Cingeris, Pharaoh of Egypt (Fictional) is your 113th great grandfather.
Cingeris, Pharaoh of Egypt (Fictitious Person)
This might be an interesting one to explore
Cingeris, Pharaoh of Egypt (Fictional) is your 113th great grandfather.
Cingeris, Pharaoh of Egypt (Fictitious Person)
This might be an interesting one to explore
Hi Susan, I got it ! At least I think so. But I only can explain in portuguese:
Cingeris, Pharaoh of Egypt (Fictitious Person)
Ainda hoje é dificil saber onde acaba a realidade e começa a ficção. Como poderemos avaliar com razoável segurança o que se passou - ou não - há 4.500 anos, especialmente trantando de figuras já classificadas como fictas, com a do Deus-Faraó Cingeris? Acho que depois do proveitoso debate sobre a dinastia de Bragança, você nos está apontado para a origens arcaicas dos povoadores da Irlanda...e da península ibérica, ao invocar o Deus-Faraó que seria o pai de Scota, mulher de Milesius of Spain, King of Braganza. E principalemente para o denso e surpreendentemente revelador histórico que se pode ler a respeito em Milesius Galamh (Lebor Gabála Érenn)
Thanks Deisi Vaz Pinto- who says:
Today it is still difficult to know where it finishes the reality
and it begins the fiction.
How we will be able to value with reasonable security guard
who went on - or not - are there 4.500 years,
specially figures already classified as fiction,
with that of the God-Pharaoh Cingeris?
I find that after the profitable discussion on the dynasty of Bragança, you are pointed us for to archaic origins of the colonists of Ireland ... and of the Iberian peninsula, while invoking the God-Pharaoh who would be the father of Scota, woman of Milesius of Spain,
King of Braganza.
(note, this is a very loose translation)
Loose translation, dear Susan ? It's clear as crystal, and better than original idea was in my "loose" mixture. By the way, I agree - with Dea and Justin - that we need to be very careful to distinguish this kind of mixtures among historical names(and events) with untimeliness ages, some times we can find on Geni, until in the same generation. Like we may see here, in my own ggf/ggm'30th:
Henrique de Borgonha, conde de Portugal, is your 30th great grandfather Henrique de Borgonha, conde de Portugal
Teresa de Leão, condessa de Portugal, is your 30th great grandmother Teresa de Leão, condessa de Portugal
Foulques I "le Roux", I. comte d'Anjou, is your 30th great grandfather Fulk, count of Anjou
Rollo of Normandy, great grandfather of Robert II le Pieux, roi des Francs, is your 30th great grandfather Gange-Hrólfr 'Rollo' Ragnvaldsson
Roscille des Loches, comtesse d'Anjou, wife of Foulques I "le Roux", I. comte d'Anjou, is your 30th great grandmother Roscille deLoches, Comtesse d'Anjou
Ferrando Ferrández de Saavedra, is your 30th great grandfather Ferrando Ferrández de Saavedra, Señor de Saavedra
Ylduara / Aldara Arias, wife of Ferrando Ferrández de Saavedra, is your 30th great grandmother Ylduara o Aldara Ménendez de Arias Ylduara o Aldara Ménendez de Arias
Thore, The Silent(Norway), is your 30th great uncle Tore "Teiande" Ragnvaldsson
Poppo von Neckargau, graf, is your 30th great grandfather Poppo Graf im Neckargau
Saint Vladimir I, "Velikiy, the Great", Prince of Novgorod is your 30th great grandfather Prince of Kiev Volodymyr Sviatoslavich Prince of Kiev Volodymyr Sviatoslavich
Rogneda of Polotsk, wife of Saint Vladimir I, "Velikiy, the Great", Prince of Novgorod, is your 30th great grandmother Rogneda of Polotsk
Robert I, King of France, is your 30th great grandfather Robert I, king of West Francia Robert I, king of West Francia
Béatrice de Vermandois, wife of Robert I, King of France, is your 30th great grandmother Béatrice de Vermandois
Raoul de Gouy, comte d'Ostrevent, is your 30th great grandfather Raoul 1er de Laon, comte de Laon et de Senlis, comte de Vexin, Amiens et Valois
Hildegarde of Friuli, Countess of Valois, wife of Raoul de Gouy, comte d'Ostrevent, is your 30th great grandmother Hildegarde d'Amiens, héritière d'Amiens et Gozdert
Edgar I "The Peaceful", King of the English, is your 30th great grandfather Edgar I "The Peaceful", King of the English
Kenneth II, King of Scots, is your 30th great grandfather Kenneth II, king of Scots
Prince Diles Heiguer, Chebre de Cornouaille, is your 30th great grandfather Prince Diles Heiguer Chebre de Cornouaille
Alava de Cornouaille, wife of Prince Diles Heiguer, Chebre de Cornouaille is your 30th great grandmother Alava de Cornouaille
Roger Mont Gomeri, is your 30th great grandfather Roger de Monte Gomerii
Guifré I el Pilós, XI comte de Barcelona, is your 30th great grandfather Guifré I el Pilós, XI comte de Barcelona
Prophet Muhammad of Islam (PBUH), is your 30th great grandfather Prophet Muhammad of Islam (PBUH)
Khadijah al-Kubra (r.a.), wife of Prophet Muhammad of Islam, 1st Mother of the Believers, is your 30th great grandmother Saidatina Khadijah bint Khuwaylid
Owain ap Hywel, is your 30th great grandfather Owain ap Hywel Dda
Bolesław I 'Chrobry - the Brave', King of Poland, is your 30th great grandfather Bolesław I "The Brave" of Poland, Duke and King of Poland
Chadalhoch van Traungau, Graf im Isengau, is your 30th great grandfather Engelbert I von Sponheim, Markgraf von Istrien
Abu Baqr ibn Yaḥyā I, ancestor of Madragana Ben Aloandro(Mor Afonso), is your 30th great grandfather Abu Baqr ibn Yaḥyā, I
Arnulf II de Jongere, graaf van Vlaanderen (Count of Flanders), is your 30th great grandfather Arnulf II the Young, count of Flanders
Fromont I, comte de Sens, is your 30th great grandfather Fromont I, comte de Sens
Arnulf I "the Bad", Herzog von Bayern, is your 30th great grandfather Arnulf, Duke of Bavaria
Dietrich, Graf im Drenthe, is your 30th great grandfather Eberhard von Drenthe, Graf im Drenthe und Salland
Eberhard, Graaf van Hamaland, is your 30th great grandfather Eberhard, duke of Frisia
Godelinde de Poitiers, daughter of Emenon, comte de Peiregòrd, is your 30th great grandmother Godelinde de Poitiers
Eleanor di Arborea, is your 30th great grandmother Eleanor di Arborea
Ruggero II, Re di Sicilia, is your 30th great grandfather Roger II of Sicily
Yehudah Hayy "Yahya" ben Hiyya, Nasi, Ra'is b'Rabbanan al-Tulaytula, is your 30th great grandfather Hiyya HaNasi
Saint Adelaide of Italy, is your 30th great aunt Saint Adelaide of Italy
Pope Sergius III, is your 30th great aunt's ex-partner Pope Sergius III
Fatimah-tuz-Zahra (R.A), daughter of Prophet Muhammad of Islam, is your 30th great aunt [1] Fatimah Bint Muhammad
Hazrat Qaasim bin Maulana Muhammad, son of Prophet Muhammad of Islam, is your 30th great uncle Hazrat Qaasim bin Maulana Muhammad
Hazrat at-Tayyab bin Maulana Muhammad, son of Prophet Muhammad of Islam, is your 30th great uncle Unknown Profile
Hazrat Taahir bin Maulana Muhammad, son of Prophet Muhammad of Islam is your 30th great uncleis your 30th great uncle Abdullah Ibn Nabi Muhammad / Prophet Muhammad
Zainab bint Muhammad, daughter of Prophet Muhammad of Islam, is your 30th great aunt Zainab
Bibi Fatimah(radi Allahu anhu), daughter of Prophet Muhammad of Islam, is your 30th great aunt [1] Fatimah Bint Muhammad
Hazrat Ibrahim bin Maulana Muhammad, son of Prophet Muhammad of Islam, is your 30th great uncle Unknown Profile
Halah Binte "Abu Halah" Malak Al-Tamimi, daughter of Prophet Muhammad of Islam, is your 30th great aunt Tamimi/6000000018629448019?through=6000000003310723649
Hindah Binte 'Ateeq Al-Makhzumi, daughter of Prophet Muhammad of Islam, is your 30th great aunt Jayirah bint 'Atiq al-Makhzumi
Angharad verch Hywel, is your 30th great aunt Angharad verch Hywel Dda
Pope Gregory V, is your 30th great uncle Pope Gregory V
Charlize Theron, South African actress, is your 30th cousin once removed Charlize Theron
Cadwaladr ap Idnerth, King of Builth is your 30th great uncle Cadwr Wenwyn ab Idnerth, King of Builth
Arianwen verch Brychan, Saint is your 30th great uncle's grandmother St. Arianwen verch Brychan
St. Brychan Gododdin, Brenin Brycheiniog is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather St. Brychan Gododdin, Brenin Brycheiniog
Tudwal, King of Dumnonia is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's father Tudwal, King of Dumnonia
Gwrfawr ap Cadfan, King of Dumnonia, is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's grandfather Gwrfawr Morfawr Dumnonia, King of Dumnonia
Anarawd ap Rhodri Mawr is your 30th great grandfather Anarawd ap Rhodri Mawr
Alfrond, ap Justin de Cornouaille, is your 30th great grandfather Alfrond ap Justin de Cornouaille
Gwladys Princess of Britain (Silures tribe) is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's great grandmother Gwladys of Britain (Silures tribe)
Charlize Theron, Academy Award winning South African actress, directly descended from early Huguenot settlers, and Boer War figure Daniel Theron was her great-grandfather's brother, is your 30th cousin twice removed Charlize Theron?through=6000000004101867068
Brân ap Llyr Lleddiarth, Saint, Brenin o Silures is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's first cousin twice removed Bendigeifran (Bran the Blessed)
Enygeus bint Joseph or bint Matthat, Queen of Siluria, is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's first cousin twice removed's wife Anna bat Joseph, The Prophetess of Arimathea
Saint Joachim is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's first cousin twice removed's wife's father's wife's son Saint Joachim
Saint Anne (Hannah) is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's first cousin twice removed's wife's nephew's wife's mother Hannah / Anna
Saint Mary of Clopas is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's first cousin twice removed's wife's nephew's wife Mary ,the mother of James yngr & Joses
Blessed Virgin Mary, wife of Saint Joseph of Arimathea,Disputed Father;God and Saint Joseph, is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's first cousin twice removed's wife's nephew's 2nd wife Mary, mother of Jesus
Saint Joseph of Arimathea, husband of Blessed Virgin Mary, is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's first cousin twice removed's wife's nephew's wife's husband Joseph of Arimathea Joseph of Arimathea
Tiberius Julius Abdes Pantera, partner of Blessed Virgin Mary, is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's first cousin twice removed's wife's nephew's wife's partner Tiberius Julius Abdes Pantera
Charlize Theron, first South African actress to win an Academy Award in a major acting category, is your 30th cousin twice removed Charlize Theron
Sultan Muhammad Hassan, Sultan Saiful Rizal (9), is your 30th cousin once removed Sultan Muhammad Hasan [Sultan Brunei ke-9, 1582-1598]
Saint Joseph is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's first cousin twice removed's wife's nephew Joseph
Jesus of Nazareth is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's first cousin twice removed's wife's nephew's wife's son Jesus Jesus?through=6000000004302359805
St. Mary Magdalene, wife of Jesus of Nazareth, your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's first cousin twice removed's wife's nephew's wife's son's wife St. Mary Magdalene
Saint Judah Kyriakos, Bishop of Jerusalem is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's first cousin twice removed's wife's fourth great nephew Saint Judah Kyriakos, Bishop of Jerusalem
Envail verch Brychan, Saint is your 30th great uncle's great aunt Envail . verch Brychan, Saint
Pasgen ap Brychan, Saint is your 30th great uncle's great uncle Pasgen . ap Brychan, Saint
Pabiali ap Brychan, Saint is your 30th great uncle's great uncle Pabiali or Papai ap Brychan, Saint
Nefai ap Brychan, Saint is your 30th great uncle's great uncle Nefai or Neffei ap Brychan, Saint
Dingad ap Brychan, Saint is your 30th great uncle's great uncle Dingad . ap Brychan, Saint
Cledwyn ap Brychan, Saint is your 30th great uncle's great uncle Cledwyn . ap Brychan, Saint
Gerwyn ap Brychan, Saint is your 30th great uncle's great uncle Gerwyn ap Brychan, Saint
Arthen ap Brychan, Saint is your 30th great uncle's great uncle Arthen ap Brychan, Saint
Brân ap Llyr Lleddiarth, Saint, Brenin o Silures is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's first cousin twice removed Bendigeifran (Bran the Blessed) Bendigeifran (Bran the Blessed)
Saint James "the Just", 1st Bishop of Jerusalem, half brother of Jesus of Nazareth, is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's first cousin twice removed's wife's great nephew James "the Just"
Saint Jude "the Just" is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's first cousin twice removed's wife's second great nephew Saint Jude
Llŷr Llediath, King of the Silures, is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's second great uncle Llŷr Llediaith, {Fictitious, Mabinogion}
Sultan Muhammad Hassan, Sultan Saiful Rizal (9), is your 30th cousin once removed Sultan Muhammad Hasan [Sultan Brunei ke-9, 1582-1598]
Eduard Freiherr von Todesco, ancestor off Martin Karplus, Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2013, is your 30th cousin five times removed Baron Eduard Freiherr von Todesco
Nathan Rothschild, 1st Baron Rothschild, is your 30th cousin five times removed Nathan Rothschild, 1st Baron Rothschild
Rabbi Yitzchak Alter, is your 30th cousin 6 times removed Rabbi Yitzchak Alter
Henri Bergson, Nobel Prize in Literature, 1927, is your 30th cousin 8 times removed's husband Henri Bergson, Nobel Prize in Literature 1927
Henri le Damoiseau, duc de Bourgogne, is your 31st great grandfather Henri le Damoiseau, duc de Bourgogne
Sibylle de Barcelone, duchesse consort de Bourgogne, wife of Henri le Damoiseau, duc de Bourgogne, is your 31st great grandmother Sibylle de Barcelone, duchesse consort de Bourgogne
At what point of this tree - is it actual able to be proven ???
→ Lynda Mae Handy - Schwenger
your mother → JAMES "Jim" EDWARD HANDY JR.
her father → JAMES HANDY
his father → Marrian Marion Ruthven-Handy-Satchell
his mother → Alexander Ruthven
her father → Robert Ruthven
his father → John Ruthven
his father → John Ruthven
his father → John Ruthven
his father → George Ruthven
his father → William Alexander Ruthven
his father → William Ruthven
his father → Sir William Ruthven
his father → Janet Ruthven (Halyburton), 6th Lady Dirletoun
his mother → Patrick Halyburton, 5th/6th Lord Dirletoun
her father → George Halyburton, 3rd/4th Lord Dirletoun
his father → Sir John Halyburton
his father → Sir Walter Halyburton, Lord Halyburton of Dirleton
his father → Sir Walter Halyburton of Dirleton
his father → Margaret Cameron of Ballegarno
his mother → Sir John Cameron of Ballegarno
her father → Robert Cameron, Atholl
his father → Robert Cameron
his father → John Cameron
his father → Gillespic Cameron
his father → Marion, of Lechaber
his mother → Dunclina nic Cineada
her mother → Kenneth II, King of Scots
her father → Malcolm I, King of Scots
his father → Donald II "The Madman", King of Scots
his father → Constantine I, King of the Picts and Scots
his father → Kenneth I mac Alpine, King of the Picts
his father → Alpín mac Echdach, Rí na Dál Riata
his father → Eochaid mac Áeda Find, Rí na Dál Riata
his father → Áed Find mac Echdach, Rí na Dál Riata
his father → Eochaid mac Echdach, Rí na Dál Riata
his father → Eochaid Rinnavel mac Domangairt, Rí na Dál Riata
his father → Domangart mac Domnall, Rí na Dál Riata
his father → Domhnall Brecc mac Eochaid, Rí na Dál Riata
his father → Eochaid Buide mac Aidan, Rí na Dál Riata
his father → Áedán mac Gabráin, Rí na Dál Riata
his father → Gabhran mac Domangart, Rí na Dál Riada
his father → Feldelm Foltchain ingen Briuin
his mother → Briuin O'Neill, King of Connaught
her father → Eochaid Muigh Meadhoin Mugmedon
his father → Muirion nic Fiachach
his mother → Fiachu mac Óengusa Goibnenn, King of Ulster
her father → Oengus Goibnenn mac Fergusa Gallen, King of Ulster
his father → Feargus Gallen mac Tipraiti Tirech Dál n-Araidhe
his father → Tipraiti Tirech mac Bressail Breac, King of Ulster
his father → Bresal Brecc mac Ferb Dál n-Araidhe
his father → Ferb mac Mail Dal n-Araidhe
his father → Máel mac Rochruidhe, High King of Ireland
his father → Rochraide mac Cathbad, King of Ulster
his father → Cathbad mac Giallchad Dál n-Araidhe
his father → Giallchad mac Condchad Dál n-Araidhe
his father → Connchadh mac Findchada Dál n-Araidhe
his father → Findchad mac Muiredaig Finn Dál n-Araidhe
his father → Muiredach Finn, King of Ulster
his father → Fiachu Findamnas mac Iarel Glunmar, King of Ulster
his father → Iarel Glunmar, King of Ulster
his father → Conall Cernach Ulaid
his father → Amargen Larnguinach Mac Cas Ulaid
his father → Cas mac Fachtna Ulaid
his father → Fachtna mac Cais, Rí na h'Éireann
his father → Capa MacCionga
his father → Cionga of Ireland
his father → Ruadhi of Ireland, Ireland
his father → Sithrich MacDubh
his father → Dubh MacFomhar
his father → Fomhar MacFeabhardhile
his father → Feabhardhile MacCarbre
his father → Carbre MacGlas
his father → Glas MacIntereach
his father → Intereach MacSrubh
his father → Srubh MacRos
his father → Ros of Ulster
his father → Dubh of Ulster
his father → Fomhar MacArgeadnar
his father → Argeadnar MacSiorlamh
his father → Siorlamh MacFionn
his father → Fionn MacBiatha
his father → Biatha MacLabradh
his father → Labradh MacCairbre
his father → Cairbre MacEochaidh
his father → Eochaidh MacFiacha
his father → Fiacha of Ireland
his father → Sedna of Ireland
his father → Artrach MacArtra
his father → Airtri mac Hebrig
his father → Ebric mac Heber Donn
his father → Eber mac Ir
his father → Ir mac Miled
his father → Galamh / Milesius
his father → Bilé mac Breoghain, King of Galicia
his father → Breoghan, King of Galicia
his father → Brath, King of Gothia
his father → Deag King of Geulia, King of Gothia
his father → Arcadh King of Geulia, King of Gothia
his father → Alladh King of Ireland, King of Gothia
his father → Nuadhad King of Ireland, King of Gothia
his father → Nenuall King of Gothland, King of Gothia
his father → Febric Glas, King of Gothia
his father → Agnan Fionn, King of Gothia
his father → Heber Glunfionn
his father → Lamhfionn
his father → Agnon
his father → Tait, King of Scythia
his father → Oghaman, King of Scythia
his father → Beouman, King of Scythia
his father → Heber Scut
his father → Sruth / Srú
his father → Asruth
his father → Scota
his mother → Cingeris, Pharaoh of Egypt (Fi
my guess would be; from here
At what point of this tree - is it actual able to be proven ???
→ Lynda Mae Handy - Schwenger
your mother → JAMES "Jim" EDWARD HANDY JR.
her father → JAMES HANDY
his father → Marrian Marion Ruthven-Handy-Satchell
his mother → Alexander Ruthven
her father → Robert Ruthven
his father → John Ruthven
his father → John Ruthven
his father → John Ruthven
his father → George Ruthven
his father → William Alexander Ruthven
his father → William Ruthven
his father → Sir William Ruthven
his father → Janet Ruthven (Halyburton), 6th Lady Dirletoun
his mother → Patrick Halyburton, 5th/6th Lord Dirletoun
her father → George Halyburton, 3rd/4th Lord Dirletoun
his father → Sir John Halyburton
his father → Sir Walter Halyburton, Lord Halyburton of Dirleton
his father → Sir Walter Halyburton of Dirleton
his father → Margaret Cameron of Ballegarno
his mother → Sir John Cameron of Ballegarno
her father → Robert Cameron, Atholl
his father → Robert Cameron
his father → John Cameron
his father → Gillespic Cameron
his father → Marion, of Lechaber
his mother → Dunclina nic Cineada
her mother → Kenneth II, King of Scots
her father → Malcolm I, King of Scots
his father → Donald II "The Madman", King of Scots
his father → Constantine I, King of the Picts and Scots
his father → Kenneth I mac Alpine, King of the Picts
is probably very accurate ???
Susan, I join your list at :
Kenneth II
Malcolm I = Interesting name. Means King in Hebrew.
Donald II
Kenneth I
Achaias IV
Ethafind Eochaid IV d. 819 md UrgusiaSusan Lynne Schwenger
12/8/2013 at 12:32 AM
Cingeris, Pharaoh of Egypt (Fictional) is your 113th great grandfather.
Cingeris, Pharaoh of Egypt (Fictional)
This might be an interesting one to explore
Deborah Ann Gordin
12/8/2013 at 10:08 AM
definitely interesting. according to the Declaration of Arbroath of 1320 which the original is housed in Scotland, my ancestors migration is stated and other documents leading to Scota who married Milesius of whom both show up in my lineage
Deisi Vaz Pinto
12/8/2013 at 11:06 AM
Hi Susan, I got it ! At least I think so. But I only can explain in portuguese:
Cingeris, Pharaoh of Egypt (Fictional)
Ainda hoje é dificil saber onde acaba a realidade e começa a ficção. Como poderemos avaliar com razoável segurança o que se passou - ou não - há 4.500 anos, especialmente trantando de figuras já classificadas como fictas, com a do Deus-Faraó Cingeris? Acho que depois do proveitoso debate sobre a dinastia de Bragança, você nos está apontado para a origens arcaicas dos povoadores da Irlanda...e da península ibérica, ao invocar o Deus-Faraó que seria o pai de Scota, mulher de Milesius of Spain, King of Braganza. E principalemente para o denso e surpreendentemente revelador histórico que se pode ler a respeito em Galamh / Milesius
Susan Lynne Schwenger
12/8/2013 at 1:26 PM
YES, i am related to Scota as a great grandmother too
- i'll explore this; in greater length
never-the-less, i find this quite interesting
Susan Lynne Schwenger
12/8/2013 at 1:30 PM
Thanks Deisi Vaz Pinto- who says:
Today it is still difficult to know where it finishes the reality
and it begins the fiction.
How we will be able to value with reasonable security guard
who went on - or not - are there 4.500 years,
specially figures already classified as fiction,
with that of the God-Pharaoh Cingeris?
I find that after the profitable discussion on the dynasty of Bragança, you are pointed us for to archaic origins of the colonists of Ireland ... and of the Iberian peninsula, while invoking the God-Pharaoh who would be the father of Scota, woman of Milesius of Spain,
King of Braganza.
(note, this is a very loose translation)
Susan Lynne Schwenger
12/8/2013 at 1:30 PM
Dea Lowry PRO
12/8/2013 at 3:40 PM
Scota is your 83rd great grandmother. Ok, so if her father is fictional, is this line worth considering at all?
Justin Swanström C
12/8/2013 at 4:56 PM
Scota is a late medieval legend. No sign of her until thousands of years after she is supposed to have lived. She might, maybe, perhaps be based on an ancient mother goddess that medieval monks turned into real person and tried to connect to the Bible.
Deisi Vaz Pinto
yesterday at 5:43 AM
Loose translation, dear Susan ? It's clear as crystal, and better than original idea was in my "loose" mixture. By the way, I agree - with Dea and Justin - that we need to be very careful to distinguish this kind of mixtures among historical names(and events) with untimeliness ages, some times we can find on Geni, until in the same generation. Like we may see here, in my own ggf/ggm'30th:
Henrique de Borgonha, conde de Portugal, is your 30th great grandfather Henrique de Borgonha, conde de Portugal
Teresa de Leão, condessa de Portugal, is your 30th great grandmother Teresa de Leão, condessa de Portugal
Foulques I "le Roux", I. comte d'Anjou, is your 30th great grandfather Foulques I "le Roux", I. comte d'Anjou
Rollo of Normandy, great grandfather of Robert II le Pieux, roi des Francs, is your 30th great grandfather account deleted
Roscille des Loches, comtesse d'Anjou, wife of Foulques I "le Roux", I. comte d'Anjou, is your 30th great grandmother Roscille des Loches, comtesse d'Anjou
Ferrando Ferrández de Saavedra, is your 30th great grandfather Ferrando Ferrández de Saavedra
Ylduara / Aldara Arias, wife of Ferrando Ferrández de Saavedra, is your 30th great grandmother Ylduara / Aldara Arias Ylduara / Aldara Arias
Thore, The Silent(Norway), is your 30th great uncle Thore 'The Silent'
Poppo von Neckargau, graf, is your 30th great grandfather Poppo von Neckargau, graf
Saint Vladimir I, "Velikiy, the Great", Prince of Novgorod is your 30th great grandfather Saint Vladimir I "Velikiy" "the Great" Prince of Novgorod Saint Vladimir I "Velikiy" "the Great" Prince of Novgorod
Rogneda of Polotsk, wife of Saint Vladimir I, "Velikiy, the Great", Prince of Novgorod, is your 30th great grandmother Rogneda of Polotsk / Рогнеда Полоцкая
Robert I, King of France, is your 30th great grandfather Robert I, King of France Robert I, King of France
Béatrice de Vermandois, wife of Robert I, King of France, is your 30th great grandmother Béatrice de Vermandois
Raoul de Gouy, comte d'Ostrevent, is your 30th great grandfather Raoul de Gouy, comte d'Ostrevent
Hildegarde of Friuli, Countess of Valois, wife of Raoul de Gouy, comte d'Ostrevent, is your 30th great grandmother Hildegarde of Friuli, Countess of Valois
Edgar I "The Peaceful", King of the English, is your 30th great grandfather Edgar I "The Peaceful", King of the English
Kenneth II, King of Scots, is your 30th great grandfather Kenneth II, King of Scots
Prince Diles Heiguer, Chebre de Cornouaille, is your 30th great grandfather Prince Diles Heiguer Chebre de Cornouaille
Alava de Cornouaille, wife of Prince Diles Heiguer, Chebre de Cornouaille is your 30th great grandmother Alava de Cornouaille
Roger Mont Gomeri, is your 30th great grandfather Roger Mont Gomeri
Guifré I el Pilós, XI comte de Barcelona, is your 30th great grandfather Guifré I el Pilós, XI comte de Barcelona
Prophet Muhammad of Islam (PBUH), is your 30th great grandfather Prophet Muhammad of Islam (PBUH)
Khadijah al-Kubra (r.a.), wife of Prophet Muhammad of Islam, 1st Mother of the Believers, is your 30th great grandmother Khadijah al-Kubra (r.a.), 1st Mother of the Believers
Owain ap Hywel, is your 30th great grandfather Owain ap Hywel
Bolesław I 'Chrobry - the Brave', King of Poland, is your 30th great grandfather Bolesław I 'Chrobry - the Brave', King of Poland
Chadalhoch van Traungau, Graf im Isengau, is your 30th great grandfather Engelbert I, Graf von Sponheim
Abu Baqr ibn Yaḥyā I, ancestor of Madragana Ben Aloandro(Mor Afonso), is your 30th great grandfather Abu Baqr ibn Yaḥyā I
Arnulf II de Jongere, graaf van Vlaanderen (Count of Flanders), is your 30th great grandfather Arnulf II de Jongere, graaf van Vlaanderen (Count of Flanders)
Fromont I, comte de Sens, is your 30th great grandfather Fromont I, comte de Sens
Arnulf I "the Bad", Herzog von Bayern, is your 30th great grandfather Arnulf I "the Bad", Herzog von Bayern
Dietrich, Graf im Drenthe, is your 30th great grandfather Dirck van Drenthe, Graaf in Drenthe
Eberhard, Graaf van Hamaland, is your 30th great grandfather Eberhard, Graaf van Hamaland
Godelinde de Poitiers, daughter of Emenon, comte de Peiregòrd, is your 30th great grandmother Godelinde de Poitiers
Eleanor di Arborea, is your 30th great grandmother Eleanor di Arborea
Ruggero II, Re di Sicilia, is your 30th great grandfather Ruggero II, Re di Sicilia
Yehudah Hayy "Yahya" ben Hiyya, Nasi, Ra'is b'Rabbanan al-Tulaytula, is your 30th great grandfather Yehudah Hayy "Yahya" ben Hiyya, Nasi, Ra'is b'Rabbanan al-Tulaytula
Saint Adelaide of Italy, is your 30th great aunt Saint Adelaide of Italy
Pope Sergius III, is your 30th great aunt's ex-partner Pope Sergius III
Fatimah-tuz-Zahra (R.A), daughter of Prophet Muhammad of Islam, is your 30th great aunt Fatimah-tuz-Zahra (R.A)
Hazrat Qaasim bin Maulana Muhammad, son of Prophet Muhammad of Islam, is your 30th great uncle Hazrat Qaasim bin Maulana Muhammad
Hazrat at-Tayyab bin Maulana Muhammad, son of Prophet Muhammad of Islam, is your 30th great uncle Hazrat at-Tayyab bin Maulana Muhammad
Hazrat Taahir bin Maulana Muhammad, son of Prophet Muhammad of Islam is your 30th great uncleis your 30th great uncle Hazrat Taahir bin Maulana Muhammad
Zainab bint Muhammad, daughter of Prophet Muhammad of Islam, is your 30th great aunt Zainab bint Muhammad
Bibi Fatimah(radi Allahu anhu), daughter of Prophet Muhammad of Islam, is your 30th great aunt Bibi Fatimah (radi Allahu anhu)
Hazrat Ibrahim bin Maulana Muhammad, son of Prophet Muhammad of Islam, is your 30th great uncle Hazrat at-Tayyab bin Maulana Muhammad
Halah Binte "Abu Halah" Malak Al-Tamimi, daughter of Prophet Muhammad of Islam, is your 30th great aunt Tamimi/6000000018629448019?through=6000000003310723649
Hindah Binte 'Ateeq Al-Makhzumi, daughter of Prophet Muhammad of Islam, is your 30th great aunt Hindah Binte 'Ateeq Al-Makhzumi
Angharad verch Hywel, is your 30th great aunt Angharad verch Hywel
Pope Gregory V, is your 30th great uncle Pope Gregory V
Charlize Theron, South African actress, is your 30th cousin once removed Charlize Theron
Cadwaladr ap Idnerth, King of Builth is your 30th great uncle Cadwr "Wenwyn" ap Idnerth, King of Builth
Arianwen verch Brychan, Saint is your 30th great uncle's grandmother Arianwen . verch Brychan, Saint
St. Brychan Gododdin, Brenin Brycheiniog is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather St. Brychan Gododdin, Brenin Brycheiniog
Tudwal, King of Dumnonia is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's father Tudwal, King of Dumnonia
Gwrfawr ap Cadfan, King of Dumnonia, is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's grandfather Gwrfawr (Morfawr) ap Cadfan, King of Dumnonia
Anarawd ap Rhodri Mawr is your 30th great grandfather Anarawd ap Rhodri Mawr
Alfrond, ap Justin de Cornouaille, is your 30th great grandfather Alfrond ap Justin de Cornouaille
Gwladys Princess of Britain (Silures tribe) is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's great grandmother Gwladys Princess of Britain (Silures tribe)
Charlize Theron, Academy Award winning South African actress, directly descended from early Huguenot settlers, and Boer War figure Daniel Theron was her great-grandfather's brother, is your 30th cousin twice removed Charlize Theron?through=6000000004101867068
Brân ap Llyr Lleddiarth, Saint, Brenin o Silures is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's first cousin twice removed Brân "Fendigaid" (the Blessed) ap Llyr Lleddiarth, Saint, Brenin o Silures
Enygeus bint Joseph or bint Matthat, Queen of Siluria, is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's first cousin twice removed's wife Anna 'Enygeus' bint JOSEPH of Arimathea, Queen of Siluria
Saint Joachim is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's first cousin twice removed's wife's father's wife's son Saint Joachim
Saint Anne (Hannah) is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's first cousin twice removed's wife's nephew's wife's mother Saint Anne (Hannah)
Saint Mary of Clopas is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's first cousin twice removed's wife's nephew's wife Saint Mary of Clopas
Blessed Virgin Mary, wife of Saint Joseph of Arimathea,Disputed Father;God and Saint Joseph, is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's first cousin twice removed's wife's nephew's 2nd wife Blessed Virgin Mary
Saint Joseph of Arimathea, husband of Blessed Virgin Mary, is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's first cousin twice removed's wife's nephew's wife's husband Saint Joseph of Arimathea Saint Joseph of Arimathea
Tiberius Julius Abdes Pantera, partner of Blessed Virgin Mary, is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's first cousin twice removed's wife's nephew's wife's partner Tiberius Julius Abdes Pantera
Charlize Theron, first South African actress to win an Academy Award in a major acting category, is your 30th cousin twice removed Charlize Theron
Sultan Muhammad Hassan, Sultan Saiful Rizal (9), is your 30th cousin once removed Sultan Muhammad Hassan Sultan Saiful Rizal (29)
Saint Joseph is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's first cousin twice removed's wife's nephew Saint Joseph
Jesus of Nazareth is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's first cousin twice removed's wife's nephew's wife's son Jesus of Nazareth Jesus of Nazareth?through=6000000004302359805
St. Mary Magdalene, wife of Jesus of Nazareth, your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's first cousin twice removed's wife's nephew's wife's son's wife St. Mary Magdalene
Saint Judah Kyriakos, Bishop of Jerusalem is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's first cousin twice removed's wife's fourth great nephew Saint Judah Kyriakos, Bishop of Jerusalem
Envail verch Brychan, Saint is your 30th great uncle's great aunt Envail . verch Brychan, Saint
Pasgen ap Brychan, Saint is your 30th great uncle's great uncle Pasgen . ap Brychan, Saint
Pabiali ap Brychan, Saint is your 30th great uncle's great uncle Pabiali or Papai ap Brychan, Saint
Nefai ap Brychan, Saint is your 30th great uncle's great uncle Nefai or Neffei ap Brychan, Saint
Dingad ap Brychan, Saint is your 30th great uncle's great uncle Dingad . ap Brychan, Saint
Cledwyn ap Brychan, Saint is your 30th great uncle's great uncle Cledwyn . ap Brychan, Saint
Gerwyn ap Brychan, Saint is your 30th great uncle's great uncle Gerwyn ap Brychan, Saint
Arthen ap Brychan, Saint is your 30th great uncle's great uncle Arthen ap Brychan, Saint
Brân ap Llyr Lleddiarth, Saint, Brenin o Silures is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's first cousin twice removed Brân "Fendigaid" (the Blessed) ap Llyr Lleddiarth, Saint, Brenin o Silures Brân "Fendigaid" (the Blessed) ap Llyr Lleddiarth, Saint, Brenin o Silures
Saint James "the Just", 1st Bishop of Jerusalem, half brother of Jesus of Nazareth, is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's first cousin twice removed's wife's great nephew Saint James "the Just", 1st Bishop of Jerusalem
Saint Jude "the Just" is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's first cousin twice removed's wife's second great nephew Saint Jude
Llŷr Llediath, King of the Silures, is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's second great uncle Llŷr Llediath, King of the Silures
Sultan Muhammad Hassan, Sultan Saiful Rizal (9), is your 30th cousin once removed Sultan Muhammad Hassan Sultan Saiful Rizal (29)
Eduard Freiherr von Todesco, ancestor off Martin Karplus, Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2013, is your 30th cousin five times removed Eduard Freiherr von Todesco
Nathan Rothschild, 1st Baron Rothschild, is your 30th cousin five times removed Nathan Rothschild, 1st Baron Rothschild
Rabbi Yitzchak Alter, is your 30th cousin 6 times removed Rabbi Yitzchak Alter
Henri Bergson, Nobel Prize in Literature, 1927, is your 30th cousin 8 times removed's husband Henri Louis Bergson, Nobel Prize in Literature, 1927
Henri le Damoiseau, duc de Bourgogne, is your 31st great grandfather Henri le Damoiseau, duc de Bourgogne
Sibylle de Barcelone, duchesse consort de Bourgogne, wife of Henri le Damoiseau, duc de Bourgogne, is your 31st great grandmother Sibylle de Barcelone, duchesse consort de Bourgogne
Judy Rice PRO
yesterday at 7:53 AM
@Cingeris, Pharaoh of Egypt (Fictional)is my 88th grt grandfather Judy Rice
Judy Rice PRO
yesterday at 7:56 AM
@Scotais my 87 grt grandmother Judy Rice
A. Saarinen
yesterday at 1:30 PM
Oh, my God. Merry Christmas time ... would you expect to Santa Claus? He is a real and living in Finnish Lapland! Come visit us sometime "cousins" and you will see! ;))
Ian Winton
yesterday at 6:46 PM
Does Geni have a profile for Santa Clause? Kris Kringle?
Justin Swanström C
yesterday at 6:56 PM
Saint Nikòlaos de Bari, Bishop de Myra
Ian Winton
yesterday at 7:04 PM
Bummer, No path found to Santa Clause. :(
yesterday at 8:06 PM
:( no santa claus
Justin Swanström C
yesterday at 9:23 PM
The family of St.Nicholas is not linked to the Big Tree at any point. No one will find a relationship.
Lars Andreas Botn PRO
Today at 4:32 AM
And he is my 83rd great grandfather . This cant be true. Think geni and all their amateurs makes alot of mistakes
A. Saarinen
Today at 5:50 AM
Yes that's so, Santa Claus ( "Joulupukki") is everywhere, but only the one and only correct one lives at the North Pole in Lapland! It is known he lived here for centuries since ancient times! Of course, modernity has come here also where he lives, and so we go in the future! Please see for yourself, for example, through video views and moods in Lapland ...
Melissa King
Today at 6:20 PM
Susan Lynne Schwenger
Today at 9:36 PM
At what point of this tree - is it actual able to be proven ???
→ Lynda Mae Handy - Schwenger
your mother → JAMES "Jim" EDWARD HANDY JR.
her father → JAMES HANDY
his father → Marrian Marion Ruthven-Handy-Satchell
his mother → Alexander Ruthven
her father → Robert Ruthven
his father → John Ruthven
his father → John Ruthven
his father → John Ruthven
his father → George Ruthven
his father → William Alexander Ruthven
his father → William Ruthven
his father → Sir William Ruthven
his father → Janet Ruthven (Halyburton), 6th Lady Dirletoun
his mother → Patrick Halyburton, 5th/6th Lord Dirletoun
her father → George Halyburton, 3rd/4th Lord Dirletoun
his father → Sir John Halyburton
his father → Sir Walter Halyburton, Lord Halyburton of Dirleton
his father → Sir Walter Halyburton of Dirleton
his father → Margaret Cameron of Ballegarno
his mother → Sir John Cameron of Ballegarno
her father → Robert Cameron, Atholl
his father → Robert Cameron
his father → John Cameron
his father → Gillespic Cameron
his father → Marion, of Lechaber
his mother → Dunclina nic Cineada
her mother → Kenneth II, King of Scots
her father → Malcolm I, King of Scots
his father → Donald II "The Madman", King of Scots
his father → Constantine I, King of the Picts and Scots
his father → Kenneth I mac Alpine, King of the Picts
his father → Alpín mac Echdach, Rí na Dál Riata
his father → Eochaid mac Áeda Find, Rí na Dál Riata
his father → Áed Find mac Echdach, Rí na Dál Riata
his father → Eochaid mac Echdach, Rí na Dál Riata
his father → Eochaid Rinnavel mac Domangairt, Rí na Dál Riata
his father → Domangart mac Domnall, Rí na Dál Riata
his father → Domhnall Brecc mac Eochaid, Rí na Dál Riata
his father → Eochaid Buide mac Aidan, Rí na Dál Riata
his father → Áedán mac Gabráin, Rí na Dál Riata
his father → Gabhran mac Domangart, Rí na Dál Riada
his father → Feldelm Foltchain ingen Briuin
his mother → Briuin O'Neill, King of Connaught
her father → Eochaid Muigh Meadhoin Mugmedon
his father → Muirion nic Fiachach
his mother → Fiachu mac Óengusa Goibnenn, King of Ulster
her father → Oengus Goibnenn mac Fergusa Gallen, King of Ulster
his father → Feargus Gallen mac Tipraiti Tirech Dál n-Araidhe
his father → Tipraiti Tirech mac Bressail Breac, King of Ulster
his father → Bresal Brecc mac Ferb Dál n-Araidhe
his father → Ferb mac Mail Dal n-Araidhe
his father → Máel mac Rochruidhe, High King of Ireland
his father → Rochraide mac Cathbad, King of Ulster
his father → Cathbad mac Giallchad Dál n-Araidhe
his father → Giallchad mac Condchad Dál n-Araidhe
his father → Connchadh mac Findchada Dál n-Araidhe
his father → Findchad mac Muiredaig Finn Dál n-Araidhe
his father → Muiredach Finn, King of Ulster
his father → Fiachu Findamnas mac Iarel Glunmar, King of Ulster
his father → Iarel Glunmar, King of Ulster
his father → Conall Cernach Ulaid
his father → Amargen Larnguinach Mac Cas Ulaid
his father → Cas mac Fachtna Ulaid
his father → Fachtna mac Cais, Rí na h'Éireann
his father → Capa MacCionga
his father → Cionga of Ireland
his father → Ruadhi of Ireland, Ireland
his father → Sithrich MacDubh
his father → Dubh MacFomhar
his father → Fomhar MacFeabhardhile
his father → Feabhardhile MacCarbre
his father → Carbre MacGlas
his father → Glas MacIntereach
his father → Intereach MacSrubh
his father → Srubh MacRos
his father → Ros of Ulster
his father → Dubh of Ulster
his father → Fomhar MacArgeadnar
his father → Argeadnar MacSiorlamh
his father → Siorlamh MacFionn
his father → Fionn MacBiatha
his father → Biatha MacLabradh
his father → Labradh MacCairbre
his father → Cairbre MacEochaidh
his father → Eochaidh MacFiacha
his father → Fiacha of Ireland
his father → Sedna of Ireland
his father → Artrach MacArtra
his father → Airtri mac Hebrig
his father → Ebric mac Heber Donn
his father → Eber mac Ir
his father → Ir mac Miled
his father → Galamh / Milesius
his father → Bilé mac Breoghain, King of Galicia
his father → Breoghan, King of Galicia
his father → Brath, King of Gothia
his father → Deag King of Geulia, King of Gothia
his father → Arcadh King of Geulia, King of Gothia
his father → Alladh King of Ireland, King of Gothia
his father → Nuadhad King of Ireland, King of Gothia
his father → Nenuall King of Gothland, King of Gothia
his father → Febric Glas, King of Gothia
his father → Agnan Fionn, King of Gothia
his father → Heber Glunfionn
his father → Lamhfionn
his father → Agnon
his father → Tait, King of Scythia
his father → Oghaman, King of Scythia
his father → Beouman, King of Scythia
his father → Heber Scut
his father → Sruth / Srú
his father → Asruth
his father → Scota
his mother → Cingeris, Pharaoh of Egypt (Fi
Susan Lynne Schwenger
Today at 9:37 PM
my guess would be; from here
At what point of this tree - is it actual able to be proven ???
→ Lynda Mae Handy - Schwenger
your mother → JAMES "Jim" EDWARD HANDY JR.
her father → JAMES HANDY
his father → Marrian Marion Ruthven-Handy-Satchell
his mother → Alexander Ruthven
her father → Robert Ruthven
his father → John Ruthven
his father → John Ruthven
his father → John Ruthven
his father → George Ruthven
his father → William Alexander Ruthven
his father → William Ruthven
his father → Sir William Ruthven
his father → Janet Ruthven (Halyburton), 6th Lady Dirletoun
his mother → Patrick Halyburton, 5th/6th Lord Dirletoun
her father → George Halyburton, 3rd/4th Lord Dirletoun
his father → Sir John Halyburton
his father → Sir Walter Halyburton, Lord Halyburton of Dirleton
his father → Sir Walter Halyburton of Dirleton
his father → Margaret Cameron of Ballegarno
his mother → Sir John Cameron of Ballegarno
her father → Robert Cameron, Atholl
his father → Robert Cameron
his father → John Cameron
his father → Gillespic Cameron
his father → Marion, of Lechaber
his mother → Dunclina nic Cineada
her mother → Kenneth II, King of Scots
her father → Malcolm I, King of Scots
his father → Donald II "The Madman", King of Scots
his father → Constantine I, King of the Picts and Scots
his father → Kenneth I mac Alpine, King of the Picts
and back into the mists of history
Yes I have the High Kings of Ireland.
Interesting list, Bro Pinto. I just added King Arthur, from my own research. There are others that I did not see on your list, But are out there:
1. My favorite from my youth, 50 years ago, Frosti the Snowman. I changed last name 50 years ago, to make it more interesting. Previous to my mishandling it, was Frosti the Finn. I don't know about the rest of the Universe, but in the USA, he is an honest for real cartoon character, maybe even a a myth.
2. Helen of Troy. She appears a dozen times on my list.
3. Has anyone saved the list of Geoffrie of Monmouth. I have been putting it off for years.
4. Anyone identified the Kings and Bishops berated by Gildus?
5. There is a list of the ancestors and descendants of Josephus Flavius. I want that.
6. I am interested in the ancestors of the Popes. There must be such a one.
7. Also the chain of teachers of the Sufis, back to 'Ali ibn Abu Talib. I have one.
8. Everyone has the genealogy of Conan the Barbarian.
9. Everyone has Boete, Njord King of Sweden, Frey King of Sweden, Canute I King of Denmark, Casmer I King of Poland, Caradoc -King of Siluria.
I am anxious to share: Write me at robert
reyblack&comcast net
You (Susan Lynne Schwenger)
→ Lynda Mae Handy - Schwenger
your mother → JAMES "Jim" EDWARD HANDY JR.
her father → JAMES HANDY
his father → Marion Ruthven - Handy - Satchell
his mother → Alexander Ruthven
her father → Robert Ruthven
his father → John Ruthven
his father → John Ruthven
his father → John Ruthven
his father → George Ruthven
his father → William Alexander Ruthven
his father → William Ruthven
his father → Sir William Ruthven
his father → William Ruthven, 2nd Lord of Ruthven
his father → Catherine Gray of Buttergask - Stewart - Ruthven
his mother → Elisabeth Stewart, Countess of Argyll
her mother → John Stewart, 1st Earl of Atholl
her father → Joan Beaufort, Queen consort of Scots
his mother → John Beaufort, 1st Earl of Somerset
her father → John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster
his father → Edward III of England
his father → Isabella of France, Queen consort of England
his mother → Philippe IV le Bel, roi de France
her father → Isabelle d'Aragon, reine consort de France
his mother → Jaime I el Conquistador, rey de Aragón
her father → María de Montpellier, reina de Aragón
his mother → Eudokia Komnena
her mother → Isaakios Komnenos, Sebastokrator
her father → ÁRPÁD(házi) Piroska► Eiréné, Byzantine Empress
his mother → ÁRPÁD(házi) I. Szent László - St. Ladislaus I, King of Hungary
her father → Richeza-Adelaide - Rixa LAMBERT, lengyel hercegnő, magyar királyné/ Queen of Hungary
his mother → Mieszko II Lambert av Polen, książę
her father → Bolesław I 'Chrobry - the Brave', King of Poland
his father → Mieszko I Piast, Duke of Poland
his father → Siemomysł (Ziemomysł) Piast, Duke of Poland
his father → Leszek (Lestek) Duke of Poland
his father → Ziemowit (Siemowit) Duke of Poland
his father → Piast Kołodziej of Poland
his father → Chościsko Piasten
his father