Find and share your most distant patrilineal great grandfather.

Started by John Smith on Thursday, December 19, 2013
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Showing 61-67 of 67 posts

i like this one - William Sinclair of Roslin, 1st Lord of Roslin is your 25th great grandfather. William "the Seemly" Sinclair of Roslin

Now that I know what has been asked: William White circa 1587 8th GGF is as far back as I have been able to manage. The other two main family lines: Montgomery starts with my Mother who was a Montgomery and with Mary Dalton who married a Leonard White

i'm sorry; i misunderstood what you were asking
- however, i did find this lineage within your lines "w"
and, it sure is interesting:
Friedrich III, Deutscher Kaiser (German Emperor)
his father → Wilhelm I, Deutscher Kaiser (German Emperor)
his father → Friedrich Wilhelm III, König von Preußen
his father → King Frederick William II of Prussia
his father → Prince Augustus William of Prussia
his father → Friederich Wilhelm I, König in Preußen
his father → Frederick I of Prussia
his father → Friedrich Wilhelm I "der Große Kurfürst" von Brandenburg, Kurfürst zu Brandenburg, Herzog in Preußen
his father → Georg Wilhelm von Brandenburg, Kurfürst zu Brandenburg Herzog in Preußen
his father → Johann Sigismund von Brandenburg, Kurfürst und Markgraf von Brandenburg, Herzog in Preußen
his father → Joachim Friedrich von Brandenburg, Kurfürst zu Brandenburg, Herzog in Preußen
his father → John George Hohenzollern of Brandenburg
his father → Joachim II Elector of Brandenburg
his father → Joachim I Nestor Kurfürst von Brandenburg
his father → Kurfürst Johann I Cicero von Brandenburg
his father → Albrecht III "Achilles", Kurfürst zu Brandenburg
his father → Friedrich I Kurfürst von Brandenburg
his father → Friedrich V, Burggraf von Nürnberg
his father → Johann II von Hohenzollern-Nürnberg, Burggraf von Nürnberg
his father → Friedrich IV, Burggraf von Nürnberg
his father → Friedrich III, Burggraf von Nürnberg
his father → Conrad III/I, Burggraf von Zollern-Nürnberg
his father → Friedrich I, Burggraf von Zollern-Nürnberg
his father → Friedrich II, Graf von Zollern
his father → Friedrich I, Graf von Zollern
his father → Burchard I, Graf von Zollern
his father → Friedrich von Sülichen, Graf von Sülichen
his father → Hesso I, Graf im Sülichgau
his father

i am, just starting to work on my dad's side of the family
- so, when i can properly contribute to this conversation, i will

thank you

From my mother's father - my grandfather
i was able to get back to
Lord Richard de Grey, Lord of Rotherfield
Richard de Grey is your 27th great grandfather.

W Give me some time to do some research. I have not worked that much on the Montgomery line. I have a somewhat archaic method. I put together a strawman contining names regardless of accuracy. Then, link by link verify. I have a small advantage in that the Montgomerys kept records

I am not sure what this means to the tree. From dad to son came a time when dad had no son and the title (or whatever) went to a brother,.

The clan montgomery once they acquired land in England and began to go forth and multiiply, the usual difficulties became to arise. A did not like B; moved out to Scotland Others went to Wales some to Ireland and religion played a large part. In the Battle of Boyne one had montgomeries on both sides.

thank you, "w" - i also found, it goes back further to here -,
however, that has NOT stuck completely with just males
- going to complete, and, add that info now,
with references i am NOT a professional, however, i am enjoying this
@Raimund Borrel (gets to a 32nd level)

I think this means; i got it back to here: Anchitel de Grai, of Rotherfield

Showing 61-67 of 67 posts

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