian Ancestory crossing the Channel lands before the big melts and floods of the CHANNEL....

Justin is the Brain TRUST so he'll have a better grasp than I will. Thanks for posting....keep and eye out for good data of I-1 H.Group...are you tested Ian? DCR

Private User
1/21/2014 at 12:08 AM

Naw, I aint tested yet but my male Winton Cousin has. He is confirmed R1b1b2a1a1. I dunno yet maybe I will wait a while first before I do the DNA thing? I think I am still to young, unless its necessary.

Private User
1/21/2014 at 12:10 AM

I'm thinking about DNA though!! Just so I can get the cool Caveman T-shirt!! :)

Private User
1/21/2014 at 12:15 AM

I wouldn't have my genealogy hobby anymore if I get tested. I would be lost! :)

Private User
1/21/2014 at 12:32 AM

Ya, From what I understand and have read I1 Is grandpa of this Haplo-group? I'm still learning though? Says Winton is 2.7% Neanderthal?

1/21/2014 at 10:08 AM

My sister tested out at 3.2% but she's from the next older generation than me, so two removed from you makes that about right....What's interesting is that we show absolutely no brow ridge above the eyes, no skull crest and no adam's apple because of neck jawline and a more posterior placement of the Foamen Magnum.... If your cousin is R1b1 the you are likely that as well....same father to your uncle and dad? You would fall into that too. DCR

Rev. Richard Edwards is my 13th GG and so if his father is Henry Tudor then there is a whole Tudor line missing from my ancestor list and my Edwards line is wrong too. =(

4/23/2014 at 4:55 PM

Raymond, don't let the speculation lead you astray. There is no evidence that Richard Edwards was a son of Henry Tudor. This is the pet theory of one man. It goes like this -- he believes he is a Tudor descendant, and he is I1, so he thinks everyone with an I1 surname is potentially also a Tudor descendant. Pay no attention. His theory has been debated across Geni for a year. The story keeps changing, and so far the only evidence we've heard is that his father said so.

4/25/2014 at 1:08 PM

Agnes Edwards Raymond, as you can plainly see from the Geni file I posted they regard the possibility of a liasiaon with Henry VIII as more than speculation or they would not put up the idea in the first place. If you are a diret male descendent of Dr. Richard Edwardes with no breaks in the father to son connection then you can answer the question I have posed for the past year.....But the only way to tell is through a Y DNA test at 25 markers or more. If you are I-1 Haplogroup then you've made history in my view, and then some serious analysis can begin on all all the various illegitimate lines I have referenced. Thanks for speaking up. DCR 1948 I-1 Haplogroup

4/25/2014 at 1:12 PM

Dale, the topic of this discussion is the J2a1a haplogroup. Better if we stay on topic here and create a new discussion for your theories about yDNA and I1.

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