Elisabeth van Wyk, SM/PROG - Not the SM/PROG

Started by Sharon Doubell on Friday, November 8, 2013
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11/8/2013 at 1:39 AM

From the data on this profile and her mother's Anna van Wijk, SM it seems to me that it is saying that Elisabeth is born in SA, and her mother is the one who comes to the country from the Netherlands.
It seems likely to me that both of her parents are PROGs - but I imagine that Matthys van Wyk, SV/PROG must link into a bigger van Wyk tree, that has male descendants in SA van Wyks today.
Does anyone have anymore thoughts or info.

Private User
11/8/2013 at 4:01 AM

Sharon I found this in the van Wyk register of GGSA.

Hierdie persoon kon moontlik een van drie VAN WIJCK mans gewees het wat in daardie tyd (1683) in die Kaap was.

1. Die oudste was Roelof ongeveer 40 jaar oud, getroud met Trijntje Jans en woonagtig in Stellenbosch.

2.Die volgende was Willem ongeveer 28 jaar oud en vermoedelik die broer van Roelof, ongetroud en woonagtig in Kaapstad.

3. Die laaste is Adrian, 15 jaar oud en seun van Roelof, woonagtig in

Uit hierdie genoemde feite wil dit voorkom of hierdie onbekende persoon eintlik Willem was.


1 dogter:
+ 1. V Elizabeth VAN WIJCK ≈ 29.08.1683

I know there is a new van Wyk register coming out but I don't think he is giving it to GSSA. That is what I last heard on the NEC meeting.

Private User
11/8/2013 at 4:04 AM

And this is the one that they say is most likely to be him

a2 Willem VAN WIJ(C)K
seun van Adriaen Gerritsz VAN WIJCK en Jantgen AERTS

* < 1655 (Plek van geboorte nog steeds onbevestig.)
† < 31.03.1702
Aankomsdatum nog nie bevestig nie. Naam verskyn op lys van 'Kaapse Vrije Luijden, April 1679' nog as ongetroude burger.
Navorsing rakende familie onderneem deur Richard Ball, Norfolk, Engeland (ingestuur 2005) en feite nagegaan deur Isabel Groesbeek, projekleier van GGSA Van Wyk-projek (sedert 2002).

x Kaapstad, 05.08.1685 Catharina HILLEBRANDT

2 seuns en 1 dogter:
+ 1. M Arij (Willem) VAN WIJCK * ± 1686
2. V Johanna\Jannetje VAN WIJK * ± 1688
+ 3. M Gerrit VAN WIJK

xx Trijntje HARMENSZ
1 seun en 2 dogters:
4. V Maria VAN WIJK
+ 5. V Anna VAN WIJK
+ 6. M Willem VAN WIJK * ± 1699

Private User
11/8/2013 at 4:13 AM

So yes Elizabeth is not the SM but actually the b line.
And it seems more likely then that her father was Willem van Wijk(SV) and not Matthys van Wijk. As a matter of fact I don't find any mention of a Matthys in that register.
Funny but true.
Both Richard Ball who supplied the information as well as Isabel Groesbeek are two highly respected researchers. I will go with them.
What I will do is sent this question to Richard to look at and help us here.

11/8/2013 at 4:16 AM

Thanks Judi. Will you change it to what you consider the most likely to be correct, when you hear back?

Private User
11/9/2013 at 12:58 AM

Plesier Sharon. Dit you get my e-mail with Richards answer. I am just waiting for the Familia he is sending me.
Groete nig.

11/9/2013 at 9:55 AM

Yes, thank you. I think that would be useful to put in the about Me - Can you do it?

11/10/2013 at 1:21 AM

I am enjoying your discussion. You all seem to know so much more than me. Wat is 'n PROG?

11/10/2013 at 1:36 AM

Progenitor - used only on the South African tree to indicate the first mother and father of a line to come into the country. I think we need to add a note to that effect on our SA Guideline Project: http://www.geni.com/projects/South-Africa-Profile-Guidelines/16231

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