This is a little confusing, want to make sure it's right.
Can you confirm
- should disconnect William Fox, Sr. from Henry Fox, Jr., Esq. ? Parents are "unknown" ?
- same for Lieut. Col. Richard Fox ?
Yes, DNA proves that their Father is NOT Henry Fox or his line. Thus I have no knowledge as to who their parents are...and I believe DNA also suggests/shows that they (Richard & William) are not related as well...based on the descendant information given & the DNA tests for their participating descendants
I appreciate the work you and others do in helping to monitor 'what we descendants post'. I'm sorry to have been the bearer of 'such news' to so many of my 'Fox cousins', but for so many years I looked for a way to 'prove' my own research, which was only 'filling in holes' dug by earlier Family researchers in the past. My own line was very suspect, though 'family tradition' said it was connected to Henry & Anne. Then I discovered FamilyTree DNA and its Fox Project. Even after my own ' dna' was established, there still was no direct proof of a connection to Henry Fox, or any other Fox for that matter. But I spent several years 'tracking down' descendants from the established (proven) lines from Henry & Anne. After much begging, we finally were able to convince a 'supposed proven relative' to participate. Frankly, it was with much trepidation that I embarked on that part of my research, but I was convinced that many Henry Fox/Anne West lines were created because it was convenient. Ancestry & the internet are full of Fox lines connected to them via sons/daughters which previous research never mentioned. Still my own fear was that my own line and that of several true cousins would prove a dead end if not a match with the newest enrollee. But his did match ours and with that proof several lines were disproven, including William & Richard, maybe even David (still working on getting a descendant of his in the program). This correction now makes the challenge of to whom they are related a 'fun opportunity' for those of us who like to solve puzzles & mysteries.
Again, thanks to you for all your efforts in helping keep us all straight. Blessings,
David E. Fox