Noah / נח / نوح . - My 66th Great Grandfather

Started by Private User on Monday, October 28, 2013
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I can also answer the question about what the genealogy degree is in the US.

It's an "applied science" degree, very similar to what Ian just mentioned he has earned (presumably in a different field).

Remi, I think you need to clarify your comment. It's true that there are many lines on Geni that need to be cleaned up, and there are many, many users who are working very hard to get those lines cleaned up.

But, users need to be careful about disconnecting lines, even lines that "have to be wrong". Changes to old lines can affect hundreds of users. There is a much art and science to documenting the disconnection as there is to documenting connections.

For anyone who has an interest in this type of work, the best thing to do is find the most recent weakness in the line and start a public discussion attached to the profile. That way, anyone with an interest in the line can comment. The process can take awhile, because the goal is to figure out where the bad information came from and to verify that there is no good source for keeping it.

Yes mine is in the school of drafting and design. Its a lot like building a family tree, but only skyscrapers. Noah would be proud. :)

Erica, we cross posted. You are absolutely right that problems with a line should be referred to one of the "area experts".

However, I also want to say that the work can be daunting. New people come into Geni, add back the bad lines, then a merge or two and it becomes very time-consuming to keep fixing the same problems.

I have hundreds of such requests in my inbox, and I'll bet every other curator does too. I'll get to all of mine eventually -- if no one else gets there first ;)

Good choice, Justin.

At least a lot better than saying "Nn is my 77th great grandfather>", just because Geni said so, without me even trying to check if the line is correct. When I'm in doubt, I will ask others, and I atill havent a single line further back than 1280 that is provalbe.

I just read and have access to the school library. This is where I get access to information. I use old books, Charters, and documents for the information I gather. It doesn't matter if someone changes the tree all around or even deletes it. I won't forget what I have learned whether its posted on GENI or not? But it does make it nice to post on about section profiles for quick reference.

You are so right, Ian. I've had lines I've invested a lot of time, effort (and money) into researching and learning about turn out to be "not quite right" for me - and made a disconnect. (it was sad!). But I don't regret it for a minute, because even if not right for me, it's right for someone else. I hope they find it and can use the information. And I've had a chance to learn something I didn't know before.

Well, thank you for the recommendation, Erica. I mean that truly!

That's it, people can't take away the knowledge that you gained from the research.

I keep most of everything I find, and think can be used in my pursuits saved on an external hard drive and print the most important, so that I always have it for future reference.

I keep almost everything I find. Every so often I have to go throug things to see if I have dupicate info or need to complile new info into old info.

noah is my 117 great grandfather

literally as of last nights merge im no longer related to this master profile at all

alright now noah is my 113 great grandfather

And out of those 3 messages, Robert, the one in the middle is probably most correct. :-)

It shouldn't be this hard to break these old, bad lines except for two things -- (1) people keep adding them back, and (2) there aren't enough people working to document and disconnect the bad relationships.

If we're ever going to make real progress, we are probably going to have to set up a project to teach people what to do and how to do it, and convince them it's worth taking the time to swarm the lines.

No one can prove a Noah connection.



Noah / נח / نوح . is your 118th great grandfather.

Noah . is my 73rd great grandfather.

I don't see how anybody can have documented proof of any of this. I have yet to see somebody produce ancient scrolls, sand script, or anything remotely related to this.

Malcolm, I agree. I've said it before and I will say it again, no way any of this can be proven.

I don't buy into anyone saying that they've been able to trace their lineage to Noah or beyond. I've been able to trace various branches of my tree into the 1700's, a few into the late 1600's in a few occasions, and on two occasions into approximately the very late 1400's, but anything beyond that unless you are proven to be part of a well documented royal family, going back any further is simply impossible. I have to wonder how many people who have traced their family simply copied family trees posted on Ancestry.

this is a joke

Please remember that Noah had some of our ggggggrandparents with him in the cages

so G_D sent great flood and ask noah to buid the ark .and noah wife and children have to memorize all the genealogy before them :/

Age 252

Marriage of Noah to Naamah .
Shulon (Oriente)

Age 333

Global Deluge

Age 950


Heavy rain and water from the fountains of the deep poured water on the earth for 40 days and 40 nights. The water covered all the land and submerged the mountains. It killed every living thing on the face of the ground, except Noah, his family, and the animals on board the ark.

bang hes die the same day the flood end!?

i think its fiction just a creation from ppl that need a story to tell
one thing is sure if we look at the ppl living in peru lake titicaca precisely Uru people we maybe can found a bit of the real thing

how can those ppl have apear there? it must have alot of water before it create a lake....its all another story

plz label noah as fictional

Hi Martin Martin RhNegativ 15th cousin I cant agree with you. It wasn't Noah who have to remember all that names , ages death dates , Children's , wives names etc. God gave that information to Moses who wrote it down. (as a adoptive son of Pharaoh's daughter) he got the best education available in the world at that time.

I think we should stop taking the Bible as book of fables myths and what ever and consider it as one of our most reliable sources as it came directly from a very reliable'' PERSON" written down by a very reliable scribe.
Lucky or unlucky my relation path (gateway) started seven generations back with the Savoye Royal line so I am family of more or less every one on earth. Last I tested my relation lines King David of Israel was my 83rd GGGgggfather. Mohammad The Prophet my43rd great-grandfather a Jewish woman`s (who claimed full Jewishness) 44th great-grandmother was my 43 cousin direct 100% but at that time we were Iranians.
In the middle ages they fabricated family trees. For what reason I cant say. Maybe for the same reason as Sadam Hussein, Gadaffi and the rest fabricated theirs.

Really, the profile of Noah... Btw, was his father LOL the 1:st? (Only serious responses, pls.)

Ps. Then let's also add his great-great-... grandfather Gilgamesh (b. 2800 bc), which contains the original flood story borrowed in Noah.

Pps. No wait, Gilgamesh got it from the earlier versions in the Sumerian epic of Ziusudra and the Akkadian epic of Atra-hasis.

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